Embracing Nelle
That silly girl enjoying life is me. I'm 29 years old first-generation Haitian American who on her spare time watches superhero shows on the CW (we have a love-hate relationship). Keep up with articles on Fashion & Lifestyle from Embracing Nelle.
Embracing Nelle
1y ago
Black Self-Love Books Let’s face it, Self-love is an essential aspect of life that every woman ..read more
Embracing Nelle
1y ago
Empower Your Self-Care Journey as a Black Girl: 10 Tips for Finding Serenity Self-care is essential ..read more
Embracing Nelle
1y ago
The beginning of a new year is always a time for reflection, setting new goals, and ..read more
Embracing Nelle
2y ago
Black Self Love Books Let’s face it, as women of colour, and it is hard to ..read more
Embracing Nelle
2y ago
Black girl Self-Care Tips: 10 Easy Ways You Can Practice Everyday Self-Care Self-care is the act ..read more
Embracing Nelle
3y ago
It’s a NEW Year, A New Beginning, and a time for us to set those goals and show up for ourselves. Except, no matter how strong and motivated we start, we still can’t seem to achieve that goal. Yes, We have our SMART goal-setting routine down. But as the year goes by, we can’t seem to actually achieve them. To be honest, that is the most frustrating part of setting goals. The frustration we often feel could result from 6 essential factors that we overlook when practicing Smart Goal Setting. What is SMART Goal setting? SMART goal setting is simply setting your goals using the SMART goal me ..read more
Embracing Nelle
3y ago
Anxiety is a silent killer in our society. More and more people are experiencing it every day. Anxiety is a stress response and the activation of the flight- fight- or freezes system. Learning to manage anxiety is an integral part of the long journey of healing. And dealing with it should be done correctly and with care. How can I manage anxiety naturally? There are many ways you can reduce your anxiety naturally. You can take a holistic approach to reduce your anxiety that does not involve medication. However, a holistic approach to reducing your anxiety does take ..read more
Embracing Nelle
3y ago
Travel anxiety is not a diagnosed mental health condition. But in this day and age, it has become all too real for us. Traveling is one of the most freeing things you can do in your life. It provides you with an opportunity to not only leave your comfort zone but also see the world. Travel anxiety can stop you from enjoying your trips or taking a trip altogether. Understanding what travel anxiety is and how to manage it can be a source of relief so that you can enjoy that trip you always wanted to go on. What is travel anxiety? Travel anxiety is simply the fear of visiting an unfamiliar ..read more