Living Free in Tennessee
Helping you live the live you life you choose on your terms. Living Free in Tennessee chronicles how we build our homestead, develop independence, plan and manage time and grow and preserve food sustainably - from a woman's point of view.
Living Free in Tennessee
10h ago
Today I had a surprise visit from Dawn Gorham, here to pick up her half lamb, so we decided to replace the Monday show with a fin interview show.
EMPShield.com - Coupon Code: LFTN
More notes detail coming soon ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
1d ago
Join me for our weekly homestead update solo this week because Tactical is picking up feed from BooneTop Farm in Centerville!
Featured Event: Seed Exchange and Potluck Saturday 12-3pm
Sponsor 1: DiscountMylarBags.com
Sponsor 2: The Wealthsteading Podcast
Listener Feedback
I've been telling my wife about you swim spa. We think it might be a good thing for her to get. She has a couple of questions:
“Having been used to lap pool swimming, in 25-yard pools, is it difficult to get used to a swim spa?”
“How do you track distance?” (I’m used to counting laps to know how far I’ve gone)
Boone T ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
4d ago
How does entrepreneurship empower free living - or does it? Today, I am joined by Isaac Morehouse to discuss his journey from founding Praxis, through taking on a project that was NOT his passion (but not NOT his passion) and landing in Florida. He openly shares his struggles and successes.
Featured Event: Cast Iron Webinar, Feb 23 at 6pm
Sponsor 1: https://abovephone.com/?above=104
COUPON CODE FOR $50 off: LiveFreeTN
Sponsor 2: HollerRoast.com
Connect with Isaac Morehouse:
Follow me on Nostr: npub1u2vu69 ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
1w ago
Join me for a discussion about opting out of fear. You are easier to control when you make your decisions from a fear-based place and that is why it is so profitable too keep our population divided and frantic. But you don’t have to participate. You can mindfully move yourself to a place of awareness without the constant fear and build a better place for yourself and your family - and that it what homesteading is all about! We will also cover our usual Monday Segments.
Featured Event: Cast Iron Webinar, Feb 23 at 6pm
Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com/LFTN
Sponsor 2: EMPShield.com, coupon code lf ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
1w ago
Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast.
Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival, SelfRelianceFestival.com
The Self Reliance Festival: SelfRelianceFestival.com
Tickets: https://selfreliancefestival.com/tickets/
Holler Roast Coffee
Show Resources
Special Operations Equipment
Living Free in Tennessee
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Co ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
1w ago
Today we give you an update on the homestead after we have spring into FIRST SPRING in Tennessee, operation eyesore, keeping up with meals on the homestead, egg issues and more.
Featured Event: Rabbits and Roses, Huntsville, AB, https://www.facebook.com/events/1010824777095474/?ti=ls
>>This may change your perspective on your rabbit meatery ?
Sponsor 1: InvestableWealth.com
Sponsor 2: DiscountMylarBags.com
Vevor Raised Bed Link: https://s.vevor.com/bfQ6sp
Transitioning to Feeding twice a day in the pasture
Duck Egg Response to Different Feed - the lights
Radish germination an ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
2w ago
Today, I will share what a day looked like for me at the beginning of this podcast compared with a day now, after just about 1000 episodes. We will also cover all our usual segments.
LFTN Spring Workshop Tickets: https://www.livingfreeintennessee.com/product/2025-lftn-spring-workshop/
Featured Event: Seed Exchange and Potluck at the Holler Homestead, Feb 15 at 12pm-3pm https://www.facebook.com/share/1BN558PR4i/
Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com/lftn
Sponsor 2: EMPShield.com, Coupon Code: LFTN
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Holler Neighbor Potroast
Pantry Challenge Update
Seed Sorting Project
Wor ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
2w ago
Today, we update you on the new lambs on the Holler Homestead, the new feed source we found, importance of community and more!
Featured event: 9 am. Tomorrow (Saturday). Workshop Tickets go on sale!
Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com
Sponsor 2: DiscountMylarBags.com
Celebrate! Got first round of seedlings ready (Yesterday’s episode)
Bottle Lamb Updates
Awesome Kitchen Vent Hood
Pasture Brat Pack
Normalized Paddock Rotation again
Operation Eyesore
New Feed Source for TN
Processor connections
Update on managing while Nicole was away
Forage: Time to be on the lookout for wild garlic an ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
2w ago
Join me for a discussion on starting your seeds and out usual “Monday Segments.”
Spring Workshop, April 24-26:P https://www.livingfreeintennessee.com/spring-workshop-2025/
Sponsor 1: InvestibleWealth.com
Sponsor 2: EMPShield.com, Coupon code LFTN
LFTN Spring Workshop Tickets go on Sale Saturday at 9am Central.
Alan Booker, 2 deep sessions on permaculture topics
Jack Spirko, Building Bioreactor Compost and Biochar
Nicole Sauce, Lessons Learned from 3 Years Raising Regenerative Sheep
Emily Skyles Zanotti: Urban Homesteading
Dawn Gorham, Building A Homestead Business
Tactical Redneck ..read more
Living Free in Tennessee
3w ago
Today I am joined by the Tactical Redneck and perhaps Knighthawk for the latest news from the Holler Homestead. Babies, extreme cold, planning the gardens and more
Featured event: LFTN Spring Workshop
Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com/LFTN
Sponsor 2: EMPShield.com, Coupon Code LFTN
Email feedback to nicole@livingfreeintennessee.com
Wheat is ready to harvest
Iding herbals/wilds that we do not want the sheep to eat
Day Lillies are blooming
Garden: Cover crop sautees
Inside cherry tomatoes
Rabbit ear mites
No ducklings yet
Eating t ..read more