The Life Coach School
The Life Coach School Podcast by Brooke Castillo is a podcast about solving any problem you have in your life. It has the latest, laser-like tools and cutting-edge training to manage thoughts, emotions, actions and therefore results. This is the best personal development podcast you will ever listen to.
The Life Coach School
2M ago
We have been on quite a journey together over the past 10 years.
I’ve created an extraordinary amount of content full of concepts and lessons that have helped me in my own life and business.
Thousands of you have taken those lessons, courses, and certifications to create lives you never dreamed possible for yourself.
You created businesses. You fell in love. You worked hard and created tremendous success for yourself.
I am so proud of you and of us.
While the episode you hear today might feel sad, I want you to know this isn’t goodbye.
In this episode ..read more
The Life Coach School
2M ago
If you are a woman who struggles with people pleasing, with making conscious decisions that are solely for you, with the idea of creating wealth, listen in.
I’m joined by the one and only Kara Loewentheil, author of Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head--and How to Get It Out.
In this fascinating conversation, Kara and I explore the ways men and women are socialized throughout history, how this socialization impacts how we show up in our lives, and what we can do to take back our brains.
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The Life Coach School
2M ago
When your work contributes to your mission, it is a very powerful place to be.
You focus on creating value for the world, and that value comes back to you.
That’s how I feel about the year ahead, and I want you to join me in that space.
Tune in this week to learn how to have the best year yet. I share what’s coming up at The Life Coach School in our programs, the brand new value we are creating there, and a concept you can use to spark ideas for how to make this year your best year yet.
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The Life Coach School
2M ago
It’s time to stop living a default life, stop making decisions with your survival brain, and start taking small, daily steps to create real change.
Tune in this week to hear how I will help you do all of that inside Get Coached in 2024. I share what the year will look like inside the program, what you will learn, the changes it will help you make, and why now is the time to start.   ..read more
The Life Coach School
2M ago
Are you making your Ls, or losses, mean that you should give up?
Are you making them mean that you’re a loser?
I get it. I lose a lot. But I also win a lot - because I stay in the game.
Today, I'm sharing how to take a loss and use it to make yourself even better than had you not lost at all. The bigger your dreams are, the more opportunities you will have to practice these steps. Let’s go.
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The Life Coach School
2M ago
From the people we have personal relationships with to the people we follow on social media, we are constantly being influenced.
The people you allow to directly or indirectly influence you have an impact on your decisions, your habits, and how you show up.
In this episode, I show you how to see who is influencing you, how to stop being influenced by people you don’t want to be influenced by, and how to consciously choose who influences you moving forward ..read more
The Life Coach School
2M ago
As a company, values guide your business decisions and unite your team.
In your personal life, living a life that is fully aligned with your values makes you more of who you want to be.
Learn how to decide what your values are, how your values impact every part of your life, and how to start this process today.
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The Life Coach School
3M ago
What if I told you satisfaction wasn't about getting more stuff?
Or achieving more goals.
I know... it sounds counterintuitive.
And yet, as I've been watching the incredible transformations happening in this final year of Scholars, I've noticed something fascinating about satisfaction.
It's about three specific things that most people never put together: deciding again, wanting what you already have, and the way you cultivate your goals.
In this episode, I share how to feel deeply satisfied right now (without settling), why your past decisions might be secretly sabotaging you, and ho ..read more
The Life Coach School
4M ago
If you love what you've heard on the podcast and you want to take it to the next level - you want to learn how to help yourself and others - using the tools I share, now is the best opportunity to get those tools into your tool belt.
Coach Tools Certification is open now until October 7, 2024.
Find out more: https://www.thelifecoachschool.com/tools ..read more
The Life Coach School
4M ago
Have you been trying your very best to achieve a goal… and keep coming up short?
This can feel so disheartening that your brain might tell you to just throw in the towel.
Don’t. Give. Up.
Whether you’re trying to reach a new income level in your business, go pro in your sport, or any other endeavor, there will always be a period of not being good enough yet.
It’s what you make this period mean that makes all the difference.
If you’re ready to close the gap between your very best right now and the very best you’re going to be, listen in. Understanding why your ..read more