The Snowboard Project
The Snowboard Project offers an in-depth look into the world of snowboarding. Weekly news and interviews with those that have defined themselves as snowboarders give a unique perspective on the sport from the inside out.
The Snowboard Project
5M ago
Introducing the new season of The Snowboard Project
This year we will cover two subjects that every snowboarder has in common: Where to ride and what gear to ride with.
We will release seven episodes on places to ride and seven episodes on the best brands in the sport.
The Snowboard Project is brought to you by Slush the Magazine ..read more
The Snowboard Project
9M ago
in this episode we follow the path that took Josh from the small mountains of rural Pennsylvania all the way to Alaska. At one time in the sport Alaska was considered the domain of the professional athlete or the super rich. NO MORE. Today recreational riders are pushing the bounderies of access further than riders with corporate budgets ever have.
This is the journey that one rider took to become a local in one of the best areas to be a skier or rider - Valdez, Alaska.
Consider supporting this independant voice in snowboard media at:
http://patreon.com/thesnowboardp ..read more
The Snowboard Project
9M ago
Josh McPain is an unlikely suspectto become a local at one ofthe. ostchalle gingsnowboardingspots in the world: Valdez, Alaska. In this two part series we beak down what it takes to ride the best mountains in the world. In the second episode we will coverJosh's story coming from rural Pensylvania to the mountqains of Alaska.
The Snowboard Project
11M ago
In this episoide of The Snowboard Project we talk with New York Times best selling author Eric Blehm about his latest book: The Darkest White, the story of snowboarding legend Craig Kelly.
This is an interesting tale documenting the life of the sport's first superstar, 4 time world champion turned backcountry pioneer Craig Kelly - following his life and adventures in the world of snowboarding.
Eric Blehm, the author cut his literaryt teeth at the snowboarding publicatiln Transworld Snowboarding before turning to writing full time.
Please consider supporting The ..read more
The Snowboard Project
1y ago
On this episode of the Snowboard Project we talk with artist Scott Lenhardt who has created the graphics for more than 60 Burton snowboards - including the women's first pro model, Free Thinker series and much more. His boards have been regularly featured on the podiums of the X-Games and Olympics.
And here is the special news for all snowboard collectors out there - he is going to auction off all of the original artwork, sketches and boards that he had a hand in designing starting February 3RD.
https://www.nathanre.com/auctions/single-ow ..read more
The Snowboard Project
1y ago
This week we talk with former snowboarding super pro Eddie Wall. This interview is somewhat different than the other ones Eddie has done and was both fun and interesting.
Please take the time to review the podcast and rate it.
and check our Patreon at http://patreon.com/thesnowboardproject ..read more
The Snowboard Project
1y ago
In this episode of Real Talk, Chad Otterstrom and Mark Sullivan discuss current snow conditions, events, videos and more.
Please consider supporting The Snowboard Project at http://patreon.com/thesnowboardproject ..read more
The Snowboard Project
1y ago
On this episode of The Snowboard Project, we talk to one of the godfathers of powder surfing, Shark Powderboard's Tim Wesley. ( http://sharkpowderboards.com )
If you are not farmiliar with powder surfing, check out some of these videos:
Powsurfing! 2020-21 Sharksnowsurf season recap https://youtu.be/0_dbFdWgfRM?si=F1GQyR_UuqUzOOv_ Powdersurfing - Triple Overhead
Powsurf fin install!!
Shark Snowsurf - Icicle TV
Shark Snow ..read more
The Snowboard Project
1y ago
We are back with a new episode of Real Talk with Chad Otterstrom and Mark Sullivan. In this episode we talk about the preseason as well as the beginning of the new snowboarding season. Then we discuss the question, "What is wrong with snowboarding?"
Support independent snowboarding media at http://patreon.com/thesnowboardproject
Send us feedback at mark@thesnowboardproject.com
Here is a transcription of the show:
Mark (00:20.844) Today we have another episode of Real Talk on the Snowboard Project. I'm joined by Chad Otterstrom. Chad is a contender for greatest of all ..read more
The Snowboard Project
1y ago
In this episode Mark Sullivan and Chad Otterstrom start to aproach the question - "What is worng with snowboarding?" As well as covering some preseason and early season news.  ..read more