Bone Health and Osteoporosis
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
5y ago
Optimal bone health is crucial in maintaining good quality of life at any age especially in females. Osteoporosis is a serious systemic skeletal disease causing low bone density, thereby resulting in weak fragile bones with increased risk of fracture. Bone resorption is more with increasing age and with loss of estrogen in post-menopausal women, making them more susceptible to fractures. This is often overlooked and under-treated disease, patient may directly present with fracture. The good news is there are preventive measures like : Balanced diet with sufficient calcium and vitamin D, and s more
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Protein intake
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
High protein, low protein, keto diet, and several other terms keep resonating in the society and social media. Before deciding your protein intake, let’s take a minute to understand what are proteins and the importance they hold in our health. The word “Protein” is derived from the Greek word ‘photos’ means “of first importance”.  Proteins play a significant role in all activities of living organisms.  Protein is present in our skin, muscles, skeleton, and body fluids.  Proteins are essential during growth because it is the main component in our tissues.  The first 2 years in human’s life are more
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Keeping the body hydrated!!
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
Keeping our body fluid balance is an essential way of survival. More than 60% of our body is composed of water. In an adult men body fluid percentage consists of around 60% and in adult women is around 50%. In children the water content is higher around 70%. Importance of keeping the body hydrated. It’s the primary carrier of nutrients Maintaining the body temperature. It is the medium of all body fluids like blood, saliva, digestive juices, urine and sweat. Compartments of body water: The body’s total body water is contributed from extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid. The intracellul more
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Does a bad diet lead to vitamin D deficiency (osteomalacia)?
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
Eating nutritious food is essential for our body and our mind. Maintenance of a good nutritional status enables you to grow appropriately and enjoy a good and healthy life. It not only manages and maintains an ideal weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol, but also helps in the prevention and the management of the non-communicable diseases like stroke, heart diseases, diabetes, and some cancers. Balancing all the food groups and keeping the macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals in mind is very important while planning a diet. Everything should be balanced, and excess eating wi more
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Myths and truths about relation between Diabetes and eye sight.
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
What is Diabetic Retinopathy?   There are several kinds of myths when it comes to diseases like diabetes. The repeated one which all of us have heard is – it is caused due to excess intake of sugar which is totally untrue. Increase in blood sugar is just a symptom, whereas, the root cause is the alteration in the secretion of insulin which is a pancreatic hormone that regulates blood sugar level. Then comes another misinformed subject for many – the relation between diabetes and eye sight. The Magna Code brings for you an elaborated discussion on the topic, to help you understand all the detai more
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Should Diabetics Eat Small Frequent Meals? Myth Buster
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
Being a diabetic patient is already an inconvenience and when it is topped with people’s unsolicited advises, it becomes even more unbearable. Everyone who advises us is trying to help in their way. But when these advises are not supported by any facts or proper research, it becomes a little risky for the patient to follow them. To clear the air and give all the diabetic patients some strong ground to stand on,  Magna Code brings the answer to the biggest question every person with diabetes wants to know – Should Diabetics Eat Small Frequent Meals? Diabetes and Meal Timing To some extent, ti more
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How Proper Meals and Regular Medication Can Help Control Diabetes
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
The common problem With Diabetes, you are always overwhelmed with the continuous medication schedule and the compliance to eat healthy. One little indulging treat for the taste buds or a lazy moment in the medication schedule can make your sugar level spike out the ceilings. But Ignorance can Lead to Complications It is really important to keep your blood sugar levels in control. Because such spikes in the blood sugar can have adverse effects on your organs and severely damage your nervous system. Worsening of the diabetes can also lead to life threatening diseases such as heart attacks, kidn more
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Effects of Physical Fitness on Diabetes
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
Exercise is an absolute vital part of every individual’s lifestyle. Inculcating regular and adequate amount of exercise or physical activity in your daily routine is very important to stay healthy. This becomes more crucial when you are a patient of diabetic condition. Regular exercising helps in keeping diabetes in control and reducing the risks of further complications. Magna CODE brings for you the benefits of exercising for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients: –   Benefits of Exercise on Diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2  Helps in controlling blood sugars levels: Exercise helps in keepi more
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Thyroid: Cause, Symptoms and Treatment
Magna CODE Blog
by Magnacode Admin
6y ago
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland situated in the throat. It produces hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the body. As it affects weight, metabolism, mood and even the functioning of the body cells, an imbalance of this hormone results in either Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).  Magna Code – Centres for obesity Diabetes and Endocrinology has enlisted the most common causes, symptoms, and treatments of thyroid imbalance: – Causes of Thyroid Imbalance: Iodine deficiency Autoimmune diseases – A disease in which your immune system att more
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