Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Erica Williams on Women's Healing Words
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
2y ago
In this episode, first recorded in October 2021, Dr. Erica Williams (Cite Black Women Collective, Spelman College) shares her journey fighting Breast Cancer in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here, she considers the healing power of Black women's words. Particularly, Dr. Williams reflects on the ways that Audre Lorde's The Cancer Journals inspired her through her process of diagnosis, surgery and healing, and how she has used journaling and sharing her story to heal herself more
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A Função do Arte no Brasil Contemporâneo: Uma conversa entre Rosana Paulino e Lorraine Leu S3E2
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
2y ago
During the 2020 Lozano Long Conference, “Black Women’s Intellectual Contributions to the Americas: Perspectives from the Global South” February 20-21,2020, was a transnational and multilingual conversation amongst women who are often excluded from contemporary debates. The range of scholars, artists, and intellectuals engaged in discourse of Blackness that are often removed from Latin American and Black studies. Faculty organizer Lorraine Leu (LLILAS/Spanish and Portuguese) recorded an interview with Afro-Brazilian keynote speaker Rosana Paulino. Rosana Paulino is a visual artist, researcher a more
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Waking Up Queer and Black: A conversation with Dr. Jenn M. Jackson S3E1
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
2y ago
Dr. Jenn M. Jackson (who uses the pronouns they/them) is a queer genderflux, androgynous Black woman, an abolitionist, a lover of all Black people, and an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University in the Department of Political Science. Jackson’s primary research is on Black Politics with a focus on group threat, gender and sexuality, political behavior, and social movements. Jackson also holds affiliate positions in African American Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and LGBT Studies. Jackson is the author of the forthcoming book Black Women Taught Us (Random House Press 2022). The book is more
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¿Qué significa ser mujer negra en Argentina?: Un dialogo entre Florencia Gomes y Prisca Gayles
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
3y ago
¿Qué significa ser mujer negra en Argentina? ¿Qué significa ser una mujer negra activista en un país que históricamente ha invisibilizado y negado la negritud? Estas preguntas dan inicio a la conversación entre Florencia Gomes y la Dra. Prisca Gayles. Cubrimos el complejo sistema racial de extranjerización, borrado y ocultación que resulta en la posición de las mujeres negras como “otras” en Argentina, y cómo resulta en intercambios a nivel micro de patrullaje de los cuerpos y gestos de las mujeres negras. Florencia conecta la larga historia de activismo de las mujeres negras en Argentina con more
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S2E15: A Conversation with A. Lynn Bolles on The History and Labor of Citational Practices
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
3y ago
In this episode, Cite Black Women Podcast host interviews Dr. A. Lynn Bolles about her pathfinding work on Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology. A Lynn Bolles, Ph.D. is Professor Emerita in the Department of Women’s Studies and an affiliate faculty member in Anthropology, African American Studies, Comparative Literature and American Studies at the University of Maryland College Park. She is the author/co/author of 5 books that focus on women, work and political economy in the English-speaking Caribbean and the Diaspora and over 80 articles that are interdisciplinary and int more
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S2E14 - Nuestro Amor A La Vida Es Más Fuerte Que Nuestro Temor A La Muerte
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
3y ago
En el S2E14 del podcast Cite Black Women (Cita Mujeres Negrxs), Yineth Balanta Mina, Yannia Sofia Garzon Valencia y Alysia Mann Carey, se encuentran para conversar un poco sobre su vida y su activismo en torno al "Cuidado de la Vida" y las experiencias de re-existencia como mujeres negrxs more
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Luchas de las Mujeres Negras en México S2E13
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
3y ago
En esta entrevista Yoalli Rodríguez, habla con Rosa María Castro lideresa y activista Afro-mexicana y con Itza Amanda Varela Huerta, profesora-investigadora del Colegio de México. Se hablan de temas sobre racismo en México, luchas de las mujeres negras en México, así como de su trabajo comunitario e intelectual. Además se habla sobre la demanda de reparación por parte del Estado mexicano. Esta conversación fue parte de la Conferencia de Contribuciones Intelectuales de Mujeres Negras a las Américas en Austin, TX, febrero de 2020. Rosa María Castro. Máster en administración, activista, luchadora more
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S2E12: A Candid Dialogue About Black Women’s Knowledge Production and The Politics of Citation
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
3y ago
This episode of Cite Black Women podcast features a candid dialogue about Black Women’s knowledge production and the politics of citation. On Friday, February 26th, 2021, scholars convened virtually at UC Berkeley. The lineup included CBW collective members Dr. Whitney N. L. Pirtle, Associate Professor of Sociology at UC Merced and Imani A. Wadud, PhD candidate in American Studies at the University of Kansas. The featured panelists were Derrika Hunt, Erin M. Kerrison, Frances Roberts-Gregory, Kerby Lynch, Nicole Denise Ramsey, and Reelaviolette Botts-Ward. Caleb Dawson organized the event and more
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S2E11: Dr. Koritha Mitchell on African American women, homemaking and citizenship
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
4y ago
In this episode, Cite Black Women podcast host, Christen A. Smith sits down with Koritha Mitchell a literary historian, cultural critic, and associate professor of English at Ohio State University. to discuss book. From Slave Cabins to the White House: Homemade Citizenship in African American Culture (August 2020, University of Illinois Press). In her most recent monologue, Mitchell illuminates the links between African American women's homemaking and citizenship in history and across literature. Koritha Mitchell is a literary historian, cultural critic, and associate professor of English at O more
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S2E10 Black Feminist Physics: A Conversation with Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
Cite Black Women Podcast
by Christen Smith
4y ago
In this episode Cite Black Women podcast host Christen Smith sits down with theoretical physicist and feminist theorist Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein to discuss Black feminist physics, the intersections between the matrix of violence against Black women and science, her radical Black feminist upbringing and her forthcoming book, The Disordered Cosmos: A Journey Into Dark Matter, Spacetime, & Dreams Deferred (March 2021, Bold Type Books). Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Physics and Core Faculty Member in Women’s Studies at the University of New Hampshire more
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