Mr. Mystery is a generic name that encompasses various collaborators specialized in the subject of the supernatural or paranormal, each of them with his personal criterion in this regard. This criterion ranges from rigorous scientific skepticism to the most naive credulity.
4y ago
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NDYWP83?pf_rd_p=1581d9f4-062f-453c-b69e-0f3e00ba2652&pf_rd_r=D23Z8FX4SVBTSTSJEWQJ ..read more
4y ago
Like an alchemical treatise, James Cameron's film is laden with symbolism. The shipwreck of the Titanic symbolizes the financial situation of the Illuminati sect which was very precarious at the time as a result of the treasurer's flight with all the credit cards and the silver cutlery. The epic romance between Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio represents the idyll between Capitalism and Communism to which the most recalcitrant members of the sect aspire. The iceberg against which (to the viewer's astonishment) the Ocean liner collides, symbolizes the asteroid that crashed into Earth 66 milli ..read more
4y ago
With this movie, the Illuminati gave it their all. All their ideology is incorporated here. The idea that penguins are gentlemen and that they deserve to be admitted to high society clubs. The idea that “cleanliness is next to godliness” and “if it ain't broke, don't fix it". The idea that Georgia and its capital Atlanta (home to one of the Illuminati's top franchises: the Protective Order of the Damned Calligrapher) are located at the wrong latitude. The idea that love between a man and a woman is too complicated and that it would be preferable for romanticism to be limited to a man's relatio ..read more
4y ago
Illuminati are really fond of horses. If it had been up to the producers of the major studios of Hollywood’s golden age, all movies would have been starring horses. Since this would have had little commercial viability, the savvy Hollywood producers decided to put a rider on the horse, and thus set out to produce films starring men on horseback. This genre was called "western" to distinguish it from the "eastern" genre in which riders rode ostriches instead of horses. There is no genre in Hollywood history with such a profusion of films as the Western. This is due on the one hand to the Illumi ..read more
4y ago
The Hollywood producers belonging to the Illuminati sect wanted to shoot a great production that would discredit the Darwinian theory that humans come from apes. (Although from my own experience, I dare say that it would not be strange if there were some exceptions that came from the kangaroo.) To this end they hired the services of Daniel Morris, an ardent foe of Darwinian theory and of all scientific theories in general. Unfortunately, Morris passed away during filming when he wanted to demonstrate to a wannabe actress the falsity of the theory of gravity. Then the direction of the movie was ..read more
4y ago
To say "conflictive" would be an understatement. At the time Mayer was running the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Greta Garbo was the most famous actress in Hollywood, and yet one of the most unknown. The public wasn't even sure she was a real live woman. Many believed it was a cartoon, and the magazine "Scrapbook" got to claim she was having an affair with Mickey Mouse. (Walt Disney had to make an official denial.) She had a lot of character and didn’t bow to the requirements of the entertainment industry. Louis B. Mayer himself confessed in an interview that he was afraid of Garbo -he had put bars on ..read more
4y ago
Metaphorically speaking, a thriller is nothing more than a maze (or a mess) through which a series of disreputable characters circulate trying to find something. In the most emblematic case (that of John Huston's "The Maltese Falcon"), everyone tries to find a falcon, nobody knows why. Not because they like the elegant flight of such birds (since this particular falcon is unable to fly due to a problem in its constitution: it’s made of gold) but for some other reason that escapes me. The detective (Humphrey Bogart) is brought into this damn mess by a ‘femme fatale’ (Mary Astor). Unfortunately ..read more
4y ago
The first recorded horror movie was a home movie shot with a Bolex camera, and film critics hesitate to classify it as a horror movie or a slapstick comedy. Its author is known to be a Texas housewife named Margaret Lockwood. The movie lasts seven minutes and has no title. The first sequence is a chase peppered with blows. A man wearing nothing but a poncho and a cowboy hat (probably Mr. Lockwood) is being chased around a table by a harum-scarum elderly woman (probably Mr. Lockwood’s mother-in-law). The woman brandishes a rolling pin with which beats the man up every time she reaches him. The ..read more
4y ago
In Hollywood in the mid-1950s, a new type of movie star emerged characterized by rebellion, sadness, self-destruction and blue suede shoes. James Dean and Annie Branchowsky are the two most paradigmatic examples. Let's focus on the last one.
Annie Branchowsky was born in a small Ohio town of just five neighbours. (When she moved to Hollywood with her two brothers and parents, the town went into bankruptcy and was wiped off the map.) In Hollywood, Annie got an audition to play the young woman bitten by a snake in the B movie "The Bite," but all the other applicants yelled louder. She just said ..read more
4y ago
In the early days of the film industry, an atmosphere of intolerable moral corruption reigned in Hollywood. The films displayed a degree of depravity that would have flushed the Marquis de Sade. The natural separation between actresses and actors began to relax and towards the end of the 1910s, mixed films began to be shot: actors and actresses shared the same set, appeared in the same sequences and even spoke to each other without even blushing. Actresses like Theda Bara, Clara Bow, and Gloria Swanson appeared in makeup and holding huge Gruyère cheeses on their heads. Actors like Rodolfo Vale ..read more