Ephesians 3 - Christ May Dwell in Your Heart Through Faith Quiet Book Page
Faith and Felt Obsession
6d ago
  In Ephesians chapter 3, Paul explains that Gentiles can become heirs alongside Israel, and share in access to God through faith in Christ.  Memory Verse: "so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19 (NIV).   Materials needed to create the Chris ..read more
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Vintage Felts - Creation Circles Day 2
Faith and Felt Obsession
2w ago
This is Creation Day 2 of a vintage Creation Circles felt board set. The set is intended to be used in conjunction with a felt board for lessons in a Bible class. Pieces are added to the circles as the story of creation is explained. Interactive stories are always a hit with children, and repetition is something they love. They also love matching, and you can learn what happened on each day of creation while matching a set of numbers to each creation circle. On Creation Day 2, God separated the waters (in the firmament above and covering the Earth below). You need to glue the clouds do ..read more
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2 Peter 2 - Dirty Pig and Washtub Quiet Book Page
Faith and Felt Obsession
1M ago
In Second Peter chapter 2, people who return to their sins are likened to dirty pigs who return to their muddy puddles after being scrubbed in a washtub. Memory Verse: It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” 2 Peter 2:21-22.   Materials needed to create the Dirty Pig and Washtub quiet book page: A4 felt bac ..read more
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Omega (New Testament) Quiet Book - by Steph
Faith and Felt Obsession
1M ago
This is the second in a series of two no-sew quiet books made by my friend Steph. She has used an Alpha symbol over the cross for the Old Testament and an Omega over a cross for the New Testament covers, which I thought was a terrific idea. To save time and effort, and for motivation that it would actually get achieved, Steph used glue instead of sewing the books. I am going to share the pages with you that have been completed so far, but this project (Like the Bible Quiet Book Project of mine) is an ongoing one, at least for now.  The books are bound simply using a hole punch a ..read more
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Ecclesiastes 4 - Three-Stranded Cord Quiet Book Page
Faith and Felt Obsession
2M ago
 In Ecclesiastes 4, Solomon praises the value of a friend. Memory Verse: "And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NRSV). Materials needed to create the Three-Stranded cord quiet book page: my free Ecclesiastes 4 - Three-Stranded Cord Bible Quiet Book Page Template Pattern A4 felt background sheet - I used a marle grey three coloured shoelaces in blue, yellow and pink shank button sewing threads to best match the page scissors! Firstly, measure the length of shoelace you will need to fit y ..read more
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Vintage Felts - Creation Circles Day 1
Faith and Felt Obsession
4M ago
This is Creation Day 1 of a vintage Creation Circles felt board set. The set is intended to be used over several weeks of Bible Class lessons. Unfortunately I don't have the lessons that go with them, although I'm not even sure if they originally came with lessons. Felt pieces are glued into position on the felt circles (although there are no pieces which are glued onto Day 1). They are displayed for the class to see on a felt board. The set comes with a set of numbers to match with the creation circles. I have a feeling that the numbers are not intended to be glued down like the other p ..read more
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Romans 10 - Call on the Name of the LORD Quiet Book Page
Faith and Felt Obsession
6M ago
In Romans 10, Paul explains what it means for us to call on the name of the LORD. Memory Verse: For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13 NKJV. Materials needed to create the Call on the LORD quiet book page: A4 felt background sheet - I used turquoise my free Romans 10 - Call on the LORD Bible Quiet Book Template Pattern black hard felt white hard felt  sewing threads to best match the page black curly shoelaces - I bought this (not an affiliate link) wadding one large decorative button for the dial centre 14 smaller decorat ..read more
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Isaiah 54 - A Promise of Peace Quiet Book Page
Faith and Felt Obsession
1y ago
God promises a covenant of peace in Isaiah 54.  Memory Verse: “The Lord says, “This day is like the time of Noah to me. I promised then that I would never flood the world again. In the same way, I promise I will not be angry with you or punish you again. The mountains may disappear, and the hills may come to an end, but my love will never disappear; my promise of peace will not come to an end,” says the Lord who shows mercy to you.” Isaiah:54-9-10 (NCV). Materials needed to create A Promise of Peace quiet book page: A4 felt background sheet ..read more
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Faith and Felt Obsession's most popular posts and pages in 2022
Faith and Felt Obsession
2y ago
Following on from my report at the end of last year, The Quiet Book Bible Project Progress Chart, I thought it might be nice to show you my most popular posts from 2022 versus my most popular posts of all time (so far). Faith and Felt Obsession - Top 10 blog posts of 2022 Faith and Felt Obsession - Top 10 blog posts of all time (so far) Faith and Felt Obsession - Top 10 web pages of 2022 Faith and Felt Obsession - Top 10 web pages of all time (so far) I find myself looking at the stats as a way to encourage myself. Even though my numbers are not grea ..read more
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Alpha (Old Testament) Quiet Book - by Steph
Faith and Felt Obsession
2y ago
This is the first in a series of two quiet book made by my friend Steph.  I really loved her idea of using an Alpha symbol over the cross for the Old Testament and an Omega over a cross for the New Testament covers. Although the books are not quite finished (and I think a lot of quiet books fall into this category), I am going to share the pages that are already done for now. Steph knew she would never get around to making a sewn book, so she opted for glue. This has enabled her to use both the front and the back of a piece of felt for activities, which is not only cheaper, but ..read more
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