PodMD creates medical podcasts by doctors for doctors. Remaining clinically up-to-date is an ongoing challenge. Doctors needed a way to reliably and conveniently stay informed. Attending conferences can be expensive and topics are often narrowly focused. Reading medical journals is time consuming and will tend to be very "in-depth" but may lack the broader context that comes from..
2M ago
In this episode of PodMD, Melbourne-based surgeon and researcher, Dr Sean Mackay, will be discussing the topic of defining obesity ..read more
2M ago
In this episode of PodMD, Interventional Radiologist and Endovascular specialist Dr Jane Li will be discussing the topic of why treat varicose veins? We discuss the causes of varicose veins, how it can impact a person's health, the non-surgical treatment options, developments in the treatment and more ..read more
2M ago
In this business podcast, Australian trained obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Simon Craig will be discussing the topic of 'how do we health our healthcare systems?', including the indicators of a struggling system at present, how we got to this point, the impact on the hopsital and general practice system, what makes an effective healthcare team and more ..read more
3M ago
Australia’s health system is widely regarded as among the best in the world, supported by a range of highly qualified practitioners who provide safe, reliable, and quality healthcare for all Australians.
But do their patients agree and what do health consumers really value from these practitioners?
To find out NAB has again reached out to a large representative sample of Australians across the country who shared their experiences with the health system, exploring issues such as wait times, access, affordability, and overall satisfaction with health professionals and the syste ..read more
3M ago
In this episode of PodMD, Cardiologist Dr Xavier Brennan at Advara HeartCare, will be discussing the use of Cardiac CT in Cardiology ..read more
3M ago
In this episode of PodMD, Claire Hall, Research Lead at Mindset Health, will be discussing the topic of gut-directed hypnotherapy for IBS management ..read more
3M ago
In this episode of PodMD, the Managing Director and Principal Adviser at Oxlade Financial, Mark O’Flynn, is here to discuss the topic of investing in an uncertain world.
Oxlade Financial is an Independent Financial Planning practice that specialises in helping medical clients. They help Doctors use their income to build real wealth & reach the lifestyle they aspire to ..read more
3M ago
In this episode of PodMD, highly experienced and certified urogynaecologist Dr Rebecca Young will be discussing the topic of urodynamic testing, including the kind of patients that benefit from this testing, how it is performed, the role of repeat testing, the treatment options following urodynamics and more ..read more
3M ago
In this episode of PodMD, specialist colorectal surgeon Dr Suat Chin Ng will be discussing the topic of sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) for incontinence, including what SNS is, how the procedure is carried out, what are the potential complications, when a GP should refer and more ..read more
5M ago
In this PodMD episode, Lending Consultant, Eyal Judah, from DPM Financial Services will be discussing funding your tax obligations, and more.
This podcast is brought to you by DPM Financial Services. DPM is a specialist medical financial advice firm that aims to educate doctors of Australia to make the right financial decisions and achieve their financial goals. DPM Financial Services is all about you getting the right advice that suits your personal and professional needs and making sure you have confidence in your financial future ..read more