Building Resilient Systems: Disaster Recovery Planning in Database Services
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by Guest Contributor
3w ago
In the realm of database offerings, where data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, constructing resilient systems isn't just a best practice; it's a strategic imperative. Disaster recovery planning has become a cornerstone in ensuring the continuity of operations, safeguarding valuable data, and minimizing the impact of unexpected events. This article delves into the critical factors of disaster recovery planning in database services, highlighting the essential requirements and strategies to build resilient systems that can withstand the challenges of unexpected disruptions. Understanding t more
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Gracefully Handling Third Party API Failures
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by Scott Robinson
1M ago
Software isn't what it used to be. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does come with its own set of challenges. In the past, if you wanted to build a feature, you'd have to build it from scratch, without AI ? Fast forward from the dark ages of just a few years ago, and we have a plethora of third party APIs at our disposal that can help us build features faster and more efficiently than before. The Prevalence of Third Party APIs As software developers, we often go back and forth between "I can build all of this myself" and "I need to outsource everything" so we can deploy our app faste more
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Simplify Regular Expressions with RegExpBuilderJS
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by Scott Robinson
1M ago
Regular expressions are on of the most powerful tools in a developer's toolkit. But let's be honest, regex kind of sucks to write. Not only is it hard to write, but it's also hard to read and debug too. So how can we make it easier to use? In its traditional form, regex defines powerful string patterns in a very compact statement. One trade-off we can make is to use a more verbose syntax that is easier to read and write. This is the purpose of a package like regexpbuilderjs. The regexpbuilderjs package is actually a port of the popular PHP package, regexpbuilderphp. The regexpbuilderphp pac more
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Guide to Strings in Python
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by Dimitrije Stamenic
6M ago
Introduction We've come far in discovering the basics of computer science in the world of Python, and now is the time to start learning about strings. Strings are a fundamental data type that any aspiring developer must become familiar with. They are used extensively in almost every Python application, making understanding them crucial for effective programming. A string in Python is a sequence of characters. These characters can be letters, numbers, symbols, or whitespace, and they are enclosed within quotes. Python supports both single (' ') and double (" ") quotes to define a string, provid more
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Guide to Heaps in Python
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by Dimitrije Stamenic
9M ago
Introduction Imagine a bustling airport with flights taking off and landing every minute. Just as air traffic controllers prioritize flights based on urgency, heaps help us manage and process data based on specific criteria, ensuring that the most "urgent" or "important" piece of data is always accessible at the top. In this guide, we'll embark on a journey to understand heaps from the ground up. We'll start by demystifying what heaps are and their inherent properties. From there, we'll dive into Python's own implementation of heaps, the heapq module, and explore its rich set of functionaliti more
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Guide to Hash Tables in Python
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by Dimitrije Stamenic
9M ago
Introduction Hash tables offer an efficient and flexible method of storing and retrieving data, making them indispensable for tasks involving large data sets or requiring rapid access to stored items. While Python doesn't have a built-in data structure explicitly called a "hash table", it provides the dictionary, which is a form of a hash table. Python dictionaries are unordered collections of key-value pairs, where the key is unique and holds a corresponding value. Thanks to a process known as "hashing", dictionaries enable efficient retrieval, addition, and removal of entries. Note: If yo more
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Guide to Queues in Python
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by Dimitrije Stamenic
9M ago
Introduction From storing simple integers to managing complex workflows, data structures lay the groundwork for robust applications. Among them, the queue often emerges as both intriguing and ubiquitous. Think about it - a line at the bank, waiting for your turn at a fast-food counter, or buffering tasks in a computer system — all these scenarios resonate with the mechanics of a queue. The first person in line gets served first, and new arrivals join at the end. This is a real-life example of a queue in action! For developers, especially in Python, queues aren't just theoretical constructs more
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Linear Search in Python
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by Dimitrije Stamenic
9M ago
Introduction Linear Search, also known as Sequential Search, operates by traversing through the dataset, element by element until the desired item is found or the algorithm reaches the end of the collection. Its simplicity and ease of implementation make it a go-to choice for small datasets and lists where items are added or removed frequently. While it may not boast the efficiency of its more complex counterparts like Binary Search, Linear Search can be pretty useful in various practical use cases, especially when dealing with unsorted data. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the inner more
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How to Delete a File or Folder in Python
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by Scott Robinson
9M ago
Introduction In this Byte we'll be exploring how to delete files and folders in Python. It's a common task in many programming and scripting contexts, especially in areas like data cleaning, temporary file removal, or even when working with file-based databases. You'll need to handle file deletion carefully as an error can cause data loss, which is often irreversible. To show how to do this, we'll be using built-in Python modules like os and shutil for this task. So, if you are familiar with basic Python syntax and file operations, you're good to go! Deleting a File in Python Deleting a file i more
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Guide to Sets in Python
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by Dimitrije Stamenic
10M ago
Introduction At a glance, they might seem similar to lists or dictionaries, but sets come with their own set of properties and capabilities that make them indispensable in certain scenarios. Whether you're looking to efficiently check for membership, eliminate duplicate entries, or perform mathematical set operations, Python's set data structure has got you covered. In this guide, we'll take a look at sets in Python. We'll start by understanding the foundational concepts of the set data structure, and then dive into Python's specific implementation and the rich set of operations it offers. By more
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