Snoring Scholar
I'm Sarah - Catholic convert, wife, mom, reader, and writer. Join me as I chronicle my reading, random observations, and share the things that catch my eye, all while chasing kids and chugging coffee.
Snoring Scholar
5M ago
Let's talk body-switching and time travel, shall we?
The post Anything But Groovy: Catholic YA meets Freaky Friday first appeared on Snoring Scholar ..read more
Snoring Scholar
5M ago
My three latest reads include a classic, a fun audiobook, and a novel.
The post Book Talk: My three latest reads first appeared on Snoring Scholar ..read more
Snoring Scholar
5M ago
Maybe you never considered Catholic vampire romance a viable option for reading. I'm here to tell you...maybe you should.
The post Moonchild Rising: Catholic Vampire Romance first appeared on Snoring Scholar ..read more
Snoring Scholar
5M ago
You'd do yourself a disservice not to read Your Blue Flame twice, and here's why.
The post Set the World on Fire with ‘Your Blue Flame’ first appeared on Snoring Scholar ..read more
Snoring Scholar
5M ago
Karina Fabian shares the inspiration for her novella, inspired by Ernest Hemingway's Puliter-prize winning piece.
The post Dex, Santiago, and the Study of Stubbornness first appeared on Snoring Scholar ..read more
Snoring Scholar
4y ago
Oh, the fun of being a bookaholic and getting fresh new books. I especially enjoy the chance to review books from small and indie authors, which is a little taste of what I’m sharing with you today.
Anything But Groovy, by Amanda Lauer, is a YA novel that has me flashing back to the approximately 500 times I remember watching Freaky Friday.
If you never watched Freaky Friday, it’s a 2003 movie starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsey Lohan. It’s memorable in many ways, but to be honest, I’m not sure if, watching it now, I would laugh as hard or enjoy it as much. But in 2003, when it was in the m ..read more
Snoring Scholar
4y ago
Well hey there! Among the reading I’ve done this year (strange year that it has been), I’ve done far less reading that I intended. I credit the grumpy 2020 mindset and the bungled 2020 distractedness for that, though I could lay the blame more squarely on my own shoulders for downloading Blockdoku and Numberzilla. But, let’s be honest: Sometimes it’s easier to play a puzzle game than to read a book, no matter how good.
But I have been reading. And I’ve been sharing about the books in super-short-form on book booksandsarah Instagram account (not preferable, and 2020 can’t be held accountable fo ..read more
Snoring Scholar
5y ago
Yes, you read that right: Catholic vampire romance. Who says there’s nothing good to read?
(Not me. Not ever me.)
Admittedly, I’ll read anything. Years ago, I even picked up Twilight. That’s as far as I got in the popular vampire genre. My girls have never shown interest in it, and…I’m grateful.
So what was in store with Moonchild Rising, by Mina Ambrose, the first in what will be a series of Catholic vampire novels?
A lot, as it turns out. It was a story with promise, and solidly Catholic. It packed a lot of action and a lot of Church teaching. There was an exploration of love and sin and et ..read more
Snoring Scholar
5y ago
Years ago, I started reading a blog of someone I found linked through one of my other favorite bloggers (thanks, Julie!). And…I just never stopped. That turned into a book, and then another book.
Last year, during the Christmas and New Year break, I read Girl, Wash Your Face in a sitting or two. And then, much to my delight, I read that second book.
In the office, a colleague at the time asked me about Girl, Wash Your Face. I responded with a recommendation that, if you can read one book, read this blogger’s book instead.
For my birthday, and my best friend’s birthday, we went to see this blog ..read more
Snoring Scholar
5y ago
Lent is the season I love to hate (or hate to love?). The idea, therefore, of spending Lent with Mary has a lot of appeal, though it’s probably what I’m already doing (although probably not well).
How could I resist, then, a book so enticingly titled A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary, by none other than Fr. Edward Looney, author of one of my favorite devotionals, A Rosary Litany?
I couldn’t.
And rather than read it before Lent, as I would normally do for a review, I’m sharing about it now as an invitation to you to join me. I’m ready for Lent, or as ready as I ever am for a seaso ..read more