#250: Real World Data (RWD) Lessons from Healthcare-land with Dr. Lewis Carpenter
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
3d ago
A claim: in the world of business analytics, the default/primary source of data is real world data collected through some form of observation or tracking. Occasionally, when the stakes are sufficiently high and we need stronger evidence, we’ll run some form of controlled experiment, like an A/B test. Contrast that with the world of healthcare, where the default source of data for determining a treatment’s safety and efficacy is a randomized controlled trial (RCT), and it’s only been relatively recently that real world data (RWD) — data available outside of a rigorously controlled experiment ..read more
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#248: The Fundamentally Fascinating World of APIs with Marco Palladino
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
3w ago
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are as pervasive as they are critical to the functioning of the modern world. That personalized and content-rich product page with a sub-second load time on Amazon? That’s just a couple-hundred API calls working their magic. Every experience on your mobile device? Loaded with APIs. But, just because they’re everywhere doesn’t mean that they spring forth naturally from the keystrokes of a developer. There’s a lot more going on that requires real thought and planning, and the boisterous arrival of AI to mainstream modernity has made the role of APIs an ..read more
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#247: Professional Development, Analytically Speaking with Helen Crossley
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
1M ago
Professional development is a big topic—way more than just thinking about what job you want in five years and setting milestones along the way. Thankfully we had Helen Crossley, Senior Director of Marketing Science at Meta, join Michael, Moe, and Val to dive deep into this topic! We explored how to set really good, meaningful goals, the challenges across each stage from junior analyst to leader, and how to give great feedback. We also spent quite a bit of time discussing the new challenges that becoming a first-time manager presents and, hopefully, some helpful tips and thought exercises to ..read more
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#246: I’ve Got 99 Analytical Methodologies and Need to Pick Just One
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
2M ago
From running a controlled experiment to running a linear regression. From eyeballing a line chart to calculating the correlation of first differences. From performing a cluster analysis because that’s what the business partner asked for to gently probing for details on the underlying business question before agreeing to an approach. There are countless analytical methodologies available to the analyst, but which one is best for any given situation? Simon Jackson from Hypergrowth Data joined Moe, Julie, and Tim on the latest episode to try to get some clarity on the topic. We haven’t figured ..read more
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#245: Dear APH-y – An Analytics Advice Call-In Show
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
2M ago
You know you’ve arrived as a broadcast presence when you open up the phone lines and get your first, “Long time listener, first time caller” person dialing in. Apparently, we have not yet arrived, because no one opened with that when they sent in their questions for this show. Our question is: why not?! Alas! That is a question not answered on this episode. Instead, we got the whole crew together and fielded questions from listeners that were actually worth attempting to answer, and we had a blast doing it! Links to Resources Mentioned in the Show Dashboards Must Die! Except… Long Live the ..read more
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#244: Data Is Everywhere. Why Do We Limit Ourselves by Default?
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
3M ago
In order to produce a stellar analysis, have you ever requested a team to teardown a Tesla and count every last washer and battery cell? No? Well our guest this week, Jason DeRise, joined Tim, Julie, and Val to share that story and others on how alternative data can be used to enrich analyses. Luckily you don’t have to have a Wall Street-sized budget in order to tap into the power of alternative data. Looking just outside your tried and true data sets and methodologies to see how you might be able to add to your mosaic of understanding a business question can be powerful! In this episode we ..read more
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(Bonus) Marketing Analytics Summit is Nigh!
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
4M ago
Long-time listeners to this show know that its origin and inspiration was the lobby bar of analytics conferences—the place where analysts casually gather to unwind after a day of slides interspersed with between-session conversations initiated awkwardly and then ended abruptly when the next session begins. Of the many conferences where this occurs, Marketing Analytics Summit (née, eMetrics) is the one in which this show is most deeply rooted. And, we’ll be recording an episode in front of a live audience with all of the North America-based co-hosts on Friday, June 7, 2024, in Phoenix, Arizona ..read more
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#241: The Analyst’s Underutilized Tool: the Sketchbook with Dan White
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
4M ago
As a general rule, analysts are drawn to precision: let’s understand the business problem and then go figure out how the data can be acquired and crunched to provide something specific and useful. Fair enough. Where, then, do pencil and paper and 10-second sketches fit in? Or hastily and collaboratively drawn flippy chart or whiteboard sketches? We could draw you a picture to explain, but podcasts are an audio medium, so, instead, we brought on the illustrious illustrator, consultant, and author, Dan White. From triangles, to rolling snowballs, to trees, to Venn diagrams, to the conjoined tr ..read more
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#240: Asking Better Questions with Taylor Buonocore Guthrie
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
5M ago
They say an analysis is only as good as the question that was asked, so for our 2024 International Women’s Day Episode, Julie, Moe, and Val were joined by Taylor Buonocore Guthrie to discuss how to ask better questions. Every analyst is naturally curious, but the thoughtfulness that Taylor puts into what type of questions to ask, how to ask them, and when to ask them to get the optimal response is truly an art form. Instead of drilling the five-whys the next time you are gathering context with a business partner for an analysis or conducting discovery interviews, try prompting them with, “Ca ..read more
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#239: Non-Technical Backgrounds in the Modern Analytical World with Kirsten Lum
The Digital Analytics Power Hour
by Michael Helbling, Tim Wilson, Moe Kiss, Val Kroll, and Julie Hoyer
5M ago
Is it just us, or does it seem like we’re going to need to start plotting the pace of change in the world of analytics on a logarithmic scale? The evolution of the space is exciting, but it can also be a bit dizzying. And intimidating! There’s so much to learn, and there are only so many hours in a day! Why did we choose that [insert totally unrelated field of study] degree program?! These questions and more—including a quick explanation of bootstrapping for Tim’s benefit, which is NOT bootstrapping or bootstrap—are the subject of the latest episode of the show, with Kirsten Lum, the CTO of ..read more
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