What A Friend...
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
1y ago
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Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
1y ago
The weeping prophet of Anathoth said, "A horrible and astonishing thing has been happening in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love to have it so." But God asked this. "But what will you do in the end?" Jeremiah 5:30-31. Welcome to our study of the wonderful prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah was an amazing man of God in a difficult time who took a stand for truth and preached God's message, even when people didn't want to hear it, and persecuted him for doing so. Every gospel preacher, every Bible class teacher, and every Christian can ..read more
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John: Jesus Christ-Living Bread & Water (Chapters 4-6)
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
2y ago
Peter responded to the Lord by saying, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,’ John 6:68. Welcome you today to our study of the gospel of John. In this context of our study today especially, we're going to be noticing John chapters four through six. We want to encourage you to get your Bible and please follow along with us as we're going to think today about Jesus as the bread of life, and Jesus as the living water which gives complete spiritual satisfaction to everyone who follows Him. As we think today about John chapters four through six, in John chapter four, one o ..read more
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Job: Will A Man Serve God for Nothing?
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
2y ago
“There was a man who lived in the land of Uz whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and shunned evil.” Welcome to our study on the living messages of the book of Job. Job is one of the favorite books of many in the Bible because it teaches us how God will take care of and see his children through times of suffering. Key words in the book of Job would include the idea of suffering or trial or even perseverance. Do you remember James 5:11? James says, “Consider the suffering or the perseverance of Job.” Another key word would of course be the sovereignty of Go ..read more
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Leviticus: Holiness to the Lord
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
2y ago
In the book of Leviticus, God says, "You shall therefore consecrate yourself and be holy for I the Lord your God am holy." Leviticus 11-44. Welcome you to our study of the Old Testament books as we're thinking today about the wonderful book of Leviticus. As we mentioned our study in the Old Testament is designed to encourage us about God about the principles of God and His dealings with man and ultimately point us toward God's way of salvation that started even way back in the Old Testament and is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. We want to encourage you to have your Bible handy. (The full transcrip ..read more
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Luke: Jesus, The Ideal Man (Part 2)
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
2y ago
Jesus said, “Did you not know, I must be about my father's business?” Luke 2:49. Welcome to our study of the gospel of Luke. In our living messages of the New Testament, we have taken the books in the New Testament, and we are trying to get the key ideas and some of the main thoughts in each book. One of the overriding things that we will see in the book of Luke is that Jesus is all about the Father's business, doing the will of God, seeking and saving the lost, Luke 19:10-that's Jesus’ mission. It's His mindset. Everything He does, God’s will is at the forefront. (The full transcript is avail ..read more
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La realidad del infierno
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by Josue Castorena
2y ago
The Reality of Hell ..read more
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Joshua: Courage Entering Canaan
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
2y ago
In Joshua 1:7, the Bible says: 'Only be very strong and courageous, and observe to do all the law that I have commanded you.' Welcome to our study of the Book of Joshua. Joshua is such a wonderful book that tells us about the people of God, coming into the land of Canaan, receiving that Promised Land that God has blessed them with, and ultimately the great leadership of Joshua himself. In this lesson, we're thinking about one of the more powerful books in the Old Testament, and that is the book of Joshua. That great promise that God gave to Israel going back to Genesis chapter 12, where they w ..read more
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John: Jesus, The Good Shepherd (Chapters 10-12)
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
2y ago
Jesus said, "I came that they may have life "and have it more abundantly," John 10:10. We welcome you to our study of the gospel of John. John predicts or tells us about the life of Jesus in a very graphic form that teaches us who Christ is and how we should respond to the Lord and Savior. We encourage you to get your Bible as we're going to be studying today in John chapters 10 through 12. As we think about this segment, Jesus is going to be identified through several word pictures or characteristics of who Christ is. In chapter 10, He is the door that men must go through to be saved. Chapter ..read more
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John: Jesus Prepares for Death (Chapters 16-18)
The Gospel of Christ Podcast
by The Gospel of Christ
2y ago
Jesus said to the Father, “I pray that they all may be one as you Father are in me and I in you, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe you sent me,” John 17:20-21. We welcome you to our study of the Gospel of John. In today's lesson, we're going to be looking at John chapters 16 through 18. We encourage you to get your Bible and be following along, as we're going to study the word of God together. As we think today about John chapters 16 through 18, we're now entering in into some of the last moments in the life of our Lord and Savior as He is going to prepare His discipl ..read more
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