What’s In Store For 2021: A Film and A Large-Volume Novel
Complex America
4y ago
Mid-1800's Northern CA Setting: (Soldiers/Pioneers/Catholic Missionaries) With the release of 1845-1870: An Untold Story of Northern California, I have been hit with many questions regarding book signing events, who is carrying the book, and the big one—“What is going to come out of this whole book deal anyways?” Well, I have answers for these. In this day and age of “instant-gratification”—most people nowadays have no clue about what is involved with authorship. It is most definitely a process to research and write, but more than a process, it is time consuming. So, I am now living in a ..read more
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Relief from Burden is Faith in Him
Complex America
4y ago
I really need that! I would love to win the 100 million-dollar jackpot!  Who wouldn't want the instant relief of financial freedom from debt and the burden of bills? ​But... what happens when all of the bills are paid? Does the rest of the cash go to the nearest consumable item you can buy? Does it go to the next biggest and best thing? Or, does the rest of it go to the next shiniest and flashiest thing? What a large amount of people do not realize is that even though the bills may be paid... Their personal internal (inside) problems will continue to follow them if they are not address ..read more
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The Evidence
Complex America
4y ago
The United States, as confirmed through the American experience, is a country founded upon Christian and Biblical values whose ideals, society, and establishments have been mostly shaped by way of these principles. This definition was reaffirmed with the aid of American intellectuals and historians for generations, however, is widely left out by means of today’s “modernizers” or those who push the progressive agenda. Christianity is the faith that America was established upon, and can be attributed to her successes. In fact, from a historical perspective, it can be undeniably confirmed ..read more
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The Liberty Inside & Jesus Christ
Complex America
4y ago
Why did Christ Jesus come into our world? There is a multitude of answers to this question. I feel that one correct answer to the question is this: He came to seek and to save those who are lost. He came to destroy the evil works of the devil, and He came to establish the name of God. We have seen how man lost his capability to self-govern when God was defied. This action led to external governmental tyranny. Christ also came to restore to man the potential of being self-governing under God as well. As mankind self-governs itself, it will have an effect on the external government operat ..read more
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The Beginnings of Christian Liberty
Complex America
4y ago
​Modern Liberty was started in the reformation. An Athenian lawmaker by the name of Solon, created a legal system that would allow the people to create their own laws. Philosophers Plato and Aristotle emphasized a just society where all people were moved by concern for the common well-being for man. It was taught earlier by Christ in teaching the individual the importance of civil liberties. As was with Greece and Rome in the ancient era of history, they launched well thought out, yet defunct, pagan attempts at civil liberty. The Greek city-state of Athens in 500 B.C. would make a major ..read more
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Your American Purpose
Complex America
4y ago
George Washington once said, "It's better to offer no excuse, than a bad one."  ​There is a reason this man is a national icon. And, it was based upon his principles.  It has been said that to be born as an American citizen, or to at least be here and residing in the United States, is truly a gift unto itself.  God desires for the United States of America to be a nation that reflects “a city upon a hill”. To be born is an odds of 1 in 5-billion. To be born in the United States of America, to be birthed in this great nation, should be seen as a divine miracle. With the gift of life, and ..read more
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Knowing His Authority
Complex America
4y ago
The Christian view of history allows you to understand all of the complexities that is the substance of our civilization. To comprehend this whole concept; we equip ourselves with this knowledge to understand our  world that we live in today. In my years of research, I have found that when aligning the history books and the Bible together – it truly paints the real picture of our worlds actual timeline. The Bible is a first-hand account, which in fact makes it a primary source, which is a goldmine when historians look at material for evidence to the past. This book records the interacti ..read more
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The Biggest Irony of the Century
Complex America
4y ago
P.T. Barnum is a man who unquestionably changed the world of entertainment within America’s culture. He used a principle business technique of “rational recreation” that would end up becoming a national “norm” for American families everywhere. He would take the thematic archaisms of dramatic plays and mix them with the upstanding ideals of individual and family. This type of script writing would allow for his succession of new brand of entertainment. One great example is Barnum’s dime museum which featured tightrope artists and “educational” depictions of biblical events surrounding them ..read more
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America’s Social Sickness: Ourselves
Complex America
5y ago
I was sitting in my living room doing research when my step-son came inside to tell me all about Barney Fife and The Andy Griffith Show. He loves watching the old black and white’s with his grandpa in the house next door. I need to point out here that he is never allowed to just casually watch television. That’s a big no-no in our house. In fact, we don’t pay for cable. We have DVD’s that are child-appropriate. It’s an amazing no-hassle policy (usually)! After his chuckle about a television character falling off his horse, he, without missing a beat, goes on to tell me about the new late ..read more
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Tribal Cultures: Tower of Babel & Spirituality
Complex America
5y ago
            American’s do not typically think about anything about native tribal culture outside of the fact that it was a big part of our national history. They typical cliche of the rustic 19th century steady and proud native American hunter, wrapped in tanned leather for clothing and a tomahawk hanging at his waist, pulls back on his bow only to quickly release the arrow he had set to strike a deer, killing it instantly. This is an ideal image that usually flashes across our memory banks anyways. But where did they originate from?          To start, for history to make complete sense ..read more
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