Updated OCI-AutoScale Script – Changing Flex Shapes
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
Support for changing the CPU and/or Memory Count for Compute Flex shapes has been added to the OCI-AutoScale Script. By specifying a (cpu:memory) value in the schedule, the compute instances will be update accordingly. IMPORTANT: This will reboot the instance ..read more
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Want to know more about the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution?
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
Notice: Some shameless self-promotion Interested in running VMware in the Cloud. Have super fast access to very powerful hardware instantly and unlimited capabilities? I recently was invited to a podcast with Duncan Epping and Frank Denneman to talk about the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution. You can listen it back on spotify or via apple. Also I am delivering an live online session next week, October 6th where I will explain the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution and its differentiation by design with of course a live demo:-)  Anyone can freely join: oracle.com/goto/uk/vmware ..read more
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Updated OCI-AutoScale Script
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
The OCI-AutoScale script has received some updates based on customers that are using it. Even more services are now supported and a new type of Schedule is possible. Day of Month You can now set a schedule based on the day of the month. For instance is you want your resource to be sized to 4 OCPU on the 1st of the month and then on the 5th of the month back to 2 OCPUS, this is now possible. This can be done using the tag DayOfMonth. This tag should have (multiple) values of day:size When using the DayOfMonth tag is will use the size for all hours of that specific day! Example: More Services su ..read more
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OCI Rate Card available in the console
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
If you are wondering what you are paying for OCI services, you can (finally) find your specific rate card in the OCI Console This was already a feature “hidden” if you only selected certain regions, but is now available across all regions. You can find your rate card by going to the “Billing & Cost Management” section. Then click on the “Subscriptions” and click on your actual subscription. On the left menu you will now see the option “Rate Card”, click on that are you will see your actual rate card. You also have the option to download your rate card to a .cvs file. If you would like to ..read more
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Some OCI Fun (Sorry AWS fan boys and girls)
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
I know this video has been used for so many topics and finally someone decided to make an OCI fun version of it…. enjoy watching and hopefully laughing ..read more
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Updated: Comparing VMware solutions on AWS, Azure, GCP and OCI
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
Updated; This comparison is updated on January 24th 2022. It includes new regions and new pricing offerings from the various providers and links to the release notes from all the 4 services. If you want to extend your on-premise VMware environment to the public cloud, you wil find that most public clouds offer a VMware solution for their platform. Recently the Oracle Cloud also introduced an official VMware solution called OCVS (Oracle Cloud VMware Solution), so I thought it would make sense to make a comparison of the offerings. Let’s start high level with the actual offerings. VMware (on AW ..read more
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Happy New Year! Updated: Free OCI training AND free Certification Until Feb 28th 2022!!
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
Update: Oracle has again made all OCI training AND certification available for free!!! (Until Feb 28th 2022) https://education.oracle.com/learn/oracle-cloud-infrastructure/pPillar_640/ Oracle also has organized a bunch of online live learning sessions that you can attend, see the above link. Free oracle Certification Exams are available for: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2021 Associate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2021 Architect Associate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2021 Cloud Operations Associate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2021 Architect Professional Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dev ..read more
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Updated OCI-AutoScale Script – Changing Flex Shapes
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
Support for changing the CPU and/or Memory Count for Compute Flex shapes has been added to the OCI-AutoScale Script. By specifying a (cpu:memory) value in the schedule, the compute instances will be update accordingly. IMPORTANT: This will reboot the instance ..read more
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Want to know more about the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution?
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
2y ago
Notice: Some shameless self-promotion Interested in running VMware in the Cloud. Have super fast access to very powerful hardware instantly and unlimited capabilities? I recently was invited to a podcast with Duncan Epping and Frank Denneman to talk about the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution. You can listen it back on spotify or via apple. Also I am delivering an live online session next week, October 6th where I will explain the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution and its differentiation by design with of course a live demo:-)  Anyone can freely join: oracle.com/goto/uk/vmware ..read more
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Updated OCI-AutoScale Script
Oracle Cloud Blog
by richard
3y ago
The OCI-AutoScale script has received some updates based on customers that are using it. Even more services are now supported and a new type of Schedule is possible. Day of Month You can now set a schedule based on the day of the month. For instance is you want your resource to be sized to 4 OCPU on the 1st of the month and then on the 5th of the month back to 2 OCPUS, this is now possible. This can be done using the tag DayOfMonth. This tag should have (multiple) values of day:size When using the DayOfMonth tag is will use the size for all hours of that specific day! Example: More Services su ..read more
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