History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
Peter Adamson teams up with Jonardon Ganeri and Chike Jeffers to represent the philosophical traditions of India, Africa and the African diaspora.
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
1w ago
In our final episode on classical Confucianism, our interview guest tells us about the surprising moral depth of the concept of "etiquette ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
3w ago
Can classical Confucianism be redeemed from its reputation for rigidly hierarchical thinking when it comes to the relationship between men and women ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
1M ago
Can classical Confucian ideas be adapted to produce a theory of democracy fit for today's world ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
1M ago
Were Confucian ideas about Heaven, ritual, and fate driven by a religious attitude, or a naturalistic one ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
2M ago
Mengzi and Xunzi show that a Confucian political theory need not be idealistic ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
2M ago
An interview about the "resonant cosmos" in early Confucianism, and the role played by music in linking sages to the universe ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
3M ago
The role of knowing in Confucian ethics: should it be understood as “knowing how,” or even “knowing to,” rather than “knowing that ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
3M ago
Morality is what makes us humans, for the Confucians. But does morality come from inside us, outside us, or both ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
4M ago
Xunzi, a thinker who shaped the course of Confucian philosophy by showing how deliberate effort can overcome our wicked natural tendencies ..read more
History of Indian and Africana Philosophy
4M ago
Several ancient Chinese texts speak of an egoist and hedonist known as Yang Zhu: did he pose a coherent challenge to the Confucians and other ethicists ..read more