Fluoride Dangers
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Fluoride Dangers
1w ago
CDC Stands by Water Fluoridation After Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQs in Kids Finally Published
The National Toxicology Program on Wednesday published a controversial report, years after efforts to suppress it finally failed. The report concluded with “moderate confidence” that higher levels of fluoride exposure in drinking water are consistently linked to lower IQs in kids.
by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., The Defender
This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website.
The National Toxicology Program&n ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
4M ago
Fluoridation Fails in Modern Times, New Studies Show. Fluoride Confirmed Neurotoxic
"Receipt of optimal water fluoridation [between the years] 2010 – 2020 resulted in very small positive health effects which may not be meaningful for individuals," according to the largest ever study of its kind conducted on UK adolescents and adults, (LOTUS study), published in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology on 1/8/2024.
Fluoridation neither reduced social inequalities in dental health, nor reduced the number of missing teeth, the researchers report.
They write, “in hi ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
4M ago
Fluoridationists bend the truth
Johnny Johnson, President of the American Fluoridation Society and ardent fluoridation lobbyist, used misleading and sometimes dishonest information in his pro-fluoridation presentation to the Missouri Oral Health Coalition April 24, 2024, according to the slide below
His deceptive list of "false claims by fluoridation opponents" is corrected below this slide from his presentation:
1) The most used fluoridation chemical, hydrofluosilicic acid, has never been safety tested in animals or humans, according to the US N ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
1y ago
Seventy-eight years ago, on January 25, 1945, dentists convinced government officials to experiment on all Grand Rapids, Michigan, residents to prove that (not if) dosing the public’s water supply with untested sodium-fluoride chemicals would make children's developing teeth cavity-free. It ended prematurely, control city was fluoridated, promoted with PR, and evidence of harm ignored or untested.
Planned to last 15 years, the 1945 study ended prematurely after 6 ½ years. Teeth of most children born into the experiment hadn't even erupted yet. Muskegon, the non-fluoridated ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
2y ago
As of January 2022, 74 studies found fluoride lowers IQ - 23 published since 2017 The fetus and formula fed infants are the most vulnerable to fluoride's neurotoxicity.
These studies are the basis of a current lawsuit against the US EPA which could end the artificial fluoridation program in the US to protect the brains of the fetus and babies. The next court date is September 2022. Counsel for the plaintiffs is Michael Connett, JD, Partner, Waters Kraus & Paul.
Fluoride from foods and beverages consumed during pregnancy is associated with l ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
2y ago
How Organized Dentistry Began Treating Vitamin D Deficiency with Nonessential, but More Profitable Fluoride, Research Reveals
American Dental Association (ADA) internal documents reveal how it influenced the world to ignore a preponderance of evidence proving vitamin D can prevent tooth decay in order to promote nonessential fluoride so dentists could profit, reports Philippe P. Hujoel, PhD, DDS, Professor, Oral Health Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Washington (Nutrients December 2021).
Hujoel writes, “The ADA was a world‐leading organization and its governing bodies ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
3y ago
Using their titles and degrees more often than science, fluoridationists often say:
1) Fluoride is natural - The truth is that the most-used fluoridation chemicals are not natural calcium fluoride but instead are never safety-tested hydrofluosilicic acid and sodium fluoride which “has not been found by FDA to be safe and effective”
2) Fluoridation reduces disparities - It doesn’t. For example, "Despite significant financial, training, and program investments, US children's caries experience and inequities continued to increase over the last 20 years," according the American Journ ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
3y ago
Fluoride from foods and beverages consumed during pregnancy is associated with lower cognitive neurodevelopment in boy babies, even when fluoride is ingested at recommended levels, report researchers Cantoral et al. in Neurotoxicology (online August 2021) and funded by the US National Institutes of Health.
This is the 70th human study to show neurodevelopmental damage from fluoride in utero. The other 69 are listed here, specifically linking fluoride to lower IQ, and backed up by hundreds of animal studies.
Few know that fluoride, besides being added to many public ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
4y ago
It is undisputed that fluoride can, at some level, be a neurological hazard said Judge Edward Chen in a federal lawsuit against the EPA on June 17, 2020. Chen held off his final ruling hoping the EPA would consider the new fluoride neurological evidence which was published since plaintiffs filed their first petition. The next trial date is November 5, 2020.
Federal Case No. 17-CV-02162-EMC, challenging water fluoridation safety, was brought by several environmental groups led by Food & Water Watch and the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) under provisions in the T ..read more
Fluoride Dangers
4y ago
Judge rules fluoride's "benefits" cannot be used to determine if fluoridation is safe - Neurotoxicologists allowed to testify ..read more