Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Our Stories Today Blog
by ostadmin
5d ago
Sometimes we label things without digging in and exploring what the working world will look like for our daughters and sons. We don’t ask ourselves, just what is it about diversity, equity and inclusion that rubs us the wrong way? Which one of those things is a problem? I graduated high school in 1977. After […] The post Diversity, Equity and Inclusion appeared first on Our Stories Today ..read more
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What I Read in 2024
Our Stories Today Blog
by Robin Salcido
2M ago
Every time I buy a book, I delight in thinking I am helping support writers, without whom the world would be quite bleak and narrow. Before I go to bed each night, I read for up to an hour. I disconnect from all devices and find my way into another human being’s imagination. Reading and […] The post What I Read in 2024 appeared first on Our Stories Today ..read more
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A fighter lives in my anxious heart
Our Stories Today Blog
by Robin Salcido
3M ago
It’s going to get bad yet I prefer to keep my head out of the sand  gather my power around me like a shawl which might be tattered and worn and not particularly bright but I know how to embroider with bright thread and I’m finding a fighter lives in my anxious heart one who […] The post A fighter lives in my anxious heart appeared first on Our Stories Today ..read more
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This IS who we are
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by Robin Salcido
3M ago
I have more questions than answers today, but wanted to touch base with you, my community. I know you may be feeling just as wobbly as I am. What do I say? What to say when a majority of Americans voted for a man who ran on division and hatred? I’m asking where I belong […] The post This IS who we are appeared first on Our Stories Today ..read more
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Election Day Anxiety
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by ostadmin
3M ago
I have been hearing from so many people that they are overwhelmed with anxiety due to the coming election. Symptoms of anxiety include trouble sleeping or concentrating, irritability, raised heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, stomach disturbance. Some people (like me) find it difficult to eat or be around other human beings. There can be a sense of […] The post Election Day Anxiety appeared first on Our Stories Today ..read more
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Not going back
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by ostadmin
4M ago
My husband jokes  “that’s not my job, you’re a grown woman and make your own choices,” when I ask him not to let me go for that second glass of wine next time and it gets me to thinking how profound those words are because it’s easy to forget it wasn’t all that long ago […] The post Not going back appeared first on Our Stories Today ..read more
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Learning to dance
Our Stories Today Blog
by ostadmin
7M ago
My paternal grandmother, who is pictured above loved parties and dancing. She loved being active and told me more than once after I excused myself to go to bed, “you can sleep when you’re dead.” According to my dad, she met Grandpa in a speakeasy where they (I like to imagine) danced the night away. […] The post Learning to dance appeared first on Our Stories Today ..read more
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Kindness IS everything: A New Year’s Wish
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by ostadmin
11M ago
The new year is a time of reflection for me. I look back over the past year, think about the life I am currently living and consider what I want to improve. I don’t make resolutions, but I do spend time thinking about the meaning I want to give my existence and what I hope to leave behind. My children gifted Rob and I with a Storyworth subscription. Rob and I gifted his father and mine with Storyworth as well. The way this gift works is we each answer a question each week and then at the end of the year receive a copy of our life story. So far I am enjoying the process and telling stories abou ..read more
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Calling All Readers: Books I Read in 2023
Our Stories Today Blog
by ostadmin
1y ago
Calling all readers! Sharing the books I’ve read this year is a favorite of mine. Thinking that I might be responsible for introducing other readers to new texts delights me. Here you will find what I read in 2023–some are newer releases, others are older. The following list includes all the books I’ve read in 2023 and is in no particular order, aside from the first one. Demon Copperhead was one of the most powerful books I read this year and one I hope everyone will pick up. Learn more about the Opiod epidemic and the life of a less-than-fortunate young man and how he navigates a world that i ..read more
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Learning to Pay Attention To My Body: Self Care
Our Stories Today Blog
by Robin Salcido
2y ago
The Medical Incident: In early December I flew back east to spend time with my older daughter, Hannah who was 32 weeks pregnant with twins. She has had a tough pregnancy. I spent the week caring for my daughter as well as lending a hand with my granddaughter, Ellie. I told my husband how grateful I was for this time. It’s rare that I get to spend a few days just focusing on Hannah and I enjoyed every second. Unfortunately, Hannah began to feel ill again. One day, she was just very tired, the next day she was vomiting bile because of high liver values, cholestatis. Her OB wanted her to be obser ..read more
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