306: Five Phrases Keeping Me Sane This Year
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
3d ago
These short and sweet phrases, written on my office whiteboard, have given me clarity, perspective, and sanity as I wander through what this year has already set on my plate ..read more
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305: It’s Ok to be Misunderstood
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
1w ago
Have you ever felt the need to constantly explain or defend your life choices? It’s exhausting. In this week’s episode, we’re diving into the liberating realization that it’s absolutely okay to be misunderstood ..read more
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304: Navigating Homestead Life with Opposite Brains
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
2w ago
Ever try building a chicken coop or rabbitry with someone who thinks completely differently than you? In this week’s episode, I’m talking about how my husband’s mechanical, spatial brain clashes with my word-loving, communicative one—and how we’ve learned to embrace our differences (mostly without losing our minds). Tune in for honest stories, lessons learned, and tips for working with someone who just doesn’t understand things the way you do ..read more
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303: The real reason you need to declutter
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
1M ago
Today we’re talking about clutter, the search for simplicity, the "hell yes or no" principle, and making space for what matters most ..read more
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302: Being Honest About the Year That Just Was
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
1M ago
A simple exercise recently revealed a BIG difference between the 2024 I thought I had and the 2024 I *actually* had. It was a slap in the face wake-up call to the realities of my life, my priorities, and the changes I need to make moving forward ..read more
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301: The Cycle of Information… and Life
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
1M ago
Today we're diving into something I like to call the “life cycle of information platforms”. Because here’s the thing: platforms like ebooks, podcasting, blogging, YouTube, social media platforms (and more) undergo a predictable cycle of rise, saturation, and decline. But this episode isn’t just about technology—it's a reflection of life itself ..read more
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300: 10 Choices for a Happier Holiday Season
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
2M ago
Today’s episode is all about choices—specifically, 10 that you can make this holiday season to navigate get togethers with grace, humor, and humility ..read more
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299: We’re All Just People Trying to Figure It Out
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
2M ago
The truth is, our current circumstances often cloud our memories of past struggles. Different stages of life (or other situations) can make us forget where we once were and so we fail to keep grace and empathy in our interactions with others ..read more
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261: the ONE thing you need for success this year
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
2M ago
Let’s get wildly honest, shall we? Today’s episode talks about what I think is the most important thing to find in your life to help you move forward. Oh sure, we talk about being honest and real all the time, but here’s what it *really* looks like, and why it really matters ..read more
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252: A quiet revolution
A Farmish Kind of Life
by Amy Dingmann
2M ago
A revolution doesn't always rush in with fire and noise. Here are two things you can do to bring about the best world for you and yours ..read more
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