Finding Love After Divorce: How Vulnerability Can Lead to Happiness
SAS For Women
by Anna Ivanova-Galitsina
4d ago
Five years after my divorce and nearing my 50th birthday, I am happy to report being somewhere I never thought I would be. Finding love after divorce seemed impossible, yet here I am—happy in a loving, committed relationship, having just celebrated Christmas with my boyfriend’s family. Finding love after divorce is possible, and I can… The post Finding Love After Divorce: How Vulnerability Can Lead to Happiness appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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What is a Divorce Doula?
SAS For Women
by Sharon Preston
1w ago
One would think that giving birth is one thing, and getting divorced is another subject entirely. However, the name “doula” has recently been associated with these life changes. The name ‘doula’ has long been used to describe a midwife who assists a woman in giving birth. Now, the term describes coaches who help women transition… The post What is a Divorce Doula? appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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Cultural Tradition and the Divorcing Woman: 5 Must-Knows
SAS For Women
by Dr. Ayesha Suneja-Seymour
2w ago
Divorce can be an isolating experience, especially when cultural tradition and the divorcing woman are at odds. When I informed my family of my divorce back in India, I remember feeling ashamed, before anything else. There were no comforting gazes, sympathetic pats on my back, or consoling words—only questions. “Why?” It was on the tip… The post Cultural Tradition and the Divorcing Woman: 5 Must-Knows appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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Can You Get Divorced for Free?
SAS For Women
by Natasha Ganesh
3w ago
Seldom is divorce is easy. There is the emotional journey that presents its challenges and confusion. Alongside the emotional ups and downs, divorce brings a financial toll that many face for years. Even filing on your own, without a lawyer, costs money. Your fears about the financial costs of divorce may have you Googling, “Can… The post Can You Get Divorced for Free? appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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Your Domestic Partnership and Divorce
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by Natasha Ganesh
1M ago
With marriage rates slowing these past years, it’s not uncommon that today, many people find themselves in domestic partnerships. One such arrangement, the domestic partnership, offers benefits similar to marriage. However, dissolving such a partnership, much like a divorce, comes with its own legal considerations. Unfortunately, these partnerships often lack comprehensive protections for assets, which… The post Your Domestic Partnership and Divorce appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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5 Common Causes of an Unhappy Marriage
SAS For Women
by Sharon Preston
1M ago
You don’t suddenly realize you have an unhappy marriage; this realization happens over time. Of course, denial plays a part. It’s hard to face that the honeymoon is over and you’re unhappy with the status quo when you’ve invested time, built a life together, and maybe brought children into this world. In hindsight I can… The post 5 Common Causes of an Unhappy Marriage appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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What is Palimony & Who Gets It?
SAS For Women
by Sharon Preston
1M ago
Did you know that a partner in a relationship doesn’t have to be married to receive compensation if the relationship ends? They can sue for something called ‘palimony,’ depending on which US State they live in. The media coined the term “palimony” in the 1970s during a court case between actor Lee Marvin and his… The post What is Palimony & Who Gets It? appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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Divorce Mediation: The Pros and Cons for a Woman
SAS For Women
by Meredith L. Singer, Esq.
1M ago
Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation is an attractive option to litigation in virtually all aspects of life. It has become increasingly common in employment and contract disputes. Another area where mediation is becoming popular is divorce. For some, it offers a more cost-effective, quicker, and kinder process than court litigation. Mediation is a cooperative,… The post Divorce Mediation: The Pros and Cons for a Woman appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?
SAS For Women
by Sharon Preston
2M ago
I’m not friends with my Ex. Yes, we’re civil, but there’s a line he isn’t allowed to cross, and I’m very strict about it. We have a gorgeous daughter together, and for that reason, we’ve always been respectful. When she was younger, we’d celebrate her birthday as a ‘family’, and this annual restaurant dinner would… The post Can You Be Friends With Your Ex? appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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Gray Divorce and Surviving the Holidays
SAS For Women
by Jack Akehurst
2M ago
Holidays are coming! Proclaims the iconic advert for a well-known soft drink. Do we find ourselves singing along or frantically reaching for the remote control? The festive period is upon us, and it can be a stressful time, even for happily married couples. However, for those of us emerging from a gray divorce, how do… The post Gray Divorce and Surviving the Holidays appeared first on Divorce Advice and Coaching for Women | SAS more
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