The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
This podcast features diving legends of the past and presents sharing some of their best scuba diving stories. You'll hear stories such as their original scuba training, scariest diving stories, funniest diving stories, favorite diving locations, as well as tips for divers.
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
2y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Joe Dituri – Hyperbaric Medicine Legend
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary hyperbaric medicine doctor and diving explorer Joe Dituri.
Commander Joseph Dituri enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1985. He served continuously on active service upon various ships and shore stations where he was involved in every aspect of diving and special operations work from saturation diving and deep submergence to submersible design and clearance diving. Now that he is retired fr ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
2y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Jeff Bozanic – Scientific Diving Legend
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary scientific diver and explorer Jeff Bozanic.
Today’s guest is one of the premiere scientific divers and explorers on the planet.
Jeffrey Bozanic is the president of Next Generation Services, where he provides consulting and training services in the diving market. Clients include rebreather manufacturers, training agencies and legal agencies. Bozanic has participated in or led more tha ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Nadia Aly – Underwater Photographer and Expedition Legend
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary photographer and expedition leader Nadia Aly.
Today’s guest is the founder and creative talent behind diving’s largest social media brand – I’m sure you’ve heard of it – ScubaDiverLife
Nadia Aly is an award winning wildlife photographer, with a focus on underwater marine life. Her primary goal is to educate people globally, about the diverse populations of sea creat ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Bret Gilliam – Diving Industry Legend
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary diving industry professional Bret Gilliam.
Todays guest has done just about everything in diving.
Bret Gilliam has been professionally involved in the diving industry since 1971, a career now spanning over 50 years. Since beginning diving in 1959, he has logged over 19,000 dives around the world. His background includes scientific expeditions, military/commercial projects, operating hy ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Becky Kagan Schott – Underwater Director of Photography, Photographer and Technical Diving Instructor
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary underwater photographer and technical diving instructor Becky Kagan Schott.
Today we interview another young gun legend in the diving industry. And that is Underwater Director of Photography, Photographer and Technical Diving Instructor Becky Kagan Schott.
Becky is a 5-time Emmy award winning underwater cameraman and photo ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Tom Leaird – Legendary Underwater Educator
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary diving educator Tom Leaird.
Well, today’s guest has been in my professional and personal life for 25 years. And today I’m delighted to introduce him to you. Why do I say introduce him to you? Well, because he’s one of the most humble and unassuming dive professionals in our industry, one who has done amazing things, and I’m proud to call him a mentor of mine. Well, this is Tom Leaird ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Michael Lang, Ph.D. – Legendary Scientific Diver and Underwater Researcher
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary scientific diver and underwater researcher Michael Lang.
Hey everybody welcome to another episode of the League of Extraordinary Divers. It’s so great to have you here with me today.
Today special guest is an absolute icon in not only the scientific community but in the diving industry as well.
Michael A. Lang, Ph.D., is an environmental physiologis ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Cathryn Castle Garcia & Capt. Gui Garcia – Legendary Underwater Creatives
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with legendary underwater creatives Cathryn Castle Garcia and Capt. Gui Garcia.
Hey everybody welcome to another episode of the League of Extraordinary Divers. It’s so great to have you here with me today.
There is a duo in our industry who has impacted the arts, and the creative side of our underwater world, through photo, video, art and writing.
Cathryn Castl ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Margo Peyton – Legendary Kids & Family Diving Pro
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with kids and family diving legend Margo Peyton.
Hey everybody welcome to another episode of the League of Extraordinary Divers. It’s so great to have you here with me today.
If you’re a parent or grandparent and you’re a diver, today’s guest is really gonna inspire you in how to dive as a family.
A pioneer in the family dive training and travel market Margo Peyton is a leader in this ..read more
The League of Extraordinary Divers Podcast
3y ago
Retrieved from ScubaGuru - Expert Advice & Best Practices for Scuba Diving Professionals
Paul Toomer – Legendary Technical Diving Instructor
In this episode of The League of Extraordinary Divers I chat with technical diving legend Paul Toomer.
Hey everybody welcome to another episode of the League of Extraordinary Divers. It’s so great to have you here with me today.
Today’s guest is one of the most stand out, iconic figures in our industry. Paul Toomer looks more like a rockstar than an accomplished technical diving instructor trainer. His wit and his fun-loving nature are balanced by hi ..read more