Relieve Test Anxiety in your OET Classes
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
5y ago
 Test anxiety is quite understandable, especially for tests like the OET exam, among others. But with the right attitude and habits while in your OET classes, you’ll be relieved from your anxiety in no time! 7 Tips and Tricks: How To Relieve Test Anxiety Take breaks. Getting overworked with reviewing will only cause you to get more nervous than you already are. In worse cases, too much information will not benefit your mindset—it will only rattle you more. So take a break once in a while if you feel like everything’s too much. Acceptance Accept what you can’t control and make necessary adjust more
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4 Writing Styles and Where You Should Use Them
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
5y ago
What makes your writing in your OET course different from that of your classmate is your distinct style. By style, we mean how you stitch words into coherent sentences to communicate and achieve your goal in writing. Although every author might have a distinct style, most of the time, these are just variations of four basic styles of writing. In this essay, we shall discuss and study the various writing styles and determine for what purpose should each be utilized. Expository This type of writing focuses on facts and not much on storytelling and literary reviews. Its main goal is to inform the more
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5 Shocking Brain Myths That You Might Have Encountered
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
5y ago
During your OET classes, have you ever hear your classmate tell you that you only use 10% of your brain? If so, then that person may have watched the popular film, Lucy. The movie is about a woman who used more than 10% of her brain unlocking the full potential of her mind. Indeed, the brain is the most sophisticated yet fantastic organ in the body. However, it is also the most misunderstood part of the body. It is a matter of time to put an end to these myths about our brain. Let us look at it slowly. LEFT-BRAINED PEOPLE AND RIGHT-BRAINED PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT You do not have a leading brain h more
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3 Things to Do on Your Day Off in the UK
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
6y ago
YOU DID IT! You aced your Occupational English Test (OET) for nurses, and you made it to your dream job in the United Kingdom! You are enjoying your career and the opportunities the life-changing exam has given you. Life is peachy and gets even peachier during your day off. However, you’re in a foreign country. What do you know of the good things to do there? Well, now you can. While you’re training at JRooz OET Manila, try brushing up on some of these exceptional places and motivate yourself to push even further. Check out these four activities to occupy you. 3 THINGS TO DO IN THE UK 1. EAT more
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OET Updates: Healthcare Career Opportunities in Australia
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
6y ago
After enrolling in an OET review in Cebu and acing the Occupational English Test, it’s now time to pursue your medical career in an English-speaking country. But if you’re still undecided, you might want to consider working in Australia. The demands for healthcare jobs in Australia is increasing due to a rapidly aging population which will open the doors for overseas medical workers who want to work abroad. Do you want to know more Read on to find out! Healthcare Career Opportunities in Australia Whether you’re a nurse or a doctor enrolled in an OET review center in Cebu and wanted to work in more
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Top 10 Test-taking Tips for the OET Reading Sub-test
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
6y ago
As one of the components of the Occupational English Test, the reading sub-test assesses your ability to understand the main points and supporting details of various healthcare-related texts. The OET Reading section consists of three parts with 42 question items and lasts around 60 minutes. Do you want to ace the reading test? If you’re living in Mindanao, then enrolling in an OET review in Davao is your best option. Attending OET review classes will help develop your communication skills and boost your learning abilities. Aside from enrolling in an OET review center in Davao, it is also bene more
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Five Practical Tips When Writing a Referral Letter
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
6y ago
Writing a referral letter is one of the tasks in the Occupational English Test (OET). For nurses and other medical practitioners, improving your letter-writing skills plays an important role in acing this writing task. Aside from enrolling in an OET review center and maximizing your study time, it is also beneficial to look for a simple yet effective writing tip that can help develop not only your writing skills but also your learning abilities. For instance, most students enrolled in a review center for OET in Manila utilize these five practical tips when writing a referral letter. Five Prac more
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OET Updates: Nursing Career Opportunities in Canada
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
6y ago
Do you want to level up your nursing career abroad? Well, now is the perfect time to enroll in an OET review online program and boost your communication skills. After successfully acing the Occupational English Test, the next step is to look for an English-speaking country that offers a high salary for nursing jobs. For instance, Canada is one of the top destinations for overseas nurses who want to level up their careers abroad. Nursing Career Opportunities in Canada According to the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), Canada is on track to have a shortage of 60,000 nurses by the year 2022. By more
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OET Letter-writing Tips: How to Use Subordinating Conjunctions
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
6y ago
Developing your letter-writing skills plays a crucial role in your OET exam preparation. Aside from enrolling in an OET review center and utilizing a note-taking technique, it is also beneficial to re-learn the basic rules of grammar. For instance, check out these OET letter-writing tips on how to use subordinating conjunctions. What Is a Subordinating Conjunction? A subordinating conjunction connects a dependent clause and an independent clause to establish a relationship between them. It can be placed at the beginning (with a comma) or in the middle of a sentence. If you’re a student enroll more
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OET Letter-writing Tips: Using Summative Modifiers
Jrooz Blog
by Jrooz OET Review Center
6y ago
If you’re taking the Occupational English Test, writing a referral letter is the task in the OET Writing Section. This writing test takes about 45 minutes and is profession-specific. Along with the task instructions, you will receive case notes and other related documentation to construct your response. Do you want to ace this writing task? Utilize these practical OET review tips on how to use summative modifiers when writing a referral letter. Summative Modifiers A summative modifier summarizes the main clause and provides additional information in the sentence. Unlike a resumptive modifier more
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