Animals Today December 16, 2023: Lori gets real (mad) about the American Kennel Club. The Whale Sanctuary Project.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Lori leads off this episode exploring the issue of genetic defects in purebred dogs. There are over 500 known genetic defects in purebred dogs, causing health problems, many severe, at a much greater rate than in mixed breed dogs. These genetic defects go along with selective breeding to a “standard” and these standards are established and judged by the American Kennel Club, the AKC. A stated core value of the AKC is to “protect the health and well-being of all dogs,” but Lori points out the absurdity of such a claim, in that the AKC promotes the creation of dogs many of whom are destined to s more
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Animals Today November 18, 2023. Hot news! The miraculous microchip. The Mexican rescue, Isla Animals is building a new home and you can help! Helping community cats in the cold weather.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Peter begins with hot news items including a mass bird killing at Chicago’s McCormick Place, Gavin Newsom signs a fur sale ban in California, a 17’ 2” Burmese python was captured and killed in the Everglades, hero dog in Lebanon saves dumped newborn human, and we say farewell to friend of animals Bob Barker. Lori then talks about the amazing technology of microchips, and their immense value. Peter then welcomes a special guest Alison Sawyer, Founder of the rescue Isla Animals, in Mexico. Isla Animals is an established dog and cat rescue, providing free or reduced cost veterinary services, vacc more
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Animals Today October 28, 2023. Captain Paul Watson and the book, Hitman for the Kindness Club. Adventures in cat shaving. Memorable dogs of the big and small screen.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Peter begins with the iconic Paul Watson, who continues to fight for animals and the seas. Now leading the Captain Paul Watson Foundation, his new book is titled, Hitman for the Kindness Club – High Seas Escapades and Heroic Adventures of an Eco-Activist. Paul discusses the roots of his activism, his role in virtually crushing the seal pelt market, Sea Shepherd’s direct work protecting whales from Japanese commercial whalers in the Southern Ocean as depicted on Whale Wars, and much more. Watson frankly discusses how Sea Shepherd (which, of course, he founded and led for decades) ultimately tur more
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Animals Today September 24, 2023. Captive orca Lolita (Tokitae) has died. Is a pet pig a good idea? PETA undercover work nets animal cruelty convictions.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Lori begins with the sad news of the death of Lolita (also known as Tokitae and Toki), an orca who has lived nearly her entire life in the small tank at the Miami Seaquarium. Even though there were discussions and reports about plans to transport her to a seaside sanctuary, Lori was skeptical that was in the cards when she discussed the situation in 2022, which is replayed in this episode. Animals Today listeners probably do not need reminding, but we will take the opportunity to state that cetaceans, being highly intelligent and requiring large open areas of ocean to thrive, do not belong in more
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Animals Today Sept 4, 2023. Ensuring Your Pets’ Future. Choosing Safe Dog Toys & Treats. The Official Animals of the 50 States.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
We dive into a topic every pet owner should consider: What happens to your pets if you’re no longer around to care for them? Join Peter as he sits down with Attorney Ilene McCauley to discuss the intricacies of future planning for our cherished pets. A passionate animal enthusiast, McCauley applies her expertise to assist families in preparing for unexpected circumstances. She shares compelling real-life scenarios and tangible steps you can take right now. If you haven’t set up provisions like a pet trust, it’s time to take action! For more about Ilene and her practice based in Arizona, visit more
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Animals Today August 20, 2023. Wind farms vs: whales. Bats, rabies and you! Wild and wonderful animal adaptations. Hot news.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Lori begins the show with worrisome events surrounding the ever-expanding offshore wind farm industry and its probable detrimental effect on whales. The recent alarming increase of the deaths of whales, mostly humpbacks, along the eastern shores of the US coincided with increased construction of wind farms and windf arm activity. There are many ways offshore wind farms can harm whales as outlined by the group Whale and Dolphin Conservation, an authority Lori trusts, and which is a strong advocate for whale protection. Lori explains that a conflict has developed between wind farms and whales. O more
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Animals Today August 17, 2023: Mosquito musings. Bee and wasp stings. Animal Trivia.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Lori begins the show speaking about those pesky and sometimes dangerous mosquitoes, because August 20th was World Mosquito Day! Mosquitoes carry malaria, yellow fever, West Nile Virus, Zika virus, and others. World Mosquito Day is intended to raise awareness about mosquitoes transmitting malaria and other diseases. In 1897, the link between mosquitoes and Malaria was discovered by Sir Ronald Ross, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1902 for his work. He figured out the life cycle of the disease-causing Plasmodium parasite, which lives in the insect.  In 2019 malaria afflicted more than 22 more
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Animals Today August 5, 2023. There is no longer any justification for horse racing. What happens in industrial pig farming? Koalas exposed.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Peter begins the show welcoming Patrick Batuello to discuss the work of his organization, Horseracing Wrongs, in exposing the many cruelties thrust upon horses in the racing industry. Dedicated to ending the cruel and deadly horse racing industry in the United States, Horseracing Wrongs was the first and continues to be the only organization to systematically document all horse injuries and deaths related to racing. Thus, Horseracing Wrongs is the go-to source for facts and stats on horse racing, whether related to thoroughbred or trotter racing. Batuello explains the nature of the cruelty in more
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Animals Today July 31, 2023. Negative consequences of dog breed stereotypes. Dogs rescued from the Yulin meat festival flown to their new lives. Names of groups of animals.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
Lori begins the show by taking on the still controversial topic of laws and regulations aimed at specific dog breeds, generally referred to as breed specific legislation. There are hundreds of such laws and regulations on the books across the US, which regulate or ban certain dog breeds.  Breed specific legislation (BSL) typically targets pit bull type dogs. Those in favor of BSL say it’s necessary to ensure the public’s safety and argue that such legislation protects citizens from vicious and dangerous dogs. Lori goes on to explain how the assumptions inherent in these types of laws more
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Animals Today July 21, 2023: How to rescue a pet trapped in a hot car. Risks of blue-green algae to dogs. Rhinoceros protection and facts.
Animals Today Radio
by Dr. Lori Kirshner
1y ago
During the summer heat, you may come across a situation where an animal, typically a dog, has been left alone in a car that is too warm for comfort or safety. Even though it’s no secret that leaving dogs in hot cars is dangerous and often illegal, it continues to happen too frequently. So, we animal lovers should be prepared for these unfortunate and stressful situations so we can confidently act according to the urgency and severity of the situation and minimize harm to animals from neglectful owners. Lori offers useful guidance on many aspects of dealing with dogs in hot cars including how t more
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