New Churches Q&A Podcast
Listen to this podcast where Daniel Im, Ed Stetzer, and Todd Adkins will answer your church planting, multisite, multiplying, leadership development, and discipleship questions.
New Churches Q&A Podcast
2M ago
In this bonus summer episode, host Jeff Medders meets with researcher, preacher, and church elder Dan Steel to discuss many of the very real pitfalls experienced by church planters today. Tune in to discover how you can wisely navigate the hurdles and complexities of modern-day church planting while remaining faithful to the Lord and to His mission for His church.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
How an effective church planter is similar to a cross-country runner
Why a well-rounded core team is a game changer for any new church
What you can glean from the stories of the struggling church pl more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
3M ago
Host Ed Stetzer meets with Vice President of Research and Resources Trevin Wax to discuss the many shifts and trends that have taken place within the world of church planting in recent years. Discover where the New Churches podcast has been, as well as what you can expect in future seasons!
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
How resources for church planters have evolved over the years
Why relying on the Holy Spirit is not something you ever outgrow
How capitalism has changed ministry—for better or for worse
Why apologetics is a worthwhile use of your time as a church planter
How we can better more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Host Jeff Medders sits down with pastor, Bible teacher, writer, and podcast host Daniel Im to discuss how church leaders can impact their congregations and communities with the power of the gospel in this post-pandemic world. Tune in to discover how you can make disciples and engage those who may be spiritually asleep in your midst.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
The false assumptions you may be operating under as a church leader today
How the Church Growth Movement of the 1970s shaped our modern ministry models
Ways you can evaluate whether or not your discipleship pathway is actually hel more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Hosts Vance Pitman and Noah Oldham team back up with author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin to discuss the impact of discipling women through the small group method. Tune in to discover how you can create intentional, impactful discipleship spaces for the women of your congregation from the earliest days of your church plant.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
The pros and cons of gender-specific small group models
Why relating to one another as family is essential to the church in today’s culture
How to emphasize your intended learning outcomes for leaders and members alike
What your investment more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Hosts Jeff Medders and Tony Merida dive into one of the most difficult areas of leadership development: conflict resolution. Tune in to discover tools with which to view your disagreements, unmet expectations, and miscommunications as growth opportunities rather than situations to flee. Here’s how you can meet your conflicts head-on, honoring Christ and pursuing peace through the help of His Spirit.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
Why you may naturally gravitate away from conflict and what you may be drifting toward instead
Scripture’s examples of relational conflict
How church planting con more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Hosts Vance Pitman and Noah Oldham meet with author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin to discuss the eternal impact of training up the women in our congregations. Tune in to discover how you can help your church plant grow in Great Commission faithfulness from the household and beyond by intentionally investing in women’s theological equipping.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
How women’s theological training benefits the entire congregation
How your preaching and teaching of God’s Word affects men and women alike
What it looks like to cultivate an active learning environment for the women of you more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Host Tony Merida meets with Send Network’s Director of Urban Church Planter Development Doug Logan and Director of Theology and Content Jeff Medders to discuss how evangelism and discipleship can converge to establish a soul-winning culture within your church plant. Tune in to discover the mindset and systems shifts you can cultivate in your congregation to reach people for Christ and continue to grow them for the furtherance of the gospel.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
How you can disciple the new converts of your church plant
The roles of evangelism and prayer within your congregation
H more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Hosts Vance Pitman and Jeff Medders team up with Troy Nesbitt, the president of the Salt Network, to discuss the roles of mentorship, discipleship, and leadership within our ministry spheres. Tune in to discover how you can reach the next generation’s leaders and the part you’re called to play in helping them live on mission for Christ.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
The key characteristics that define potential leaders
What it means for the gospel to go upstream in your life
How to facilitate mentor relationships within your new church plant
What to look for from your potential mentees
Th more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Host Tony Merida teams back up with longtime friend and mentee Adam Muhtaseb to discuss their own experiences in leading with Christlike humility. Tune in to discover how our Savior has paved the way for us to walk humbly before God and one another as we plant our churches for His glory and not our own.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
Why your definition of humility is a big step in determining your identity as a pastor and planter
How to balance your humility with your authority as a leader within the church
What your church structure may reveal about your pride as a leader
The ways that v more
New Churches Q&A Podcast
4M ago
Host Ed Stetzer chats with Vice President of Research and Resources Development, Trevin Wax, about the shifts in how church planters relate to denominational affiliations, networks, and institutions as a whole. Tune in to learn more about current church planting trends and their impact on the future of our new churches.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
Your denomination’s role in supporting and shaping your church plant
The events that have led to the decline of denominational affiliation and the rapid rise of the non-denominational church
How to approach the question of belonging to a netwo more