Embracing Calm and Contentment in the Rush of Ramadan – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani shares an important reminder on embracing the key virtues of calm (sakina) and contentment. He explains how these are keys to certitude (yaqin), sincerity in our actions (ikhlas), and Presence (hudur) with Allah Most High. This sermon was delivered at IMO in Toronto, Canada, as part of SeekersGuidance Canada Community Programs. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seeke ..read more
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The Coolness of Your Eyes in Your Marriage – Shaykh Irshaad Sedick
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
How can we have a marriage which truly embodies love and mercy? When a husband and wife draw closer to Allah, Allah will draw them closer to each other. You can find the coolness of your eyes in your spouse. Tune in to listen to Shaykh Irshaad’s valuable advice on finding tranquility in your marriage. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekersguidance.org/donate The post The Coolness of Y ..read more
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Relationship Between the Tongue and the Heart – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
How are our words connected to the heart? The tongue is a reflection of the heart. If our hearts are pure, our speech will also be upright. Imam Yama Niazi emphasizes the importance of good company. A sound heart is attained by sitting with scholars and people of knowledge. The remembrance of Allah also polishes the heart. Tune in to learn the different forms of remembrance of Allah. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: be ..read more
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Reminding Others of Your Charity & Praising Others – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
You could lose all the rewards of your charity if you boast about it or cause people harm. Imam Yama Niazi reminds us of the words of Allah Most High, “O believers! Do not waste your charity with reminders ˹of your generosity˺ or hurtful words.” (Quran, 2:264) Another type of prohibited speech is praising others excessively. Imam Yama explains the situations in which praising someone is recommended and those in which it is harmful. He also shares the supplication to ask when someone praises you. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance re ..read more
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The Perils of Assisting in Sin – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
Are you sinful if you refuse to drink alcohol yourself but encourage someone else to drink? Imam Yama Niazi clarifies that encouraging someone to do something forbidden is like doing the same thing yourself. Allah has forbidden us to assist in sin. Imam Yama instructs us to express our displeasure with the prohibited actions. At the same time, he also cautions us not to condemn an action on which there is a difference of opinion. Tune in to learn how you can avoid assisting in sin. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach milli ..read more
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Prohibition of Cursing a Believer – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
Is it our business to judge whether another person is destined for Paradise or Hellfire? Imam Yama Niazi advises us to worry about ourselves and not use foul language for another person. A believer does not slander, curse, or speak in an obscene manner. Imam Yama also urges parents never to curse their children but display good character and supplicate for their guidance. Tune in to this podcast to learn how to speak to Allah from the heart. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledg ..read more
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Expressing Displeasure with Divine Decree & Revealing Secrets – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
What should we say if something bad happens to us? Imam Yama Niazi teaches the correct words to say when misfortune hits us. We must never express displeasure with the decree of Allah Most High. One thing we must internalize is that if something hits us, it was never going to miss us, and if something misses us, it was never going to hit us. Tune in to this podcast to see how it is questioning the wisdom of Allah if we say, “Why did this happen to me?” Imam Yama also explains how revealing secrets is from the prohibitions of the tongue. To catch up on previous episodes and more SeekersGuidance ..read more
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Prohibition of Mocking Others – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
Is it ever acceptable to make fun of people? A Muslim must never mock another person. Allah Most High commands us in the Quran not to ridicule each other, defame each other, or call each other offensive nicknames. Imam Yama Niazi explains the negative consequences of mocking people. You could end up chasing people away from Islam by ridiculing them and reminding them of their past. Our beautiful religion recommends having mercy on people. Our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was the best of humanity, and he was a gentle person. Similarly, a caller to Islam must also have a strong s ..read more
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207 – Main Podcast – The Harms of Boasting – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
Boasting is speaking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about your achievements, possessions, etc. Allah does not like people who are arrogant and boastful. Imam Yama Niazi highlights the dangers of boasting and gives us its root cause. Our pious predecessors, despite tremendous accomplishments, were incredibly humble. Can one speak about one’s achievements in gratitude to Allah? Tune in to this podcast to learn the difference between boastful speech and expressing the bounty of Allah. To catch up on previous episodes and more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit https://seekersgu ..read more
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Lying in Other Matters – Imam Yama Niazi
by Irfan Alvi, SeekersGuidance.org
2y ago
Is an “innocent” white lie really innocent? We learn from hadith that a believer never lies. Lying is a sign of hypocrisy. We are urged to speak the truth and not put others in situations where they would have to lie. However, there are some situations where lying is permitted, but with strict conditions. Tune in to this podcast by Imam Yama Niazi to learn how to avoid lying and save yourself from grave sin. To catch up on the previous episodes and more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcast. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions worldwide through reliable knowledge and ..read more
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