Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
Lxuy Blog share dating tips, love stories and luxury life style. Luxy is the best millionaire dating app where to meet successful and attractive.
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
11M ago
Navigating the dating scene in New York City is like stepping into a whirlwind of opportunities, excitement, and sometimes, time constraints. In a city with vibrant energy, where every minute counts, singles find themselves constantly juggling between career ambitions, social commitments, and the quest for love. Here, time is a valuable commodity, and daters must employ a variety of approaches to maximize their chances of finding that special someone.
For those looking for quality, high-value connections, patience is key. Luxy, an exclusive online dating platform, offers a haven for indivi ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
As first dating app, Luxy is turning up the volume and launching its new feature that has everyone of its user talking about it: Inspired by Luxy’s own trending videos as well as popular #datingwrapped2023 videos on TikTok, LuxyWrapped is the ultimate event that gets its users to reflect on their 2023 dating journey by unveiling their hidden facts of online dating.
Wrap UP Your 2023 Dating Life
For many singles on Luxy dating in 2023 was by no means just a walk in the park. LuxyWrapped is your guide that brings light through the past dating year, unveiling the raw, unfiltered f ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
Laow, an Investment Banker for a global bank in London who is using Luxy for his downtime. Laow is usually busy with work and his long hours don’t leave him with much free time. Co-workers, recommended Luxy to him as a place to relax and meet new people.
Even being on a busy schedule, Laow is a laid-back person who is not shy or scared to socialize. He values great company and is drawn to high-value individuals who share his positive mindset. Although he loves to travel, his work often requires him to be available for constant monitoring and instant reactions. But when he does get the c ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
Recently Team Luxy has been interviewed by the section “App of the Day” by DownloadAstro:
Did you have any prior development or coding experience?
Luxy was established by Tim T., a serial entrepreneur who founded Luxy with a small team. Prior, they have been working in the IT industry for years and made use of their related experience they gathered when creating Luxy.
What was the most challenging aspect of developing mobile app?
One of the most challenging aspects of developing the Luxy platform was creating a selective membership review process that would ensure only high-quality ind ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
Existem algumas coisas importantes que você pode fazer para aumentar suas chances de sucesso. Embora não haja uma fórmula garantida para encontrar o parceiro perfeito, seguindo essas dicas você pode filtrar suas opções e encontrar um homem que seja realmente digno de seu tempo e afeto.
Saiba o que você quer:
Em primeiro lugar, saiba o que você quer. Antes de começar a procurar um homem, é importante ter uma ideia clara do que você procura em um parceiro. Pense nas qualidades e características que são importantes para você, como inteligência, ambição, bondade e senso de humor. Te ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
No hay forma de evitar las primeras citas, así que saltemos directamente al tema. Luxy te trae consejos para la primera cita como ningún otro, ¡así que no te preocupes! ¡Estos consejos para la primera cita están aquí para hacer que tu primera cita sea inolvidable!
¿Buscas consejos de citas además de los consejos para la primera cita? ¡Encuentra aquí 10 de nuestros consejos más valiosos para citas en 2019!
Naturalmente, cuando sales con alguien en línea, llega un momento en el que tendrás que conocer a tu enamorado en persona. Conocerse en persona es un 100% más estresante que conocerse en l ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
Mit Frauen online zu sprechen sollte einfach sein, oder? Du kannst zuhause sitzen und unzählige Single-Frauen auf Luxy treffen, während du ein Bier trinkst und das Fußballspiel anschaust. Klingt ziemlich großartig, oder?
Leider ist es nicht so einfach. Und das liegt daran, dass nur wenige Männer die Kunst beherrschen, online die Aufmerksamkeit einer Frau auf sich zu ziehen.
Es kommt immer darauf an: Eine Frau möchte wissen, dass ein Mann denkt, dass sie seine Zeit und Mühe wert ist. Und wenn ein Typ ihr diesen Eindruck nicht vermittelt, denkst du, dass sie auf seine Online Dating Nachricht ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
Le philosophe grec Héraclite a proclamé : “La seule chose qui soit constante, c’est le changement”. Une phrase sage qui s’applique encore aujourd’hui dans le monde en constante évolution des rencontres. En effet, rien n’est plus pareil qu’il y a 5 ans, et même il y a 2 ans, pendant la pandémie, tout était différent. C’est pourquoi Luxy vous présente les 10 règles de rencontre importantes dont vous aurez besoin pour trouver l’amour en 2023.
Nos règles de rencontre sont là pour vous aider à naviguer dans l’arène sauvage et effrayante des rencontres qui existe aujourd’hui ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
Navigating a breakup is never easy. Usually, there are one of two outcomes: one comes out worse, or one comes out stronger. This article explores how to navigate a breakup and come out stronger.
1. Let Yourself Grief
A lot of people think that expressing or accepting hurt is being weak. But it is not. It is not strength to deny yourself the goodness that comes with accepting and learning from your hurt.
Hurt is needed if any kind of healing is to take place. Even physical injuries hurt us, so we can avoid repeatedly injuring the already injured area.
Letting yourself grieve is on ..read more
Luxy Blog | Dating Tips and Love Stories
1y ago
See Stephen in his latest movies ‘Jurassic Valley’ (2022) as Dean and ‘Crocodile Vengeance’ (2022) as Ben.
It’s 10am on the day the premier of his latest film ‘Honey Trap’: Stephen is not a minute late. “I’m busy but flexible”, he smiles. Busy would be an understatement. In the last 3 years, Stephen has appeared in more than 20 films as an actor, or as director during post-production. But he does not brag, he his and remains modest. He tells us matter-of-factly that he is actually an entrepreneur. Finding opportunities and possibilities are in his blood. And he’s one who must know tha ..read more