Super Bowl 2020 (Seahawks vs Ravens) Co-creating with the Universe 102
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
5y ago
This post is an update to my last blog about co-creating the universe 101 that I wrote last year.   I AM predicting that the Seahawks will be in the Superbowl with the Baltamore Ravens. At the time of my prediction in 2018 the energy vortex was starting to form into manifestation so we did not win in 2019. The important thing is to not let doubt and fear get in the way.  Even though it is late 2019 now, the energies are finally pulling together. Now it looks like these are the 2 top teams for Super Bowl 2020! So now I'm going to place a sportbooks bet on it and if I win I will use the money t more
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My little sister, my biggest shadow
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
5y ago
This month's post is dedicated to my little sister, Dao, who turns 50 years old today!  Happy birthday little sister.  I have rarely seen my sister on her birthday and she rarely sees me on mine.  She never sends me any birthday wishes and I have mirrored back to her what she puts out to me.  It's the way things are in my family.  My mother's emotional pain and turmoil affected us all deeply.  I of course, developed breast cancer and used that challenge to propel and heal myself out of the depths of emotional torment that was my mother's legacy to us all.  With the Divine energies that are wor more
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Cancer is an opportunity for a NEW YOU!
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
5y ago
I'm riding an incredible energy wave of love this full moon of Leo.  My birthday is tomorrow!  I'll be 51 years wise.  I reflect on how amazing my life is NOW that I have progressed so far along my journey and I know things are just getting increasingly expansive with these 5D energies coming through.  Exponentially compounded and allowing me to go deeper within my meditations and also expand outwards.  I used to be this reclusive person these past years hiding behind all the excess weight I had gained since my 2012 awakening what opened my energy to FEEL more energies.  This got me started on more
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Finally free to be me!
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
5y ago
It’s the full moon of August. A massive Leo energy gateway of transformation. Full moons give me a huge boost into higher more expansive states.  August 16th is my 51st birthday. So this Leo full moon catapulted me into a deep state of peace after my morning meditation. I felt a deep connection to my inner child longing for my own acceptance and unconditional love. I was finally able to see my own perfection and worthiness. Gut wrenching sobs flowed out of me as I hugged my inner child and gave her back the light of my own soul that childhood neglect and trauma had suppressed. My mother’s soul more
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A Star is born!
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
6y ago
Watch out Lady Gaga, I'm coming out of the closet and sharing my gifts with the world: I'm ready to embrace my mission and service to others as a light worker by letting my 5D Starseed consciousness shine!  This will give an extra dimension to my blog and help spread the positive healing energy that I came here to share with any one who might be interested.  There is a shift coming and humanity is becoming more sensitive to subtle energies.  We are evolving and it's time to get out there.  Time to SHINE and SHARE fr more
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How I got my high vibe back after Lympedema....
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
6y ago
I a span of 7 days I have gone from freaking out and thinking "OMG my cancer is spreading and I'm dying" last week when my left arm swelled up due to Lympedema to how I am this moment singing to myself "chill baby...don't worry about a thing, every little thing's gonna be alright."  Yes, Bob Marley.  And I'm in a total state of bliss and joy dancing around the house.  I feel so alive and yes, healthy.  I feel so good and my arm doesn't hurt.  The swelling has gone down significantly and I know my body is "taking care of business" so I can live the life I want to live.  One of joy and abundance more
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We are what we think?
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
6y ago
One of the reasons I didn’t want to get surgery, chemo and the invasive conventional cancer treatments was because I was fearful of the harm it would do to my body. For example one serious complication is Lymphedema which is a crippling swelling of the arm or leg due to build up of lymph fluid that is block from drainage because lymph nodes are damaged or missing. Well guess what I’m officially the only person I know who has Lymphedema without having any conventional cancer treatment! A few days ago I started getting swelling and pain in my left arm and it got worse after I flew to Vegas this more
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Hey, Soul Sister!
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
6y ago
My favorite song of the moment is "Hey, Soul Sister" and it's moves me to reach out and SHOUT OUT to all my soul sisters (and brothers) out there!  But is there really and "out there"?  Maybe....or not.  If it's all vibrating light particles then I'm experience a really miraculous show where there seems to be a very realistic epic drama unfolding and I'm the main character.  That's what enlightenment does to you.  It turns you "outside in" when all my life I've been outwardly focused think and feeling that there is an material world outside of what I thought was "me".  Then all the layers and more
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My Little Brother, My Hero
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
6y ago
As I write these words tears flow.  My youngest brother Khanh who is 47 (the last born of 6 siblings in our large family) is in the hospital on life support from a serve brain stroke.  Doctors say he may die in a matter of days.  An ongoing vigil of loving friends and family surround him with hopeful prayers.  Why would the youngest of us be the first to pass away, leaving behind his 7 year old daughter and loving wife, is a question that the human mind can never get a satisfactory answer.  So the best way I can answer this question is with no answer and just a story.... During my 2018 awake more
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Another Full Moon Breakthrough!
5D Soulful Living in the NOW
by Chimacnow
6y ago
I was full of hope and anticipation that yesterday's May 18th full moon would bring about another trans-formative experience within me.  The universe did not disappointment.  I had the most self-empowering, beautiful dream that was so real I woke up KNOWING that I had finally made the breakthrough I have been "working" on for so long.  NOW, I can say that the journey of life is truly not about accomplishing anything on the external or seeking money, power, validation, relationships, or medical cures.  It is about transcending all the mental limitations within the human psyche that blocks us fr more
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