Occult of Personality
Occult of Personality podcast explores the realms of the occult and esoteric with authors and experts in the field.
Occult of Personality
3d ago
Now, in episode number 230, I’m thrilled to bring you a brilliant interview with Freemason Josef Wäges, 32°, who is a board member of the Scottish Rite Research Society and a member of the Blue Friars (Masonic Authors).
Josef appeared on the podcast previously in episode 192 to discuss the history of the Order of the Illuminati (https://occultofpersonality.net/josef-wages-and-the-order-of-the-illuminati/).
Today's interview was an absolute joy because Josef is one of the most prominent Masonic historians on Earth whose work is among the most revelatory around. It was great to learn more abou ..read more
Occult of Personality
2M ago
Now, in episode number 229, a brilliant conversation with author and teacher Alan Chapman of Magia and The Baptist’s Head, where we delve into magical lineage, Aleister Crowley, gnosis, and magic as a practice to attain gnosis. This was a very long-awaited meeting, and the preparation was completely worthwhile. It is no accident that while this was recorded during the autumn of 2024, it’s being released right before the Winter Solstice.
For years I’ve been wanting to do an interview of this nature, where we discuss magic as the path towards, and in the service of, spiritual enlightenment. Whi ..read more
Occult of Personality
2M ago
Welcome to Occult of Personality podcast, I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky. Now, in episode number 227, the one and only Craig Williams returns to the podcast to discuss his most recent book, Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography – A Handbook of Agni Yoga. https://thevioletgateway.com/products/desert-meditations-gnostic-cartography-a-handbook-of-agni-yoga. As always, this interview with Craig Williams is excellent because of his extensive experience, brilliant insights, and lifelong dedication to esoteric study and practice. Enjoy!
Summary: Craig and I engage in a discussion about spiritua ..read more
Occult of Personality
2M ago
Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire! Now, in episode number 219, we’re joined by author Brian George to discuss his recent book, Masks of Origin: Regression in the Service of Omnipotence. https://untimelybooks.com/book/masks-of-origin/
Brian and his work are not the sort typically featured on this podcast. But I think you will find that the intention and exploration of his writing goes towards the results of esoteric practice and the consideration of all of the huge questions that define the meaning of our existence. This conversation is not unlike Brian’s writin ..read more
Occult of Personality
2M ago
In episode 218, we’re joined by witch, Tarot reader, teacher, and author Sabrina M. Scott for a wonderful interview about her book Witchbody (https://www.sabrinamscott.com/witchbody), which was an entrée into an extraordinary conversation about witchcraft, magic, philosophy, and the sacred! You can find Sabrina on Instagram at @sabrinamscott and her website at https://www.sabrinamscott.com/.
Sabrina Scott describes herself as a no bullshit spiritual teacher and tarot reader with clientele worldwide, who teaches magic, witchcraft, energy work, mediumship, and personal transformation. In additi ..read more
Occult of Personality
2M ago
Acclaimed author Gary Lachman, who has appeared on the show previously, joins us in podcast episode 190 to discuss his recent, and arguably one of his most important books, The Lost Knowledge of the Imagination.
Lachman has contributed an important and useful primer to the perennial philosophy and a guide for those ready to explore different, more authentic perspectives of reality. While it may be overshadowed by more sensational or popular material by this author, The Lost Knowledge of the Imagination is my favorite work by Gary Lachman. This book speaks to the soul and invites the reader to ..read more
Occult of Personality
2M ago
Christian Giudice, a scholar of modern occultism and Traditionalism, joins us in podcast episode 185 to discuss his dissertation entitled Occultism and Traditionalism: Arturo Reghini and the Antimodern Reaction in Early Twentieth Century Italy.
Christian Giudice is a PhD scholar at the University of Gothenburg. His thesis analyses the interaction between Modernity and its impact on the Occult milieu of early twentieth-century Italy, focusing on Arturo Reghini (1878-1946) as a case study. Reghini was actively involved in most of the occult manifestations on the Italian peninsula during his lif ..read more
Occult of Personality
3M ago
Welcome to Occult of Personality podcast, now, in episode number 228, The Thai Occult! This is the full episode.
Peter Jenx, author of the wonderful and must-read The Thai Occult series of books is our guide to the magic of Thailand in an extraordinarily lit interview. To say that Peter deserves credit for sharing the amazing magic of Thailand with us in the West would be a massive understatement as his books and interviews allow a glimpse into a magical realm that we are blessed to have access to. https://www.thethaioccult.com/
I find Peter Jenx’s The Thai Occult series of books (3 so ..read more
Occult of Personality
4M ago
Welcome to Occult of Personality podcast, I’m Greg Kaminsky. Now, in episode number 228, The Thai Occult! Peter Jenx, author of the wonderful and must-read The Thai Occult series of books is our guide to the magic of Thailand in an extraordinarily lit interview. To say that Peter deserves credit for sharing the amazing magic of Thailand with us in the West would be a massive understatement as his books and interviews allow a glimpse into a magical realm that we are blessed to have access to. https://www.thethaioccult.com/
I find Peter Jenx’s The Thai Occult series of books (3 so far) are some ..read more
Occult of Personality
4M ago
Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire at occultofpersonality.net. I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky.
This is episode 198 featuring an interview with Angel Millar discussing his recent projects including his YouTube channel, The Spiritual Survival at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1KUBeGisBawNuH3ksnIRQ.
Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to https://chamberofreflection.com, our membership site.
Angel Millar is the author of The Crescent and the Compass: Islam, Freemasonry, Esotericism, and Revolution in the M ..read more