Sensor Works
Self-powered, intelligent, wireless sensors for condition monitoring, process control and factory automation. Used to monitor plant, machinery and processes.
Sensor Works
3y ago
What does the term “predictive maintenance” really mean?
Should we really be seeking to forecast the date of when the machine or part will break? Is this even possible? As industry leaders in wireless asset management and condition monitoring, we know how complex it is and we believe that the challenge the predictive maintenance lies elsewhere. Here’s why:
Forecast by relying on statistics and probabilities
Every forecast relies on statistical methods and calculating probabilities. This means that:
A good forecast and requires a large quantity of data
The forecast is never a certainty
In the ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
What Is A Piezoelectric Sensor?
Piezoelectric sensors are a device that uses the piezoelectric effect to measure the electrical potential caused by applying mechanical force to a piezoelectric material. They are based on the principle of electromechanical energy conversion and primarily measures force, as well as other quantities such as pressure, acceleration, temperature, strain by converting the acquired data to an electrical charge.
Piezoelectric sensors are mostly used in flex motions, touch, vibrations, and shock measurement. They can be used in a variety of sectors such as healthcare ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
What Is Condition Monitoring?
Condition monitoring uses permanently installed sensors to collect data which is then used to analyse changes in the performance of a machine while it is in operation. If a component changes can be an indication that of early-stage deterioration. It also provides objective data which can be interpreted to predict the remaining life while in operation.
Condition monitoring is widely used in the oil & gas industry as it can detect leaks of pressure vessels, piping and pipelines. The process of collecting and monitoring conditions is vital to the health and effic ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
Get to grips with Wireless Sensor Networks & IoT. In this blog we have broke down what these terms mean and the differences and benefits of both.
The term “the internet of thing” is more encompassing of everything connected to the internet compared to “wireless sensors” and so it can be interpreted as a group of many IoT devices IoT is at a higher level than wireless sensors and wireless sensors are often used within an IoT system to gather information and data through a router to the internet in an IoT system. IoT encompasses everything connected to the internet made up of devices su ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
Using Wireless Sensors for Condition Monitoring
Wireless Sensors for Condition Monitoring or Asset Health Management is a hot topic. It’s helping companies to get the most from their assets, by minimising downtime, maximising asset availability and reducing costs. For example, the cost of downtime is highlighted with the example of a soft drinks manufacturing plant – the conveyor belt went down for only 15 minutes but the lost production cost the company a huge amount.
The Importance of Wireless Condition Monitoring
It’s important for companies to have a good condition monitoring system ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
Are you spending too much money collecting the wrong data?
In our last blog we looked at what condition monitoring would look like in a car, showing how the quality and relevancy of information is more important than the amount of data. This week, we want to focus on the sheer cost of data, and how condition monitoring can help you curb these costs without losing out on valuable and potentially business critical insights. By doing so, we hope to show that the ‘over-collection’ of data does have consequences and that you shouldn’t just collect all the data in the world ‘just because you can.’ A ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
What wireless condition monitoring would look like in a car
An exploration of wireless sensors and when too much data makes things difficult
There seems to be a common misconception out there that the more data you have, the clearer things become. With condition monitoring, it’s not about the quantity of the data, but about the quality. This blog will explore how wireless sensors should be used to collect the right kind of useable data – giving you access to important, top-level metrics that have a direct influence on performance, safety, and usability.
How much data is too much data?
To illus ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
Integrating wireless sensors with Industry 4.0 and IoT
Wireless sensors are deeply entrenched within the complex systems that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. Technology continues to move at a rapid pace, and with that comes a renewed interest in the integration of wireless sensors with other networks and platforms.
Read on to discover how we’ve made our wireless sensors engage with Industry 4.0 and the IoT in ways that increase productivity, promote future growth, and enable smarter decision-making.
Data Collection & Storage
Having intelligent wireless sensors is inc ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
The best way to monitor power generation plants
Power generation plants are vital, so many major industry leaders are turning to wireless sensors to ensure that they don’t face any unnecessary power cuts and that all major components remain stable. Steam turbines, gas turbines, generators – the list is endless, with each component equally as crucial as the next. Condition monitoring offers businesses and heavy machinery industries the unique opportunity to assess the viability of vital components without needing to schedule routine maintenance checks. This means you can now monitor the co ..read more
Sensor Works
3y ago
The Benefits of Intelligent Wireless Sensors
The world is becoming increasingly orientated around wireless technology. This phenomenon is also spreading to the maintenance sector, which has undergone major revisions and is now benefiting from an enormous influx of new condition monitoring technology. In this blog, we’ll examine this trend and highlight some of the most influential benefits that intelligent wireless sensors have on key industries, maintenance scheduling and large-scale machinery.
Much of the world economy revolves around the ability to use smart analytical systems and IoT to as ..read more