The Health Care Blog
Covers articles, news, videos on Health Care system.
Other categories covered are Artificial Intelligence, Data, Economics, Hospitals, Medicaid, Medicare, Pharmaceuticals, Physicians, Politics and more.
The Health Care Blog is the leading online forum covering the business of healthcare and the new ideas that are changing the health care industry.
The Health Care Blog
23h ago
George Boghos is CEO of Imagine Pediatrics, a company founded out of former CMS Innovation head Adam Boehler’s Rubicon Partners fund. Imagine is a wraparound tech-based service helping some of the sickest ..read more
The Health Care Blog
2d ago
By MIKE MAGEE “As machines become more intelligent and can performance more sophisticated functions, a new relationship between human and automation is dawning. This relationship is moving from master-servant to teammates…” NASA ..read more
The Health Care Blog
2d ago
By MATTHEW HOLT There’s been a lot of discussion lately about whether digital health is a legitimate place for venture capital. There have been lots of huge failures, very few notable successes ..read more
The Health Care Blog
6d ago
Ian Morrison died yesterday. 4 years ago in one of the early THCB Gang’s, we had a rash of late cancellations. So I talked to Ian solo about his journey, and his ..read more
The Health Care Blog
6d ago
I got the very sad news today that Ian Morrison died peacefully at home yesterday. He had been sick and in hospice for some time but a few months back he told ..read more
The Health Care Blog
1w ago
It’s always fun to chat with Jonathan Bush. You kids today may not remember that he was the first CEO to take a cloud-based (Health 2.0!) company public back in 2007! Athenahealth ..read more
The Health Care Blog
1w ago
By KIM BELLARD I’d love to be writing about something fun. Something that makes us think about things in a new way, or something exciting that will take us into the future ..read more
The Health Care Blog
1w ago
By MIKE MAGEE This past month Bishop Mariann E. Budde drew the Episcopal Church into the national spotlight through a single act of courage. She is not the first, nor likely the ..read more
The Health Care Blog
1w ago
By LEONARD D’ AVOLIO The murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson has drawn attention to Americans’ frustration with the for profit healthcare insurance industry. Change is possible but less likely if people ..read more
The Health Care Blog
2w ago
By MICHAEL MILLENSON “Money changes everything,” Cyndi Lauper famously sang about love to a pulsating rock ‘n’ roll beat. So, too, when it comes to financial incentives for surgeons, two new studies ..read more