The tests your Specialist might be missing with Naturopath, Jacqui Lamplugh
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
Today’s episode on The Fertility Warriors really highlights the difference in treatments between conventional medicine in experts like your Fertility Specialist, and those who take a more holistic and natural approach such as a Nutritionist or Naturopath for fertility. It was a pleasure today to welcome fellow West Australian,  Naturopath, Jacqui Lamplugh to talk about […] The post The tests your Specialist might be missing with Naturopath, Jacqui Lamplugh appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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5 reasons guided meditations may not be working for you
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
This is for anyone who has tried meditating, but still feels heavy under the weight of trying to conceive, and why meditations might not be working for you. Over the years I’ve worked with hundreds of women in my programs, previously The Fertility Warrior Intensive but now my program is called The Reset and… it’s […] The post 5 reasons guided meditations may not be working for you appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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When you feel upset about your friend’s pregnancy
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
One of the moments etched into my mind from my season of trying to conceive was a friend’s birthday party and it was one of many times that I felt sad.. And just deflated by a friend’s pregnancy. I was still recovering from hyperstimulation and a medical miscarriage and the last thing on earth that […] The post When you feel upset about your friend’s pregnancy appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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Is it a sign from the universe….
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
Is it a sign from the universe or something else? I know that when I was on my fertility journey, at the start there, there were MANY times when I questioned whether the universe was sending me a sign that I wasn’t meant to be a mother. Years later, as my entire emotional wellbeing has […] The post Is it a sign from the universe…. appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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How to reply when they ask when you’ll get pregnant
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
This podcast is jam-packed with practical advice and tips on what to reply when they ask when you’ll get pregnant…. And are actually secretly trying to conceive, but it might be taking longer than you anticipated. You know… those family functions, milestone birthdays with friends, or even work functions and things shift when they ask […] The post How to reply when they ask when you’ll get pregnant appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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When you’re finally pregnant but terrified…
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
One of the biggest misconceptions that I work through with clients is that as soon as you get pregnant, the anxiety melts away – and I feel really passionate about not promoting that myth…. Because I’ve seen too many times that it keeps us stuck in not seeking help. Instead… what it does… is stop […] The post When you’re finally pregnant but terrified… appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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The best way to help your partner through infertility and loss
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
What is the best way to help your partner through infertility and loss… particularly if you’re also struggling with it all yourself? Listening to this podcast could be a combination of many different folks! It could be husbands, wives, same sex couples – and within that, differing dynamics of energy. It hurts, truly to see […] The post The best way to help your partner through infertility and loss appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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7 reasons to develop a strong mindset through infertility
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
On today’s podcast I talk about 7 really compelling reasons why you might decide to shift your focus to, and invest in cultivating a strong mindset, and some of these are things you may not have thought of before. When I talk about investment, I’m not just talking about money (although obviously sometimes things cost […] The post 7 reasons to develop a strong mindset through infertility appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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Why you’ll never regret getting a second opinion
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
Another podcast inspired by our chats in Fully Supported (my membership for folks who’ve done The Reset – if you’d like to learn more you can watch my free masterclass here)… and this time we’re talking about getting that second opinion. I get it. It’s scary. You’re worried about what your Specialist might think. But […] The post Why you’ll never regret getting a second opinion appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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What healing REALLY looks like
The Fertility Warriors Podcast
by Robyn Birkin
2y ago
We had a support call in our Fully Supported community (we have them weekly FYI – and Fully Supported is my membership program for folks who’ve completed The Reset and want more resources, support and community. You can learn more about The Reset here). But on the call I always open up with a quote […] The post What healing REALLY looks like appeared first on Robyn Birkin | Infertility Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner more
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