I-017: When to use… part 4: Encontrar vs. Encontrarse, Ver vs. Verse and Reunir vs. Reunirse - Intermediate Spanish Podcast
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for intermediate Spanish students to help them with these three pairs of troublesome verbs ..read more
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I-016: When to Use… Part 3: Saber vs. Conocer and Quedar vs. Quedarse - Intermediate Spanish Podcast
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for intermediate Spanish students to help them with these two pairs of troublesome verbs ..read more
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I-015: When to Use... Part 2: Encontrarse vs. Quedar vs. Reunirse - Intermediate Spanish Podcast
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for intermediate Spanish students to help them use these three verbs correctly when they mean to meet with, and to meet up with ..read more
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I-014: When to use... part 1: the verb conocer and to meet - Intermediate Spanish podcast
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for Intermediate Spanish students about the verbs to meet and conocer, and its common mistakes ..read more
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I-013: Intermediate Spanish Phrases for Sounding Like a Native - Intermediate Spanish
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for intermediate Spanish students about useful Spanish phrases every learner at this level should know to feel more comfortable speaking to native speakers ..read more
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IA-003: English Words Commonly Used in Spanish - Intermediate-Advanced Spanish
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for upper-Intermediate and advanced Spanish students about all those words in English that are in our daily life causing funny sentences ..read more
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B-004: Tips for Learning Spanish - Which Type of Spanish Should I Learn?
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast not only for beginner Spanish students, but for intermediate students. I will tell you about my experience on learning different dialects from English, and this applies to the types of Spanish ..read more
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A-001: Ways to Say No in Spanish - Advanced Spanish Podcast
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for Advanced Spanish students about the different ways to say no without saying the word NO ..read more
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I-012: Common Mistakes Made by English Speaking Learners in Spanish - Part 2 - Intermediate Spanish Podcast
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by Fluent in Spanish.org
3y ago
A podcast for Intermediate Spanish students about the fear of speaking a foreign language, and the common mistakes you are probably making in Spanish. How to get to the next level with your oral expression, and being as good as you are with your reading and listening comprehension of this language. Part 2 of 2 ..read more
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I-011: Common Mistakes Made by English Speaking Learners in Spanish - Part 1 - Intermediate Spanish Podcast
Get Fluent in Spanish
by Fluent in Spanish.org
4y ago
A podcast for Intermediate Spanish students about the fear of speaking a foreign language, and the common mistakes you are probably making in Spanish. How to get to the next level with your oral expression, and being as good as you are with your reading and listening comprehension of this language. Part 1 of 2 ..read more
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