Wealth Noir
I'm Damien. I'm the founder of Wealth Noir. I'm a dad, a former Facebook product manager, an MIT alum, MBA, and a self-proclaimed personal finance nerd. Wealth Noir is all about helping professional black millennials achieve financial freedom and generational wealth.
Wealth Noir
2M ago
The following six tips will give you a new approach to thinking about holiday spending and help you maintain your financial goals while keeping things celebratory.
6 Tips to Avoid Overspending During Any Holiday Season appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
Before you purchase your first or next rental property, take a second to run the numbers. If your goal is to generate monthly cash flow, estimate rental income before every purchase. Use this guide to help you do the math and decide if you should rent, buy or ditch the investment.
How to Estimate Rental Income for a Rental Property appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
Index funds are an attractive investment because they allow investors to track a segment or most of the financial market. In addition, they can provide diversification to one’s investment portfolio at a low cost.
What is an Index Fund and Understanding the Basics appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
While investing in the newest currency, technology, or financial instrument out there can be both interesting and lucrative, the reality is that true sustainable wealth is built when you have a strong financial foundation in place. That means starting with the basics.
The 4 Pillars of a Solid Financial Foundation appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
Monick Halm, founder of Real Estate Investor Goddesses, an educator and advocate for female real estate investors is on a mission to help one million women achieve financial freedom through real estate investing.
Accessing Financial Freedom Through the Divine Feminine: An Interview with Real Estate Goddesses, Monick Halm appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
There are a lot of fancy and novel things that we can do to affect our finances, but the items that have the most impact will always be the foundational moves that help keep your money on track. Every tip in this article has something in common— it’s about making an intentional plan and moving with consistency.
7 Money Moves to Make in 2022 appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
Investing is not easy. It requires knowledge, resources, and, most of all, practice. One way to master the art of investing is to simply do your research. Here are five research tips to help you become a more strategic investor.
New Investors Should Do These 5 Things When Researching Stocks appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
A REIT is a company that owns, operates or finances income-producing real estate. This is a publicly-traded company that manages real estate in different sectors such as hotels, apartments, mortgage loans, storage space warehouses and much more. Most REIT companies make their income through tenants, which is the same as any landlord would do with real estate.
Introduction to REITs and Five Popular Sectors for Investors appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
Lauryn Williams is a CFP, an entrepreneur, and a podcast host. As a former athlete who made decent money during her early 20’s, she realized that she needed help managing her money. Her not so pleasant experience with financial advisors is what inspired her to do the work she’s doing now–helping her clients build better relationships with money.
Worth Winning Your Money Relationship: An Interview with Lauryn Williams appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more
Wealth Noir
2M ago
This article outlines reasons why you may want to refinance your home and things to keep in mind while you go through the refinance process.
How to Refinance a Home with Ease appeared on Wealth Noir ..read more