2024 Book Recommendations
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
3M ago
All The Books I Read In 2024 It’s time for my FAVORITE post of the whole year!  A total roundup of all the books I’ve read over the last twelve months, whether I loved them or not.  This has become an annual tradition on the podcast. It’s become kind of cathartic for me because part ..read more
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Your Manifesting Masterplan
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
8M ago
Manifest Your Life On Purpose How come so many people are repulsed by any talk of manifesting or the Law of Attraction? I have a hunch it involves LOA myths mixed with skepticism stemming from the lack of accurate information.  I am on a mission to change the collective’s perception of the LOA. There’s a ..read more
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How To Start Journaling
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
8M ago
Spiritual Journaling Over the last few posts, we’ve been talking about practices and various things you can do to actually engage in your spirituality. So you can be an active participant in your own manifesting journey.  There’s a whole bunch of fun spiritual practices you can experiment with: meditation, affirmations, yoga, crystal healing, reading cards ..read more
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Break Through Your Manifesting Ceiling
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
8M ago
Your Manifesting Toxic Trait and How To Banish It Since becoming a manifesting coach, I’ve observed a spiritual phenomenon that nearly all my clients experience during their sessions. And I don’t have any other way to say it, other than to simply blurt it out: nearly everyone completely sabotages themselves and their own success. Consistently ..read more
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When The Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
11M ago
Does the Law of Attraction Work? A lot of the manifesting tips for the Law of Attraction being shared out there are the same. None of us are reinventing the wheel when it comes to manifesting techniques. We’re just experimenting to see what works for us. And a lot of people have similar results using ..read more
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5 More Of The Most Common Manifesting Blocks And How To Move Past Them
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
1y ago
Manifesting Success Psychology shows us that a person’s mindset, or their underlying beliefs about their own abilities, intelligence, past experiences, and more, significantly impacts their success in life. And not just in their careers, but in all areas of life: relationships, physical health, finances, recreation, fulfillment, community involvement, and of course spiritual growth.  Read: science ..read more
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Most Common Manifesting Blocks and How To Remove Them
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
1y ago
Rules of Attraction I have asked over 300 people the same question. What is your biggest manifesting block right now? The answers aren’t nearly as diverse as you might think.  Our Facebook community is growing all the time. And each person who requests to join for free answers this question, plus two other really simple ..read more
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What Is Your Higher Self?
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
1y ago
Higher Self Your Higher Self. Your Soul. Your Inner Being. Your Spiritual Self. Your True Self. Your Divine Essence. Your Life Force. Your Higher Consciousness.  All of these describe that piece of you residing deep within that is connecting you to the Universe, Something Greater Than Yourself.  But what exactly does that all mean? And ..read more
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Meditation Benefits
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
1y ago
Why Meditation Is Good For You I know, I know. Meditation. Pft.  I can practically hear your eyes rolling. Meditation isn’t nearly as exciting as the other FUN spiritual things we talk about on this show, like manifesting and crystals and doing rituals.  But meditation is the most spiritual thing you can do.  It is ..read more
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5 Lesser Known Manifesting Tips That Will Blow Your Mind
Spiritually Inspired Blog
by Sara Rae
1y ago
Manifesting Contradictions Wish upon a star! Then take action. But don’t cling to any of it. Know exactly what you want to manifest. Be open minded. Stick to positive affirmations. Stop ignoring negative thoughts. There’s no “proof.” Yet there’s proof everywhere.  There seems to be a lot manifesting contradictions. Have you noticed them?  The biggest ..read more
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