Beardbrand Podcast
Welcome to Beardbrand Podcast. It is a community and ecommerce business dedicated to the urban beardsman, and the bearded lifestyle. They offers a variety of beardcare products ranging from beard oils and washes/softeners to mustache waxes and grooming kits.
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco discuss what trust means to them and the future of the Alliance Show. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis, joined with our very own, Artie Januario, discuss what it's like to be bald and bearded and show off the products that make it easier to achieve. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco take questions from the Alliance members, live chat, and social media platforms to give you everything you wanted to know about grooming, style, and life. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco discuss what they believe to be the best and worst shoes of three categories: formal, casual and taboo. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco discuss what freedom means to them in the Beardbrand workplace and out in their everyday lives. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco discuss the differences between old school haircuts and modern takes on these styles. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco answer questions asked by members of our Alliance Community, YouTube chat attendees, and Instagram followers. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis gives Jack Milocco some style advise and discusses the importance of building a foundation to your style. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco discuss their individual definitions of what it means to "Keep on Growing". Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more
Beardbrand Podcast
6y ago
Sylvester Louis and Jack Milocco discuss why so many Beardbranders have been shaving off their beards. Produced at Beardbrand HQ by Randa Anzaldua ..read more