Why I Am Here To Create Millionaires, Not Minions
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
2M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I am talking about why I’m here to create millionaires, not minions including what that means and why it matters. I talk about how to choose the room where you feel seen and heard (and why you shouldn’t settle for less), why the environment, energy, and space you hold are vital, the importance of skill sets and strategy, how to create an environment that lights you up, and why you need to find a mentor that puts the spotlight on you, your path, and your growth! Plus so much more. Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can ask h ..read more
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Business Lessons I Learned From My Best Friend
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
2M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I am talking about the business lessons I’ve learned from my late best friend, including how to be relentless in your commitment to giving value every single day, why you shouldn’t measure how you’re showing up with your income, the importance of treating your business like every single day is day one, the power of being consistent in your consent, and the beauty of making valuable content without expectation or an attachment to the result. Plus so much more. Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can ask her questions LIVE! htt ..read more
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How to Create A Simple, Sustainable, and Long-term Business
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
2M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems I am talking about creating a sustainable, long-term business model versus going for quick cash, specifically during the 2020 online business scene. I also talk about the importance of being in business for the right reasons, why mindset is everything and the actions you take today matter later, how to stop self-sabotaging yourself, and why business can actually be very simple. Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can ask her questions LIVE! https://www.facebook.com/groups/380383430629510 DM ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagr ..read more
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How To Sign More High Ticket Clients Before The End Of The Year
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
2M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I am talking about hwo to sign more high ticket clients before the end of  the year including  why doubling down on signature offers is key, how to make January the new December, why you should always be the first one selling Black Friday offers, the beauty of having simple and evergreen offers, how I would reverse engineer my end of year offers, how to create posts that position you as an authority, and the top strategies I use for end of year cash flow opportunities, plus so much more! Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook gr ..read more
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What My Birthday Taught Me About My Own Self-Worth and Validation
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
3M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I am talking about what my birthday taught me about my own self-worth and validation, including the impact of writing a bio about yourself (and why I recommend everyone do it!), why going through personal development will better serve your clients, the power of celebrating yourself, and why doing the work around validating yourself is pivotal for business growth (and self-growth).  Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can ask her questions LIVE! https://www.facebook.com/groups/380383430629510 DM ME ON INSTAGRAM: https ..read more
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Key Things I Would Do To Take My Income To The Next Level in Q4
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
3M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I am talking about the key things I would do to take my income to the next level in Q4, including what to do when it feels like the odds are stacked against you in a launch, why you can’t ask people to trust and bet on themselves when you haven’t already done the same, how to stop giving your power away to external factors, why you’re in more control by the way you show up, and how to step into that big fucking deal energy and finish out the rest of 2024 strong. Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can ask her questions LIVE ..read more
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Q4 Reflection On How To Upgrade Your Life & Your Self
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
4M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I’m giving a personal take on how to upgrade your life and yourself in Q4 with the inside scoop on what’s happened in my life and what I’ve learned over the last 4 years, including why I moved from San Diego to Austin,  why it’s hard to take your own advice, the importance of living in constant gratitude and appreciation for what you have currently, how to take your power back by pulling wisdom from the lessons, and why home is is within you, no matter where you end up! Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can ask her que ..read more
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A Full Breakdown of My Messaging Process For Launches
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
4M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I am giving you the full breakdown of my messaging process for launches, including why my process for developing my messaging is always the same no matter what my offer is, the importance of understanding where the value is in your offer, my best tips for nailing down your messaging before you launch,  why video is so important in messaging, how to repurpose everything you made into new content, why you should bring power and energy behind everything you say, and so much more! Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can ask ..read more
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How To Build & Market A New Range Of Offers That Gives Real Results To Your Clients
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
4M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems,  I am talking about how to build and market a new range of offers that gives tangible results for your clients, including the importance of building a hot audience if you sell from attraction marketing, different ways to provide an amazing experience for your clients, why you should add more transparency to your catalog posts, and how to create content that shows off your clients and the results they got after working with you. Plus, I’m walking you through how to offer more product variety and price points that suit your business best.  Join Em’s nex ..read more
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Why You Should Call In Higher Level Dream Clients (& What That Means)
CEO in Overflow Podcast
by Em Haas
4M ago
In today’s episode of Em’s Gems, I am talking about why you should call in higher-level dream clients, including my definition of what higher level dream client is, how to call them in, why I say no to working with certain clients (and why you can, too!), the importance of finding clients that want to have fun in their business and give you energy by working together, how to go deeper on what your higher level dream clients need from you, why unaligned clients drain your creative and mental energy, and so much more! Join Em’s next livestream every Friday in her free Facebook group. You can a ..read more
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