The NCETM Maths Podcast
A regular podcast from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), exploring areas of interest and debate in the teaching of maths across all school and college phases.
The NCETM Maths Podcast
1w ago
In this episode, the NCETM’s Dr. Jen Shearman and Carol Knights discuss the EEF’s Secondary maths practice review. The review identifies some of the challenges facing leaders of maths in English schools, including the national shortage of maths teachers, the widening gap between disadvantaged students and their peers, the need for greater focus on students in KS3, and the ways maths departments are approaching these challenges. Jen and Carol also touch upon the implications for the NCETM and the Maths Hubs Programme, and the projects underway to address the issues highlighted in the review.
A ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
2M ago
In this third and final part of this podcast episode, we conclude our conversation with Professors Alf Coles and Nathalie Sinclair about the dogmas they address in their book, I Can’t Do Maths! Why children say it and how to make a difference. In this part of the conversation, we put your questions, shared with us on social media, to Alf and Nathalie, and discuss topics including maths anxiety and enjoyment in the UK compared to other nations, how to support and encourage children who struggle with maths and how to respond when children ask, ‘When will I ever need this again?’.
A transcript (P ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
3M ago
In this episode, we talk to Liz Woodham, Primary Coordinator at NRICH, about the Problem-solving Schools initiative and its aims to support the development of reasoning and problem-solving skills for pupils and students from Reception to post-16. Liz shares insights into the initiative's process, including the use of webinars and rich tasks to support schools, and we also look at the relationship between problem-solving and reasoning and their importance in a well-rounded maths education.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
audio file
Show notes Taking part in the disc ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
4M ago
In Part 2 of our episode on oracy with Jane Hawkins from the NCETM and Kathleen McBride from Voice 21, we explore the impact of the Maths Hubs’ Research and Innovation Work Groups (RIWGs), strategies for implementing oracy in both primary and secondary education, and the importance of oracy for enhancing student learning and engagement.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes Taking part in the discussion:
Kathleen McBride, Senior Learning and Innovation Lead, Voice 21
Jane Hawkins, Assistant Director for Secondary, NCETM, and Assistant Maths Hub Lead, Jurassic ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
9M ago
In Part 1 of our discussion with Kathleen McBride from Voice 21 and Jane Hawkins from the NCETM’s Secondary Team and Jurassic Maths Hub, we discuss the definition of oracy, its significance for students' mathematical development, behaviour and overall well-being, and the role of Research and Innovation Work Groups (RIWGs) in exploring oracy's impact in classrooms. We also take a look at Voice 21’s Oracy Framework for schools and teachers.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes Taking part in the discussion:
Kathleen McBride, Senior Learning and Innovation Lead ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
11M ago
The NCETM Maths Podcast invites teachers, maths experts and anyone with a passion for teaching maths to talk about topics that shine a light on great maths teaching. With ideas for classroom activities, inspirational stories of careers in maths, and lively debates on contemporary topics, the NCETM podcast has something for everyone.
Most episodes are around 20 minutes long – perfect for your journey to work. So, if you like what you hear, hit subscribe to make sure you don’t miss an episode.
You can also find The NCETM Maths Podcast on Instagram: @themathspodcast. Be the first to hear ab ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
11M ago
In this episode of the podcast, Rebecca and Sue explore the foundations of doubles in Reception and discuss how this concept is built on in KS1 and beyond. Having both been teachers in Early Years or KS1, they reflect on their own experiences and share practical tips for the classroom.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes Taking part in the discussion:
Sue Evans, Assistant Director for Primary, NCETM
Rebecca Fisher, Communications Manager, NCETM.
Episode chapters
00:06 Introduction and welcome
01:28 What’s so important about doubles
04:01 What experiences ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
1y ago
In this episode of the podcast, we speak to Cat Eadle, a teacher, dyscalculia specialist and co-founder of the Dyscalculia Network. Our conversation explores what dyscalculia is, how it differs from other maths difficulties, and how teachers can facilitate an early diagnosis. We also discuss the importance of teaching ‘maths for life’ skills, dyscalculia in the secondary maths classroom, and how teaching for mastery approaches can support dyscalculic students of all ages to do and enjoy maths.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes Taking part in the discussion ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
1y ago
In Part 2 of Episode 78 of the NCETM Maths Podcast, Professors Alf Coles and Nathalie Sinclair continue their discussion about the dogmas in maths teaching and learning, with host Julia Thomson. We explore the misconceptions that ‘maths is culture-free’ and that 'maths is for some people and not for others'. We also scrutinise the notion that ‘maths is hard because it is abstract’ and discuss the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) model within mastery and the power of representations in maths.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes Taking part in the discussio ..read more
The NCETM Maths Podcast
1y ago
In this episode, we talk to Professor Alf Coles and Professor Nathalie Sinclair about their book, I Can’t Do Maths! Why children say it and how to make a difference. In the book, Alf and Nathalie identify, unpick and challenge some of the most commonly-held beliefs about maths teaching and learning. In Part 1 of our conversation, we explore the background to the book and the first two dogmas, or myths, about maths education that Alf and Nathalie explore in the book.
A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.
Show notes Taking part in the discussion:
Professor Alf Cole ..read more