Life of Dr. Mom Blog
Life of Dr. Mom is designed for the modern mom who struggles with balancing family, work, and fun. With her experience working in women's health, postnatal care, mental health, and Pediatrics. Dr. Mom works to educate the modern mom with the most relevant up-to-date medical evidence to support families and the healthy development of their children.
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
2y ago
Caring for a newborn is hard work but we’ve been lucky enough to not have experienced colic with our son George. Colic is a very hard thing to go through, so next time you feel like your baby may be suffering from it please bring them in to see an expert and talk about what we can do to make them more comfortable.
The fact of the matter is that colic is benign. This means that it does not mean your child is unwell or that your parenting abilities are lacking. It will typically go away all on its own by the time your baby is 3-4 months old.
What is colic?
There is no set definition fo ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
2y ago
Many new moms, including myself, worry about establishing and maintaining a good breast milk supply or how to increase breast milk supply. For the first few days after Madi was born, I struggled with breastfeeding so I supplemented with formula until I was able to improve her latch. Within two weeks, my milk supply increased and I breastfed the majority of feeds. There are many women that struggle with their milk supply, here are some tips to increase milk supply.
There are many reasons why some women cannot establish or maintain a sufficient breast milk supply.&n ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
2y ago
Indoor playgrounds – they provide an easy activity to entertain a busy toddler, but they are also havens for “germs”. I remember the first time we took Madi to a McDonalds with a play area. I was petrified of everything I was exposing her to and worried about her catching a virus.
On the other hand, I was also aware that there have been studies published about exposure to bacteria and potential benefits for a child’s immune system.
The Hygiene Hypothesis
Researchers postulate that as our environmental hygiene has improved drastically, there is less exposure to ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
2y ago
As a physician, I often get parents coming into my office asking for help or advice on parenting and discipline. As a parent I realize how challenging discipline can be and the importance of consistency. The method of discipline and parenting that I try to practice with our daughter (and encourage my patients to try) is positive reinforcement parenting. Positive reinforcement has been well studied in the discipline and parenting literature. It is an appropriate and effective form of discipline for children of all ages!
Contrary to what some parents think, just because a child is more temperame ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
2y ago
A common question I have been asked is about the safety of suspended baby jumpers like the Jolly Jumper. Personally, both of my kids loved the jolly jumper from the start and would giggle almost the entire time they are in it. Over the years, there have been discussions about the possible dangers of suspended baby jumpers. One concern I have heard is that as their name implies they are literally supportive and therefore decrease the stimulus on bones and muscles. In contrast, activities like tummy time (placing a baby on their stomach when they are awake) and other forms of free play help the ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
3y ago
Sleep training is a personal choice and there are many happy thriving families that do not sleep train. Graeme and I decided to sleep train our daughter Madi after 11 months of interrupted sleep.
What is important to know before you start sleep-training, is that you need a consistent bed-time and nap routine first. When Madi was 6 months old, we started a bedtime routine to try and encourage a good nights sleep. Unfortunately, a consistent bed time and nap routine didn’t help Madi sleep through the night.
We then decided to start sleep-training Madi at 11 months, but you can ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
3y ago
Peanut allergies are becoming more common among children. It is estimated that 3.2% of children have peanut allergies. In an effort to prevent this allergy, the Canadian Paediatric Society has recommended the introduction of peanuts and other allergenic foods around 6 months of age. Research has interestingly shown that what mothers eat during pregnancy may influence their child’s taste preferences later on. Could maternal consumption of highly allergenic foods like peanuts reduce the incidence of peanut allergy later on?
Conflic ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
3y ago
Some degree of jaundice occurs in a large majority of all newborn infants. Jaundice is a condition where a newborn baby’s skin turns yellow. This can happen with any race or colour of the skin.
Why Does Jaundice Occur So Frequently in Newborns?
Jaundice occurs when a chemical called bilirubin builds up in a baby’s blood. Everyone has bilirubin in their blood because it comes from our red blood cells. Our livers remove bilirubin from our blood for excretion in our urine and feces. Newborn babies have higher levels of biliru ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
3y ago
I craved red peppers during both of my pregnancies and both of my kids love eating red peppers. This made me wonder, does the food you eat during pregnancy impact your child’s food preferences?
What does the research show?
The literature suggests that a mother’s diet during pregnancy impacts her child’s food preferences outside the womb. By 13 to 15 weeks gestation, the fetus is able to perceive smells and tastes while in the womb through the amniotic fluid. Studies have suggested that prenatal exposure to certain smells and tastes may lead to a greater acceptance and sensory recogn ..read more
Life of Dr. Mom Blog
3y ago
During my pregnancy with Madi, my mom told me to enjoy myself and indulge in my all of my cravings. One of my early pregnancy symptoms was cravings for junk food. For the first month after I found out I was pregnant, I over-indulged and ate food that I don’t typically eat like fried food, ice cream, and lots of bubble tea. Within 1 month I gained over 15 pounds, and 55 pounds by the end of my pregnancy. My mom gained 80 pounds during her pregnancy with me.
It was only during my 12-week check-up when I realized that I gained 15lbs and that:
I was outside of recommended guidelines f ..read more