Episode 440- Deep Seek Changed AI Forever!
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
22h ago
The Chinese Deep Seek model came out of nowhere and definitely changed our AI realities. However, the changes are likely not as profound as you may think, and maybe way lager than you might expect! Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 439 – How to Win at Lifelong Learning
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
1w ago
Going back to school, after you have just started your career, or much later in life, is a huge undertaking. In this follow-on episode, we go a bit deeper on the things you can do to make it work. Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 438 – Our Lifelong Learning Experience
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
2w ago
Going back to school, after you have just started your career, or much later in life, is a huge undertaking. As both of your co-hosts have some experience in this, Dave early in his career, and Jhon right now, we though it would make some interesting content to discuss how we started on this path. Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 437 – Know How To Secure with PCI DSS V4.0.
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
3w ago
Join security veteran Ken Foster and Sotero CEO Purandar DAS for a discussion on the new PCI DSS V4.0 certification. In this second part, we go deeper on the actual practical side of getting this standard up and running in your environment! Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 436 – Are You Ready for PCI DSS V4.0?
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
1M ago
Join security veteran Ken Foster and Sotero CEO Purandar DAS for a discussion on the new PCI DSS V4.0 certification. Who should be implementing it, when should it be up and running and, most importantly, why do you really want to do that? This first part of our interview with Purandar and Ken has (almost) all the answers! The rest is coming your way next week! Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 435 – The New-Year Prediction Show!
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
1M ago
It's the start of the new year, so let's finish up with the predictions we did not get to in the old year! Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 434 – The Old-Year Prediction Show!
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
1M ago
It's the end of the year, and it's been a while since we did one of these, so let's do some predictions! Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 433 – The Shape of Things to Come…
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
1M ago
Technology outlooks by reputable firms are usually good inspiration and the McKinsey report turned out to be great for disagreeing with! In this last part, we'll go through the rest of the report, sifting the sands and picking the last golden nuggets. Inspiration for the episode was found at https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-top-trends-in-tech#tech-trends-2024 Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 432 – What is Applied A.I. All About?
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
2M ago
Technology outlooks by reputable firms are usually good inspiration and the McKinsey report turned out to be great for disagreeing with! Part two is about Applied A.I. Never heard of that one? Neither did we, so lets dive in! Inspiration for the episode was found at https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-top-trends-in-tech#tech-trends-2024 Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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Episode 431 – GenAI: Past & Future
Roaring Elephant Podcast
by Dave Russell & Jhon Masschelein
2M ago
Technology outlooks by reputable firms are usually good inspiration and the McKinsey report turned out to be great for disagreeing with! Part one, we tackle the ubiquitous GenAI which, of course, is the first of the topics. Inspiration for the episode was found at https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-top-trends-in-tech#tech-trends-2024 Please use the Contact Form on this blog or our twitter feed to send us your questions, or to suggest future episode topics you would like us to cover ..read more
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