358: From Clutter to Clarity: Feng Shui Your Home’s Energy Flow with Marie Diamond
Mind Love Podcast
by Melissa Monte
20h ago
The post 358: From Clutter to Clarity: Feng Shui Your Home’s Energy Flow with Marie Diamond appeared first on Mind Love Podcast ..read more
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357: How to Speak Up for Yourself with the Soul Instead of the Ego with Amy Green Smith
Mind Love Podcast
by Melissa Monte
1w ago
‌ Every gift has a shadow, and every shadow a gift. This has been one of my biggest lessons throughout my spiritual growth. I’ve learned that the impact of our actions or words can vary dramatically based on the energy we bring to them. Take serving others, for instance. It can spring from a sense of purpose and self-worth, or it can be rooted in people-pleasing. Same action, totally different vibe. This duality is everywhere in our lives. Confidence can be empowering or arrogant, depending on how you use it. Ambition can drive you to reach for the stars or have you stepping on others t ..read more
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355: How a Single Conversation Could Improve Your Relationship Forever with Topaz Adizes
Mind Love Podcast
by Melissa Monte
3w ago
‌ Have you ever noticed that certain conversations or people leave you feeling a particular way? Maybe it’s a really good feeling—like true connection, fulfillment, or belonging. Or maybe it’s not so great, leaving you frustrated, disconnected, or defensive. Sometimes, it’s hard to pinpoint why. The question is, do certain dynamics just exist as they are, and you’ll never feel that harmony? Or is there something you can do to spark it? To align better with the other person? Too often, when we shift our own patterns, the people and circumstances around us shift too. And that starts with ..read more
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354: Post-Traumatic Growth and the Beauty in Brokenness with Edith Shiro
Mind Love Podcast
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Why do some people seem to bounce back from life’s hardest blows, while others stay down? Sometimes, you might be the one who can’t seem to find your footing after a struggle. And if you’re actively denying your pain or comparing it to others, thinking, “What I went through isn’t that bad; I shouldn’t be feeling this way,” you’re going to miss the lesson. Instead, if you can be honest and say, “This is breaking me. What is the lesson here?” and dive deep into that pain to uncover the growth beneath, you’re going to change the way you experience your life. Our guest today, Edith Shiro ..read more
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353: Zen Principles in Motion with Ultrarunner Katie Arnold
Mind Love Podcast
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ If you’re anything like me (and I’ve got a hunch that you might be, given that you’re listening to this podcast), you have spent quite a bit of time working on yourself. But eventually, you get to a point where you think, okay, this is all good in theory, but what about in practice? It’s easy to feel enlightened when you’re off in a cave or an ashram, but it’s our real lives that are the portal to our own awakening. When you can find the bliss in doing the dishes, the meditation in running on a trail, or… find God in the brother you haven’t spoken to in years… that’s when you truly st ..read more
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352: The Secrets to Inner Sovereignty: Reclaiming Your Freedom, Energy, and Power with Emma Seppälä
Mind Love Podcast
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Do you want to know a powerful question you can ask yourself every time you react to something: Am I responding this way because it’s necessary, or because of a past experience? Our experiences, especially from childhood, shape a huge part of who we are today. Memories, beliefs, and habits get deeply rooted in our subconscious minds. Then, they control our actions and reactions more than most of us even realize. But here’s the good news: becoming aware of this starts to loosen the grip your past has on your present and future. So today, we’re talking about sovereignty, or the inner po ..read more
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352: The Secrets to Inner Sovereignty: Reclaiming Your Freedom, Energy, and Power with Emma Seppälä
Mind Love Podcast
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Do you want to know a powerful question you can ask yourself every time you react to something: Am I responding this way because it’s necessary, or because of a past experience? Our experiences, especially from childhood, shape a huge part of who we are today. Memories, beliefs, and habits get deeply rooted in our subconscious minds. Then, they control our actions and reactions more than most of us even realize. But here’s the good news: becoming aware of this starts to loosen the grip your past has on your present and future. So today, we’re talking about sovereignty, or the inner po ..read more
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351: Communicating with Open Hearts and Open Minds for Respectful Disagreements with Justin Jones-Fosu
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Have you ever been in the middle of an argument and felt like there was no way out? The exhausting back-and-forth where nobody seems to give an inch can leave you wondering if there’s a way to find common ground without giving up what you believe in. We often try to show who we are by what we believe. And in a way, that becomes true. Because if we identify with our belief system, it’s who we become and it’s who others see us as. But if we identify with a deeper set of values, then we start to see everything else as just the armor we wear. The outfit we have on. Who we truly are is alw ..read more
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350: From Self-Doubt to Wise Confidence with Giovanni Dienstmann
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
2M ago
‌ Have you ever had that inner voice that whispers, “I can’t do this,” right before you’re about to take on something new? Or maybe it’s louder, a persistent chant of self-doubt that seems to paralyze you, keeping you stuck where you are, not really moving forward in life. But that’s not your true inner voice. It’s the reptilian brain. The part that’s been running the show since the cave man days. And if you don’t learn to manage that part of your brain, you never clear the weeds to hear your true inner voice. So, I want you to imagine moving through life with a sense of purpose and ali ..read more
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348: Connecting to Higher Consciousness through Sacred Geometry and Energy Fields with Gail & Gregory Hoag
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
2M ago
‌ Have you ever thought about why some days you feel perfectly in tune with the universe and other days it feels like everything is just against you? What if there’s a deeper pattern at play, a blueprint that connects us not just to the random things that happen but to the very fabric of the universe itself? This is called sacred geometry, and it’s the secret language of nature. It’s the ancient science that looks at how everything from beehives to entire galaxies follows the same universal patterns. Spirit science describes it as the building blocks of consciousness. They say that by u ..read more
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