Mum & Career Blog
Mum and Career offer tips, tools, links and guidance for professional working mums. We aim to inspire, inform and motivate you to create a lifestyle that works for you and your family.
Mum & Career Blog
1y ago
Recently, businesses have expressed an urgent need for professionals with specific IT and technological skills. Bolstering teams with technically proficient employees is becoming more common, and given the evolving cyber threat landscape, it’s hardly surprising. In addition, the Government’s recent cyber security labour market report suggests that 50% of all UK businesses have a basic ..read more
Mum & Career Blog
1y ago
The world of work has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, and 2023 is no exception. With evolving trends and a growing emphasis on flexibility and employee well-being, workspaces have evolved to meet the demands of the modern workforce. Here are some of the key work space options you can expect to see in ..read more
Mum & Career Blog
1y ago
No one plans to fall ill or sustain an injury at any point in life, that’s why having income protection is so important; to plan for the unexpected. Regardless of whether you are a mum in a high-risk job or you work in the corporate world, having your income protected is important whatever your occupation ..read more
Mum & Career Blog
1y ago
In 2023, Roedean School celebrated its 125th year on its current site. Throughout the decades, the Brighton private school has demonstrated its dedication to providing girls with a first-rate education. Educational excellence at Roedean continues today, and the School looks forward to nurturing many more generations of empowered young women and female leaders. Here’s an ..read more
Mum & Career Blog
1y ago
In a world that constantly demands our attention and keeps us on the move, finding a sanctuary of tranquillity and peace is essential for maintaining our mental and physical well-being, particularly for on the go parents. One such sanctuary is the humble hammock, a simple yet ingenious invention that has been captivating people for centuries ..read more