The Swift Fly Fishing Company
The Swift Fly Fishing Company is an exquisitely designed and meticulously fashioned range of premium quality fly rods - each handcrafted to order
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
1w ago
Adjusting your height could be your secret weapon for fooling the toughest-to-reach fish.
Fly casters come in all shapes and sizes, and they move in different ways. At a not so towering 5’8”, I have always felt that I had certain advantages over my taller counterparts. Placing a fly under an overhanging tree limb, or rock ledge seems easy for some and maddening for others. We’ve all had the situation that if we were able to place the fly just a few more inches under a tree or ledge it would have made a big difference in getting a fish to strike. Skills with a fly rod are certainly key, but p ..read more
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
2w ago
Renowned New Zealand fly fisherman, conservationist, and our dear friend Dick Marquand has sadly passed away recently. A familiar presence on the Tauranga flats, Dick spent countless summer days wading these waters in pursuit of Kingfish. His love for vintage Fenwick fly rods was well known, and he even tried his hand with a bamboo rod recently to land one of these royal opponents. However, his favourite was the 686 FastGlass Epic fly rod, which he considered the perfect flats rod for perusing Kingfish.
During the winter, Dick turned his focus to Kahawai and Trevally, embracing the intricacie ..read more
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
2M ago
Practicing good catch-and-release skills is more than just a good idea; it is a responsibility.
Certainly, there’s nothing wrong with keeping a few fish for dinner or putting a few away in the freezer for later. But if you are a skilled angler, with a fly rod in hand, you will almost always catch more fish than you can use. Practicing good catch-and-release skills is more than just a good idea; it is a responsibility. Living in Southwest Florida and frequently driving along the causeway and beach, I see all sorts of mishandling of fish—not that it is intentional, but rather due to a la ..read more
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
3M ago
Fly selection is more than just choosing a pattern that looks pretty—it involves observing the conditions, understanding fish behaviour, and making strategic adjustments on the water. Let's look at some proven approaches that will help you bring more fish to the net.
1. (REALLY) Match the Hatch
We’ve all heard the term “Match the hatch”; let's consider what it means in practice.
Matching the hatch is more than picking a fly that resembles an insect. To really nail it, pay close attention to subtle variations in insect life. It’s not just about the type of insect; it’s also about which stage it ..read more
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
3M ago
Duncan Loop
The Duncan loop is and adjustable loop knot formed from the uni knot. It is useful when you want to allow your subsurface flies to have more action, and it is handy for rigging a movable dropper, which allows you to quickly and easily attach another fly to your nymphing system. Since it is a sliding loop (you can more or less close it tight and adjust the loop later), this knot is a good candidate if you like to rig your dropper nymphs ahead of time. Simply attach your nymph to 12 to 16 inches of tippet, tie a Duncan loop in the other end, and wrap them around a store-bought or hom ..read more
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
3M ago
The freedom and solitude that a kayak provides is unlike any other fishing experience. The skills that you develop by kayak fishing will enhance your casting in all fly-fishing situations.
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The Swift Fly Fishing Company
4M ago
As the Greek poet Archilochus said, "The fox knows many things; the hedgehog one big thing." The one big thing to know here is that after reaching a certain size, trout turn to eating fish.
I saw my first streamers on the Crowsnest River in southern Alberta. It was 1958 or ’59, and my brothers and I were just kids, camping with my dad as we did for two weeks every summer. Fishing every day and never meeting another soul. Those really were the days.
One day Dad came back to camp from downstream and showed me two big flies, tied on what I now know as black enamelled, low water salmon hook ..read more
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
4M ago
Easy drills to help you overcome the most common casting problems.
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The Swift Fly Fishing Company
4M ago
Our recent collaboration introduced us to A.J. Swentosky a talented Outdoor Content Creator. Join us as we not only get to know A.J. better but also hear about his latest project 'The Dry Fly Process' and what drives him as both an Outdoor Content Creator and an ardent fly angler.
Gary Ferrari and Garret Brain were fishing the Reference 690G 6 Weight Fly Rod, the Reference 580 5 Weight Fly Rod and the Backcountry 5/6 Fly Reel.
Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you based? What do you do when you’re not fishing or making awesome films?
Sure, I just recently reloc ..read more
The Swift Fly Fishing Company
5M ago
STEALTH in fly fishing - What does it really mean? Let’s face it, no matter where you go to catch fish, and I mean in the world, you’re fishing ‘pressured’ water. I first fished the South Island of New Zealand in 1999. Back then the Kiwis I fished with would stop dead and turn around if they saw a bootprint on the bank...
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