Harnessing the power of developers
IT in Canada Online
5y ago
In today’s fast-moving digital economy, businesses face a stark reality: they must continuously evolve to remain competitive and deliver the best customer experience possible, or risk becoming obsolete ..read more
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Red Bull uses virtualization to keep its Formula 1 cars on track
IT in Canada Online
5y ago
Have you ever thought of the role between racing and technology? What about the challenges in travelling and being able to share data and testing? How about the requirements that a driver has to adjust on the fly ..read more
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The Future of Work with Dell’s Unified Workspace and Cloud
IT in Canada Online
6y ago
A flurry of important announcements was made at this year’s Dell Technologies World conference in Las Vegas, Nevada held from April 29 to May 2. As a flagship event of the Dell Technologies family, the conference was a fast-paced, high energy display of Dell’s drive as a major hardware and cloud solutions player on the world stage ..read more
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Got data?
IT in Canada Online
6y ago
Organizations hold an average of 569 per cent more data than two years ago, and are increasingly aware of its value, according to the recently released Dell EMC Global Data Protection Index. The study, by Dell Technologies and Vanson Bourne, surveyed 2,200 IT decision makers across 18 countries on the maturity of their data protection strategies, how they value data, and assessed the relative preparedness of their businesses ..read more
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