Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
Personal Injury Lawyer Jarrett Blakeley helps victims and their families receive compensation for their injuries in car accident and wrongful death cases.
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
The most expensive drink you can ever buy is undoubtedly the one that pushed you towards a DUI. Despite efforts to increase awareness and strict laws against drinking and driving, it continues to remain a huge problem in the United States. While we understand the financial implications of a DUI, not many know the hidden costs associated with drunk driving. Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer Jarrett Blakeley lists some for you:
• The Financial Cost:
The financial cost is the most significant and obvious impact of a DUI. Even if you successfully manage to fight a DUI, you will still have to pay ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
Electric scooters have become all the rage in the United States, but they’ve also become controversial because of the increasing number of accidents they cause directly and indirectly. Faulty vehicles and reckless drivers cause most accidents. Sometimes they’re caused by bad roads filled with potholes too. If you or a loved one is ever injured in a scooter accident, here are some things to do immediately after:
• Move to a Safe Area:
Irrespective of whether you are driving on a sidewalk, a walkway, or a bike path, the first thing that you must do after an accident is move to a safe area that’s ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
Ride-share companies like Uber and Lyft have been great for helping people who either do not or cannot drive. These services are affordable, convenient, and relatively safe. In fact, the popularity of ride-share services has contributed to the bringing down of DUIs and fatal car accidents. But, ride-share services aren’t accident-proof. One problem with these drivers is that we don’t know whether they are getting enough sleep. Although Uber and other ride-share companies authenticate driver information, there’s still a chance there could be a driver who’s skirting rules and being negligent. If ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
It’s no secret that alcohol drastically affects the body: it slows down reflexes, impairs judgment, and could even affect your newborn if you are drinking while pregnant or breastfeeding. But alcohol damages us in a number of other ways. As a DUI accident lawyer, here are a few ways alcohol can affect the body:
• Alcohol Affects the Brain:
There are reasons behind why so many countries have strict regulations regarding permissible alcohol limits for drivers. Researchers have found that consuming too much alcohol could even cause temporary amnesia! Alcohol consumption releases two neurotransmi ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
When it comes to hiring a DUI accident lawyer, the candidate must be like any good professional; in other words, you have to be able to trust your DUI accident lawyer. For most people, legal troubles are scarce. That’s why, when individuals do get into trouble, they want someone that’s honest and straightforward working with them. Below are four additional qualities individuals should look for in DUI accident lawyers:
1. Professionalism:
Of course professionalism is an attribute all professionals must possess, but lawyers, more than anyone else, need to remain professional at all times. Any in ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
If you’re in an accident, the first thing you must do is seek medical attention. Once the initial confusion and commotion have died down, it’s wise to file an insurance claim. You could file a claim yourself or hire a DUI injury accident lawyer to file one for you.
Your chances of receiving a fair settlement are higher if you choose the latter. An experienced lawyer like Jarrett Blakeley understands the process well, and Blakeley Law Firm will settle for nothing less than what you deserve. If your adjuster advises you to not contact a lawyer and promises to make the claims process easy for you ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
Not all accidents require the help of a lawyer, but if you’re seeking compensation from the party at fault, an experienced Fort Lauderdale accident lawyer can be a valuable asset. Similarly, if you’ve suffered a serious injury and had to undergo expensive medical treatment, insurers can make it difficult for you to claim your rightful settlement. Jarrett Blakeley, an experienced DUI-accident lawyer, can be your ally, offering guidance about paperwork and other important aspects. If you’re looking for an attorney to help you or a loved one make a successful claim, here are a few things to consi ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
The number of car accidents annually has been declining for years, but the numbers are still depressing. In 2017, about 37,133 people were killed in car crashes. Did you know more people are killed in city car crashes than rural-area crashes? Also, an increasing number of pedestrians and bicyclists are being killed by motor vehicle operators. But why are there so many car crashes? Listed below are a few common reasons.
1. Failures to Use Designated Lanes:
A recent report found that operators not staying in their designated lanes caused close to 33 percent of accidents in the country. A lot of ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
Florida has a fairly good record when it comes to preventing DUI. Strict regulations and continued awareness are some of the factors that have created such a situation. What happens if you receive a DUI in Florida? How does a DUI citation affect subsequent DUI offenses? DUI accident lawyer Jarrett Blakeley explains below.
• Legal Limit:
The legal limit for BAC, or Blood Alcohol Concentration, in Florida and other states is 0.08 percent. If your BAC level exceeds this limit, you will be charged with DUI, though the first offense is considered a misdemeanor. When it comes to receiving a DUI, a l ..read more
Blakeley Law Firm, P.A. Blog
5y ago
If you do not own a car but you need to get around, ride-share companies like Uber and Lyft may be the solution. They have also been a great option for people who cannot, or do not know how to, drive a car. But they also face the same issues that come with traveling in a car; in other words, accidents aren’t uncommon for ride-share vehicles. At the end of the day, ride-share rides are just like any other car ride, meaning the same risks apply. If you or a loved one was hurt in an accident caused by an Uber or Lyft driver, Jarrett Blakely, our Florida ride-share accident attorney, lists some of ..read more