Unlocking Azure Insights: A Deep Dive into AzureAssess
5M ago
AzureAssess is a pivotal tool for gaining comprehensive insights into your Azure environment. In today's dynamic cloud landscape, staying abreast of your Azure environment's security and management status is paramount.While Azure provides robust tools such as Defender for Cloud and Azure Policies, it's essential to take proactive steps towards continuous improvement. Cloud environments are in a constant state of flux, with new services and vulnerabilities emerging regularly. In our pursuit of evaluating Azure's state, the fundamental question arises: What metrics hold significance at present ..read more
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Azure Resource Graph in a simple way!
1y ago
Azure Resource Graph is a service in Azure that is designed to extend Azure Resource Management by allowing you to query across Azure subscriptions quickly and efficiently. It allows you to analyze your cloud inventory using complex queries launched programmatically or from the Azure portal. Additionally, the service helps to assess the impact of applying policies in large cloud environments to effectively govern your environment.Azure Resource Graph in a Simple way! These queries provide the following features: • Ability to query resources with complex filtering, grouping, and sorting by res ..read more
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If, elseif or else in Azure DevOps Pipelines
1y ago
Writing Azure DevOps Pipelines YAML, have you thought about including some conditional expressions? In this blog post, I am going to show how you can use If, elseif or else expressions to assist in your pipeline creation Probably the most common expression you may be using is determining if a stage or job can run. There is lots of expressions available in Azure DevOps to assist you. Consider the scenario where you have multiple environments, such as dev, test, and prod, and you want to deploy to a specific environment based on the selected option. You can use the following code snippet to ac ..read more
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Microsoft’s Free Security Tools – Threat Modeling
1y ago
This article in our series focused on Microsoft’s free security tools is on the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) Threat Modeling Tool. Threat modeling is a core element of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). It’s an engineering technique you can use to help you identify threats, attacks, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures that could affect your application. You can use threat modeling to shape your application's design, meet your company's security objectives, and reduce risk. Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool The Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool makes threat modeling easier ..read more
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GitOps, Argo, and Azure Kubernetes Service - Part 2
2y ago
In this post on ArgoCD I am going to walk through deploying an app from ArgoCD to AKS. First of all, you can deploy an app from the Argo CD web UI or CLI. Ready your application in a Git-based repository. It does not matter what source control system you use for your repository as long as it is Git-based. in our case we will use Azure DevOps to deploy an app. we need to point to a Git repository of either K8s manifest, Helm, or Kustomize. In this blog post I am going to keep it simple and use the simple nginx  application Demo Steps: 1- First step, we need to connect ArgoCD wtih Azure D ..read more
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Say Hello To Azure Terrafy
2y ago
Terraform is an infrastructure automation tool developed by HashiCorp four years ago and it is written in the Go programming language. It is the first multi-cloud infrastructure tool that allows the user to automate and set up infrastructure elements from several cloud vendors simultaneously, as well as custom in-house solutions let's start by the definition, so what is Azure Terrafy? Azure Terrafy allows you to easily and quickly import your existing Azure infrastructure into Terraform HCL AND import it into your Terraform state. This has been one of the BIGGEST and coolest feature releases ..read more
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Check the available VM Sizes (SKUs) by Azure Region
2y ago
Do you want to know which Azure VM (virtual machine) sizes are available in an Azure region? Here are some simple ways like the Azure product page, the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, or a simple Azure PowerShell command to list the Azure VM sizes per Azure region. As you know Microsoft Azure has different Azure Regions available around the world. While the teams are working hard to make services available in these regions, it can happen that certain Azure services and virtual machine sizes (SKUs) are not available in some of the regions 1- Check Through Azure Region Product Page Go to azure.mic ..read more
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AKS From Zero To Hero - Part 3
2y ago
Welcome to the Third post in a series of "AKS From Zero To Hero". In the first post, we talked about AKS in general. In this post, we will continue the discussion around AKS. In this post, I will try to exaplind what is and Why AKS. What is AKS? Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) simplifies deploying a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure by offloading the operational overhead to Azure. As a hosted Kubernetes service, Azure handles critical tasks, like health monitoring and maintenance. Since Kubernetes masters are managed by Azure, you only manage and maintain the agent nodes. Thus, AKS is free ..read more
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Test Deployed Azure Resources Using InSpec-Azure
2y ago
What is Inspec Inspec is an command line, open source tool, provided by Chef witch audit and automated testing framework for integration, compliance and security. In this post I will explain how to use InSpec for compliance automation of your Azure infrastructure It does not require learning a new language, just knowing how to write the desired state of infrastructure resources Prerequisites InSpec is installed an Azure service principal with contributor rights (CLI: az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ServicePrincipalName --role reader) a .azure/credentials file in your home directory (see "SE ..read more
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Terraform Deploy Key Vault with Private Endpoint
2y ago
The purpose of Azure Key Vault is to store cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud applications and services in a HSM (Hardware security module). In this example, we will create and mange Azure Key Vault using Terraform First, we will create main configuration file for Key vault: # Azure Provider# ################################## ################################## provider "azurerm" {   features {     key_vault {       purge_soft_delete_on_destroy = true     }   } } # To get/import Subscription details# data "azurerm_client_co ..read more
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