Cradling Catholic
Larry Peterson Sr was born and raised in NYC and is a former iron-worker. In 1979, after coming down with MS, he and his wife and three children moved to Florida. He began doing weekly commentary for a local newspaper and today he is a Catholic/Christian author and writer having written four books (all listed in the sidebar)and hundreds of columns on various topics, particularly on..
Cradling Catholic
3M ago
By Larry Peterson Long ago in Ireland, the land of shamrocks, leprechauns, soft winds and smiles, there lived a man named Jack. Jack was quite lazy and did not like to work. But he had the gift of “blarney” and could talk the peat off the moss. He would tell wondrous tales about his adventures ..read more
Cradling Catholic
4M ago
By Larry Peterson I was a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society for twenty-five years. At present I am not active but being part of this organization has allowed me to interact and work with the least and most marginalized of God’s people. My affiliation with the society has allowed me to experience ..read more
Cradling Catholic
6M ago
By Larry Peterson The two most beloved Popes of the twentieth century lived during the beginning and at the end of that century. We all know of Pope St. John Paul II who guided the Church from 1978 into the new millennium. However, not as many people know about the man who became pope during ..read more
Cradling Catholic
6M ago
By Larry Peterson On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII, writing and speaking ex-cathedra, solemnly defined in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, the dogma that “the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” We know this as the ..read more
Cradling Catholic
7M ago
The Anti-Semitism epidemic taking place in the streets of America is heartbreaking By Larry Peterson Anti-Semitism Nightmares were created years before I remember that Friday night long ago very well. The screaming started about midnight. It was September, and the windows were still open because it was hot, and the screaming seemed exceptionally ..read more
Cradling Catholic
7M ago
Alzheimer’s Victim public domain By Larry Peterson The President of the United States is seriously ill and no one seems to care Prelude: This is about Dementia. I have witnessed, as have millions of others, the President of the United States, stumbling and mumbling and seemingly in a daze for months. Ongoing discussions ..read more
Cradling Catholic
7M ago
By Larry Peterson Independence Day is a great holiday in the United States of America. We Americans celebrate a system of government that was created by men for men—for the people. It was an unheard of and noble endeavor. Fifty-six men joined together and signed the document It is known to us as the Declaration ..read more
Cradling Catholic
8M ago
She always wanted to be a nun Evelyn McNally, Sister Mary Rosina’s sister, said. “Right from the time she could think for herself, she wanted to be a nun,” Constance Gladman was born in Koroit, Victoria, a small rural town in southwestern Australia. The date was December 23, 1922, and Constance would be the first ..read more
Cradling Catholic
8M ago
She always wanted to be a nun, and she followed the Sacred Heart of Jesus to fulfill her dream By Larry Peterson Evelyn McNally, Sister Mary Rosina’s sister, said. “Right from the time she could think for herself, she wanted to be a nun,” Constance Gladman was born in Koroit, Victoria, a small rural ..read more
Cradling Catholic
8M ago
By Larry Peterson Stressing the profound relevance of this feast, Pope Benedict XVI said on June 5, 2007: “In the Heart of the Redeemer we adore God’s love for humanity, His will for universal salvation, and His infinite mercy. Practicing devotion to the Sacred Heart of Christ, therefore means adoring that Heart which, after ..read more