2024 Year in Review
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
2w ago
The Catholic Nursing Mothers League had a busy year in 2024! We were happy to be able to bless so many nursing moms!  30 posts on the CNML blog 12 online Catholic Nursing Mothers meetings 6 new CNML Mentors getting us up to 35 registered mentors in 3 countries at the end of 2024 1.4K members in our main Facebook group 24 moms are signed up for our CNML gave out the following gifts: 6 CNML t-shirts to new mentors 52 breastfeeding books 1 prayer shawl 60 nursing mom gift bags 3 prayer bracelets several miscellaneous gifts ..read more
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Resources for Wearing and Breastfeeding Your Baby in a Sling
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
1M ago
(Public domain) Wearing and breastfeeding your baby in a sling or baby carrier can be a great experience. Many moms prefer it because having a baby in a sling keeps them close to their little one and it actually encourages breastfeeding and reduces colic and crying. It is convenient and can free up one hand to do other things. A sling can also help you breastfeed modestly in public. If you would like to start carrying and nursing your baby in a sling, ask other moms who use slings if they can assist you. If they own more than one type of sling or baby carrier, consider asking if they would l ..read more
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Breastfeeding Research: October-December 2024
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
1M ago
(U.S. Breastfeeding Committee) Breastfeeding Beyond Six Months: Evidence of Child Health Benefits This study looked at the extensive benefits of breastfeeding during the first six months. Great study to share with a friend who is not sure if she should breastfeed her baby. Effectiveness of layperson-based interventions in promoting exclusive breastfeeding: A systematic review and meta-analysis Very interesting review of studies showing that lay persons with or without breastfeeding training can help  increase breastfeeding initiation and continuation rates. CNML Mentors do make a differ ..read more
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Catholic Nursing Mothers League
1M ago
(picture of St. Therese) St. Therese once said, “Jesus does not demand great actions from us but simply surrender and gratitude.”  We can write the ideal birth plan, attend childbirth classes, pray for a good birth, eat healthy food and exercise, but sometimes our perfect birth doesn’t go quite as planned. The same can be true of breastfeeding. We can read great breastfeeding books, pray that breastfeeding will go smoothly, attend Catholic Nursing Mothers League online meetings, and find out about our community’s local breastfeeding resources but sometimes breastfeeding is still ch ..read more
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Child Spacing through Breastfeeding
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
2M ago
(Public domain) We are at a point in time when there seems to be less interest in the idea of child spacing through breastfeeding. Many reasons for this decline come to mind: more moms needing to work outside the home, moms living far away from extended family and feeling overwhelmed, and moms just not knowing about the spacing effects of breastfeeding. Maybe you can think of more? I cannot change the first two, but you and CNML can help change the last one. I am an only child. My mom didn’t breastfeed me, because at that time it wasn’t popular and there wasn’t a lot of support for it. Growi ..read more
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Your Identity as a Child of God
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
2M ago
(Wikimedia commons - public domain) I think motherhood and breastfeeding are such important and beautiful gifts from God! I have read countless books on these topics and have spent many hours contemplating the vocation of motherhood. Through the practice of ecological breastfeeding, I will have many more wonderful years with children at home due to the spacing of my family. My experience as a mom has truly transformed me. However, there is one “identity” that is even more important than these: the fact that you and I are children of God. Yes, the way we are called to serve God right now is ..read more
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LLL, Ecological Breastfeeding, and CNML
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
3M ago
My love for mothering, breastfeeding, ecological breastfeeding, and eventually helping nursing moms started when I was just a few months pregnant with my first son. My husband and I were in college, and I had just finished my first bachelor’s degree. Another student lived in the apartment across the hall from us and she was also a mom. She invited me to the local La Leche League (LLL) meeting. I started attending monthly, and I was hooked! There I found Sheila’s book, Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing. After my son was born, I had several breastfeeding issues. A lactation consulta ..read more
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Breastfeeding and Mothering during the Holidays
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
3M ago
Winter suddenly appeared this week in the little town of northern New Mexico, USA where I live. We also had our monthly online Catholic nursing mothers meeting this week whose topic was “Breastfeeding during the Holidays.” Believe or not, the stores are already putting out all their Christmas items. It seems that the holidays and Advent are just around the corner! Are you ready? Catholic speaker and author, Gary Zimak, has a new book out called Find Peace in Advent: 4 Weeks to Worrying Less at Christmas. Typically Gary’s focus in his books is on reducing worry and anxiety. However, thi ..read more
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Looking Back with Fondness
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
3M ago
I definitely had challenging times as a breastfeeding mom.  My first son lost a fair amount of weight and wasn’t latching and gaining well. I was so scared! But then after my local lactation consultant helped me, things got better and my dream to exclusively breastfeed my baby came true! Even though things went well with my first after our bumpy start, there were smaller nursing difficulties along the way like teething, my son waking more at night, and toddler latching issues. Also, it took a long time for my son (and really all my children) to take to solids after six months of age. A ..read more
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Breastfeeding Research: July-September 2024
Catholic Nursing Mothers League
4M ago
(U.S. Breastfeeding Committee) It’s far from the norm: Breastfeeding beyond 1 year in the Republic of Ireland This is a qualitative descriptive study that looked at the experiences of 14 women in the Republic of Ireland which has the lowest breastfeeding rate in Europe and one of the lowest in the world. Effects of Breastfeeding on Cognitive Abilities at 4 Years Old: A Cohort Study This was a study done in Spain that showed breastfeeding for one to eight months was related to higher scores on IQ tests given to 4 and 5 year olds. Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding among infants under s ..read more
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