UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman Blog
Dr. Bert Vorstman was a Board Certified urological surgeon till retirement. After training at the Otago Medical School in Dunedin, New Zealand he completed a urology residency at Auckland Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman
4y ago
When prostate cancer “science” is horribly unscientific
Patients with prostate cancer have a right to expect that their screening, diagnosis, and treatment are supported by evidence-based science. But how well does the urology community measure up when it comes to claims that standard-of-care practices are evidence based?
Fifteen years ago, meta-researcher John Ioannidis, PhD, published a seminal essay — since viewed more than 3.2 million times — arguing “most published research findings are false.” Ioannidis’s concerns are especially pertinent for clinicians who assume that their testing and ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman
4y ago
Cost-transparent marketplace offers disruptive solution for sustainable medical care
BOCA RATON, FL, May 21, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — HEALTHdrum.com LLC, a Boca Raton healthcare technology company, announced today the launch of their cost-transparent healthcare marketplace platform for cash price, routine office-based or outpatient care.
The platform allows buyers (consumers) of healthcare services to connect directly with sellers (providers) of care with costs that are often less than insurance-based pricing.
The key reasons behind HEALTHdrum’s marketplace development are the increasing inc ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman
4y ago
When the data says no but urologists say yes
The prostate cancer arena is a minefield of dangers for unwitting men who enter because so-called standard practice and standard-of-care are based mostly on assumptions, biases, inaccuracies and junk science. A mix that’s made even more toxic by the power of money.
Why “science” is mostly junk science.
John Ioannidis MD, has established clearly that, “most published research findings are false”. Not only are the vast majority of studies designed inappropriately and fail to provide reproducible and irrefutable data but those reviewing these so-called ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman Blog
4y ago
When “science” and orchestrated deception work hand in hand –
PT Barnum famously said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
When it comes to selling fear and doubt it’s an opportunistic process to exploit the unsophisticated lay public with junk science and take them for fools.
Junk science describes so-called scientific information that is not evidence-based, poorly designed and analyzed (despite being peer-reviewed) and only reinforces preconceived notions and biases. Regrettably, in addition to the endless financial conflicts-of-interest, many scientific and medical studies are not only g ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman
4y ago
Recognizing junk science to prevent health robbery #1. The prostate cancer label is HIGHLY misleading.
NOT everything called a prostate cancer actually behaves as a cancer.
Most so-called prostate cancers will not impact you.
Only the 15 percent or so of high-grade prostate cancers are potentially deadly.
Only high-grade prostate cancers demand detection and treatment.
#2. There are NO signs or symptoms for early high-grade prostate cancer.
There are no urinary symptoms specific for early high-grade prostate cancer.
The digital rectal exam (DRE) or prostate exam is highly unreliable.
https ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman
5y ago
When the art of medicine is contaminated
Both PSA-based screening and robotic prostatectomy not only fail to save significant numbers of lives but cause untold harm because neither have been scientifically proven to be safe and effective. Unmoved, and indifferent to the evidence, most urologists remain wedded to their prostate cancer narrative and continue to exploit the unsophisticated and those made vulnerable for profit.
The first brazen lies about prostate cancer surgery.
Exploiting the misconception that prostate cancer can be cut out Dr. H.H. Young published “The Early Diagnosis and Rad ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman
5y ago
Scare-tactics, quackery and health robbery –
Prostate cancer surgery is a brutal operation without objective evidence for saving lives, associated with countless potential complications and has frayed untold numbers of relationships. Instead of guiding patients with scientific facts, the prostate cancer industry imperils patients with a toxic dump of lies, fear mongering and junk science.
Prostate cancer awareness – the real story.
Prostate cancer surgery is a throwback “treatment” that was conceived in an era when strong-willed surgeons did what they wanted to patients under the ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman
5y ago
When treatments are worse than the disease –
Treatment deception, prostate cancer hoax. You will recall from the articles “Unreliable PSA-based Screening Prostate Cancer Hoax Part 1”, “Unreliable Biopsy & Imaging Reports Prostate Cancer Hoax P.2” and the “Prostate MRI study, Prostate Cancer Hoax P.3” that there are very significant concerns about PSA-based screening, ultrasound-guided prostate biopsies and so-called fusion MRIs for being able to detect only the 15 percent or so of potentially deadly prostate cancers.
How doctors injure patients chasing prostate cancer.
The history o ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman Blog
5y ago
Not all prostate MRIs are equal –
The prostate MRI study is considered now to be the best screening tool to detect the 15 percent or so of high-grade potentially deadly prostate cancers. However, not all prostate MRIs are equal as there is extreme variability in study quality and in reliability of image interpretation.
You will recall from the “Unreliable PSA-based Screening Prostate Cancer Hoax Part 1” and the “Unreliable Biopsy & Imaging Reports Prostate Cancer Hoax P2” articles that there are very significant concerns about PSA-based screening and ultrasound-guided prostate biopsies ..read more
UrologyWeb - Dr. Bert Vorstman Blog
5y ago
Undependable Prostate Cancer Detection and Diagnostic Methods
Unreliable biopsy and imaging reports are additional major concerns in the prostate cancer arena. You will recall from the article “Unreliable PSA-based Screening Prostate Cancer Hoax Part 1” that PSA-based screening and the prostate biopsy although labelled as “standard practice” are both highly unreliable. https://urologyweb.com/unreliable-psa-based-screening-prostate-cancer-hoax-part-1/
Let’s move on and look at the next steps taken after the biopsy and so-called diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Are prostate biopsy and ..read more