Redefining Balance
Being a mom is hard and being a working mom has its own challenges. Listen in to learn how to create work-life balance, clear the chaos and reach your goals from a Christian perspective in your faith, parenting, career, health, home, finances, marriage and friends/fun.
Redefining Balance
3y ago
Can you believe the holidays are just around the corner? Yes they are! So many great things are associated with the holiday season but as the mom, and a working mom at that, come a lot of stress and added things to do. In this episode, I'm sharing some tips to help you stay organized, and get more of what you want out of the holiday season. There are some free planning tools available to you go to HolidaySanity.com ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
When we are talking about ending the year strong in your career and planning for your career in the new year, we are really talking about taking a lot of action. But we can start to sabotage this action when we are not in the right head space. Fear, doubt, and lack of confidence can kick in and hold us back. In this episode I am joined by fellow working mom and career coach Angie McNulty to discuss ways to overcome these things that can hold us back ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
Do you wish you could be making more money or working a more flexible schedule? You could be, it's just a matter of negotiating! In this episode we are joined by Career coach Claudia Miller ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
It's that time of year! The time to end strong with your career goals and get ready for your end of the year review. This is also a great time of year to evaluate where you are in your career to ensure you are on the right path for you. As a working mom we don't always take the time to ask ourselves the hard questions, but that is what this episode is for! Get ready to get planning for your career ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
Intimacy and sex in marriage is a key part to a successful relationship. With all that we are trying to juggle as a working mom, it can be hard to find the time or energy to work on this area of marriage. In this episode we are joined by Kim Bowen to help us with the obstacles that get in the way and share tips to help us grow in our intimacy in marriage ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
As working moms, we have all been there. Trying to find time to devote to our faith and work on our health goals, can seem just about impossible. Maybe if we are lucky, we can get one of these things into a solid morning routine. In this episode, we are joined by Kelly Wenner of soulstrengthfit.com
She is giving us tips to help us find the benefits of growth in faith and health on a limited schedule.   ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
As working moms, we all could use more energy and there are many different ways to gain it when we focus on our health.
In this episode, we are joined by Adrianne Delgado who is a registered, licensed dietitian and has almost 20 years of experience in outpatient care. She is the author of Nourish, Eat, Repeat: A Busy Woman's Guide To A Healthier Mind, Body, and Life.
She shares how to eat proactively to gain health and energy to keep up with the life you are living. Enjoy!
Learn more at YourLifeRocks.com ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
Yes, we all know that there are toxins all around us including the cleaning supplies we use to the food we eat. Maybe you have heard about the movement to remove these toxins from our lives and get back to a more natural way of living to better our health. Easier said than done. Replacing the items you use every day can be overwhelming and expensive.
Joining us to make this process easier is Tonya Harris from https://slightlygreener.com/
She is going to give us the grace we need to take away the overwhelm, know where to start, and how to bring healthier, toxic-free living int ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
As we kick off a new series about helping you reach your health goals, we had to start with our resident health expert, Lindsay Young from LindsayLivesWell.com.
In this episode, we are talking all about gut health and how focusing on this one goal can affect your weight loss goals, immunity, and even the way your brain functions.
Listen in as Lindsay walks us through 3 steps to improve your gut health.
Learn more at YourLifeRocks.com ..read more
Redefining Balance
3y ago
Yes, it's September! I love fall and as soon as September comes, I feel like fall is here. There are many things I love about fall, but one of the biggest things is that the change of seasons gives hope that we can make things better. Like a refresh.
We are living in stressful times and things in this world can seem dark and bleak. But when we can keep our focus on the light, that is what we will see! There is hope and it is so refreshing and that hope will transition to all areas of our life.
In this episode, I have 3 tips to help you find hope and renewal in cha ..read more