A Matter of Choice
Blog by British ex-pat wife, mother, daughter, and friend - living in Cyprus and loving the east coast!
A Matter of Choice
1y ago
I've never written this blog as if no-one was reading it, although of course when I first started no-one was reading it as no-one knew about it. I was trying to remember the exact reasons I started it, and I think the number one was to document our move to Cyprus, I can't imagine that I would have thought anything else would have been worth reading but that would have been interesting, I'd have certainly enjoyed reading someone else's story, and have done many times.
I also thought it would be something to do, and a great thing to look back on, I realised i ..read more
A Matter of Choice
2y ago
This year we lost an amazing woman, I'm so sad to say that my mother in law, Diana Jane passed away. I'm not going to write a big post as nothing I could say would do her justice, but I wanted to share two of my favourite photos. I asked Aaron if he was happy for me to share them along with the following poem that was read at her funeral.
I'd never heard this poem before but Pam Ayres was a favourite of Di's and I think the words are just perfect for her.
With These Hands by Pam Ayres
With these hands so soft and clean,
On which I stroke the Vaseline,
I ..read more
A Matter of Choice
2y ago
I'm gifting you another post just in case I wake up tomorrow and the urge has passed.
I'm also hanging my head in shame and apologizing for using the word 'gifted', the phrase enrages me as much as a friend of mine is incensed by the existence of tomato ketchup - I mean what the hell is the problem, you don't like it, don't eat it!
Well, it's been a over a year since I blogged (not including the last post but I've literally just hit publish on that so that doesn't count) and therefore it's hard to know where to start. We've had birthdays, and a holiday, and covid and other st ..read more
A Matter of Choice
2y ago
Over a year has passed since I wrote a blog post here and after all this time I thought I was finally done with it, but today I've felt restless and bored, yeah I could have tidied out a random cupboard or baked a cake but I chose to do a bit of work admin followed by an unhealthy amount of time randomly scrolling through Instagram.
I finally got bored of that too and I even did all the ironing and put all the washing away. I've been used to running at a hundred miles an hour all summer and now I've ground to a sudden halt and I'm not quite sure what to do.
I definitely ..read more
A Matter of Choice
3y ago
Did you know that if you wait long enough for a blog post, another is sure to follow it right up!
While I wouldn't go as far as saying I have the blogging bug again, I think it would take a bit more than two posts, I did fancy writing another. I thought I'd share something that I was surprised I could do...
For years I have said that I'm no good at art, my go to response has always been 'I couldn't even draw a stick man' and when Aaron started drawing last year out of lockdown boredom I didn't even consider joining him.
However, in an attempt to encourage ..read more
A Matter of Choice
3y ago
Hello, my long lost blog readers, just when you thought I'd left you all I'm back for a random blog post or two!
I'd been quite happy with not blogging for ages this time with the other things that I've got going on, but I was looking up an old post the other day and realised that after all the years of blogging, hundreds of posts, comments, shares etc, that there was no way I could leave it with the last post being about Fruit Pasta - I mean what a terrible way to go!
I thought I didn't have much to update you on, especially as it seems strange to blog about every little thing these d ..read more
A Matter of Choice
4y ago
You have read that correctly, the title of this post is indeed Slimming World Fruit Pasta. You are also perfectly entitled to think that I have gone completely crazy as you wouldn't be alone in those thoughts.
Over my Slimming World years I've tried many things, some only once and others that have become a staple part of my diet even when I'm not following the SW plan.
Lots of them are very sensible, things that many people like that I'd just never thought to try before such as butternut squash, cous cous, and spinach all of which I regularly enjoy now.  ..read more
A Matter of Choice
4y ago
Do you ever find yourself on social media scrolling with a sigh?
I'm sure you have seen posts that make you feel like you could be better, that others are fitter, tidier thinner, more beautiful, wealthier, loved, or just generally happier than you.
This time of year can be the worst, when it looks like everyone is having a better time, with huge piles of gifts, perfect decorations, happy families, matching PJs, and beautiful happy children baking cookies.
It's not unique to Christmas of course, summer evenings at the beach, family BBQ's, birthdays, exotic holidays, cute ..read more
A Matter of Choice
4y ago
My Sunday photos today were taken earlier this week on a walk along the beach path in Pernera. I walked alone with the plan to listen to music along the way but ended up enjoying the sound of the sea too much, it turns out I also don't really like not knowing what's happening around me, it really makes me jump if someone walks up behind me!
There was a lovely feel of spring in the air, and lovely to see a few gorgeous yellow flowers along the way and feel some real warmth in the sun.
I love this time of year in Cyprus, when it starts to warm up a little and the ..read more
A Matter of Choice
4y ago
Originally published on 'Talking on Eggshells' at the start of January, just before the 2nd full lockdown was announced in Cyprus.
As the UK and many European countries head back into a full lockdown it's hard at times to think of anything else. Everyone has an opinion, for or against lockdown, schools closing or not, vaccines good or bad and so on. But whatever your opinion on the subject, it is what it is and like it or not we have to make the best of it.
There was a lot said at the start of the lockdowns in March last year about using the time productive ..read more